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mrs. vr


I had my follow up today with the GI. The prometheus test came back as not consistent, so we're ALMOST back to square one. I say almost, because he's having me back for an upper endoscopy TOMORROW (I almost fainted, seriously, no one has ever gotten me back in that fast), and he's going to take a bunch more biopsies and look for celiac sprue. If THAT is negative, I'm going to have another colonoscopy, and he's going to look for microscopic colitis.

He didn't TOTALLY rule out Crohn's, but he's obviously leaning away from it now. The GOOD thing though, is that he's not blowing me off, he's determined to figure out what's wrong and get it fixed. It's just...frustrating. He promised me that he'd get to the bottom of it (no pun intended)

Oh, he DID say if I have the colonoscopy I get to take the pills this time. He said it's what he did when he had his own done, and he'd never put anyone through that disgusting phospo soda if he didn't have to.

I gotta wonder though, does it ever end? Sigh.
Thanks so much Pen. :hugs:I don't think I'm going anywhere, as long as people don't mind. I definitely have SOMETHING digestive going on, and if it turns out to be microscopic colitis, the treatments are similar to Crohn's. I'm SO grateful that both the rheumatologist and the GI doc are determined. I've spent years being brushed off by other doctors.
I'm sorry you are back to square one but I'm so happy that your doctor is wanting to take care of you. I'll be keeping you in my prayers.
Thanks, Jeff. I'm looking on the bright side, I get another nap tomorrow! :D

Pen, I don't know how long it takes to get the biopsy results, but I'll definitely let you know.
sorry you've got more delving to go through :( i hope this time they come up with a real explanation for you.

and i was going to say the same as Pen - don't leave us, no matter what your diagnosis. you're part of the family now :)
please stay no matter what the diagnosis!

i hate how it takes everyone such a long, grueling process to get a diagnosis. whatever it is, i hope they find out what it is and treat you! good luck!

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