also a "no".
i was told various things along the years, which were apparently causing my symptoms: active imagination, spastic colon, nervous tummy, anorexia, depression....
the "active imagination" one peed me off the most - how can you imagine a swollen rock-hard stomach, night sweats which left a me-shaped damp patch on my sheet, a drip white face with blue cold lips, plus the variety of pains and not very pleasant changes in my bowel habits.....?
the anorexia diagnosis made me cross too. i was actually sent to a psychiatrist, who told me i was hell-bent on punishing my body by not eating... no, actually i had stopped eating because it hurt, and nobody had given me anything to take the pain away......
i will never forget the intense frustration i felt back then, when i was suffering so badly and the gp didnt believe me, & he managed to convince my family for over 5 years there was nothing physically wrong with me.
it was a relief when, after tests, i was told it was crohns. at last - it had a name, and it wasnt my imagination, nor me on some self destruct mission.