Weird Burn/Skin Pain

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Nov 7, 2012
I've noticed a few threads about this but none really hit home for me so i decided to make one of my own.

I have crohns disease and have been diagnosed for about 6 years now. I recently stopped taking my Metho (4 weeks ago) just to see how it goes because I've been in remission for quite some time. (About 11 months.)

All of my inflammation has been in my Ileum.

A few days ago I noticed that right under my right ribs I have this weird pain to the touch, almost like a bruise or a sunburn, but there is nothing visible. I can forgot about it for hours until something brushes it at which point it becomes very annoying because it's not super painful (compared to flare ups)

I'm just curious if anyone knows what this may be, or if they've had or have the same thing.

(I don't take my folic even though I know I should, don't think that could be it though.)
The first thing that popped into my head was shingles as this can cause the symptoms you are describing. Usually between 1-4 days a rash will appear at the sight that has been bothering you. If it was shingles its best to go to the dr as soon as possible as the sooner you start treatment the less severe the case should be.
I thin its best you get it checked out x
Based on what you described, I think Kayleigh is correct. It matches the description of my case of shingles. If you see something like a rash appear, get it checked out. With meds it can be stopped in its tracks. If not addressed, it can last for years.
I have had shingles twice and they look like little pimples or rash and all are on the same side of the body. Shingles is either a left or right sided occurrence. If the pain gets worse or you notice those on your skin you may have shingles and need treatment.
Thanks guys! I called my doctor and mentioned this to him, he said that since there is nothing noticeable to wait a few days and if anything appears or changes to let him know.
Went to the doctor today, yes it is shingles, but the very early stages so it may fade within a week or two. Thanks for the insight on this everyone! I would have never gone to see the doctor if I hadn't seen what you all posted.

One more question though, they gave me 800MG of Acyclovir, i have to take 5 a day. Anyone know if this is a good thing to take for this? They said take it for 7 days.
Went to the doctor today, yes it is shingles, but the very early stages so it may fade within a week or two. Thanks for the insight on this everyone! I would have never gone to see the doctor if I hadn't seen what you all posted.

One more question though, they gave me 800MG of Acyclovir, i have to take 5 a day. Anyone know if this is a good thing to take for this? They said take it for 7 days.
Valtrex, same as Valaciclovir is a newer drug (from 2009) for a treatment of shingles and the typical dosage is 1,000mg orally three times a day for seven consecutive days.