Weird pains

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Aug 29, 2013
Does anyone have upper abdoman pain? I've been having upper abdoman pain and rumbling I got something a happening I'm sure I have inflamation I have Crohn's but usually don't have upper abdoman symptoms plus I'm having indigestion lots of has out of both ends.
Yes I definatley have had upper abdo pain before and indigestion I have found certain foods make it worse, mainly rich foods especially chocolate for a long time I wasn't able to eat it at all. I am now able to eat it every now and again without any issue. Treatment with different medication has really helped keep things manageable.
Upper abdominal pain is always with me.
I have recurring duodenal ulcers as well as esophagitis in addition to the crohn's in my left colon.
Some days are worse than others. I had a
Good response with omeprazole preparations and antacids for the ulcers.
Ater being treated with Remicade my symptoms improved greatly but sadly some sensitivity issues cropped up and the GI discontinued the Remicade saying he might go back to it.
Symptoms are gradually creeping back.
I know how you must feel and it is anxiety provoking for you.
It would be a good idea to check in with your GI for some help, sooner than later.
Feel better soon
Hugs and best wishes
Thanks guys also I'm on entocort 9mg daily and I also have a duodenal ulcer so maybe that's were my oains coming from but I've went from no appitite to starving 24/7 I can't stay full!!
Do you gain any relief when gas passes? When I had problems with strictures, I would get upper abdominal pain that was relieved when I passed gas. It was accompanied by some level of bloating as well, and a pressure feeling when I had to bend to tie my laces.
Yes I feel a lot of relief when I burp but it builds back up quickly and I'm sure I hae some sort of stricture/inflamation thing going on though they didn't see in when I did my upper gi series just lots of gas and inflamation I've been lucky so far I'm sure I'm do for a stricture or something of the sort I just can't miss any work!!! My bm's have been fine it's all been bloating upper abdoman pain/discomfort with my usual lower abdoman pains nothing out of the norm there. But I definetly feel better after a big burp

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