Hey and welcome
This is by no means my full response, as I'm quite out of it right now, but a couple things (comments and questions re: your routine):
Have you done this routine before and seen good gains? I ask because everyone can react different when it comes time to recovery/stimuli, but your workout doesn't leave much time for growth. You're lifting 6 times a week, and most people's bodies, when going naturally (no roids) would need 48 to 72 hours between a handful of sets like that. For instance, I notice on your Day 1 you have Chest and Back hit, then the bi's/tri's are hit again on Day 2, then both those see resistance again being hit before the week is up. Essentially, parts of your upper body (most parts) will be seeing microtearing/damage 4 times within a week. Anabolic steroids are about the only thing that can allow such a demand on the fibers to result in a positive way, IMHO. Beyond the spacing, the routine looks more or less solid, but the frequency appears slightly crammed.
Also, your day 1 has a bit more focus on back. I see 4 sets for chest (and one is isolation, the flyes) and 6 sets back...that may or may not be a problem, but it's slightly off balance, depending on if your back is lagging or your chest responds very well to what you're doing...It may or may not be a big deal, but it's something that caught me as a potential downfall.
Another thing to consider is the sequence on your arm day, as you have heavy triceps focus at the beginning I see, and it fades into bi's....This very well may be optimal for you, but it's possible you could switch it up, just to see, if it gives you more energy for the whole workout/all the sets if you interspersed them better, more like you have for your Day 1. Day 1 you have chest and back alternating quite well, and you have shoulders and tri's taking up the entire first 2 sets, possibly bringing on fatigue too quick (your superset 4 of Day 2 has one last shoulder press and you may have more strategy if you mix it up so you spread out the fatigue, so to say)....
Lastly for now, you need a lot more protein, for your weight, I'd shoot for 150 grams a day, just to round off, and probably 3000 calories (based on your age, gender and activity level)...from as many food sources as your IBD will allow, and drink 96-128 oz of water (those things you may know/have heard of, as you've been at this a few years, I'm just putting this out there in case)...
You seem like you know fairly well what you're doing, and diet is key. So with that said, the above "recommendations" are *possible* cracks in the foundation of your routine. Like I said, many people respond differently, your protein synthesis from prior experience lifting may allow your routine to be optimal as is, so mixing it up may be a moot point. I'm just trying to find fault, if you will, with what I see. You are working out 6 days a week, and most likely not eating enough to compensate for caloric expenditure, let alone to facilitate hypertrophy and weight gain. So, diet being key, that is likely where more faults lie, as your protein levels, in my estimation, probably don't breach 50-75 grams a day at best depending on your shake you have and what you have in the pasta dinner. I'd also try spreading out your food, and adding protein in with breakfast more, as you have 20-25 grams of protein in 2 eggs and the milk at best, and to get to more protein, a place to start is maybe getting that to 3 eggs if possible, and something else worth about 5-10 grams (like a piece of Mozz. string cheese, cheap and has no lactose, those work for me and I can't have reg. milk either)
This is just insight of my own from my own experience (similar situation, worked out since 2003, but the disease has made it go bonkers in frequency and weight)...Chances are it's the diet and lack of calories/protein more than the routine...Some of this may be prior knowledge, as you've been at this a bit, and it could be redundant, but I'd wanted to kickstart some advice giving/sharing here with this to begin...sorry if anything's not clear or I missed something. I'll try to come back and help later, and welcome again.