What are you eating right now?

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ameslouise said:
Whoa! I wonder if we can get that here!! I am in a slight panic with Passover coming up and wondering what I can eat for breakfast. My hubber and in-laws told me not to sweat it regarding Passover this year, but I want to at least make an effort to observe.

I'm in the same boat - it sounds like i'm gonna be eating meat and potatoes for 8 days straight. haha.
I just ate a Breakstones Cottage Doubles (pineapple) with Live Active for digestive health :) Now I feel like I'm doing something good for my intestines!! Haha! I'm about to go put a pork tenderloin in the oven for dinner!! Just gotta decide what I wanna have with it!
chicken breast cubed and sautéed with diced onion, rosemary sprigs and a bit of curry. Then added a can of tomatoes, mushrooms and some rice and brought to a boil.

I just looked in the cupboard when I got home and that is the stuff that jumped out at me. I like to fly by the seat of my pants it in the kitchen sometimes.
About to have some Italian grilled chicken, herb and butter Rice-a-roni, and a bit of steamed broccoli with cheese (testing it out!)
Steve said:
I'm in the same boat - it sounds like i'm gonna be eating meat and potatoes for 8 days straight. haha.

Hi Steve - Be careful of the brisket! It used to KILL me when I was still eating meat.

Quinoa is kosher for Passover, and my mother in law found some kosher for passover Arbrorio rice at Wegman's. Being in NYC, you could probaby find both.

I'm also going to try making some muffins and baked goods with almond flour... It will be an interesting 8 days!

- Amy
Smoked chicken breast, sprouts, cuke, romaine and cheddar with hot pepper jelly and mayo on multigrain.

Orange, apple, banana. Yogurt.
Yeah, I was grocery shopping with my husband one time and pointed at the shrimp chips and said "Mmm, yum!" And he looked at me funny. Haha.
GoJohnnyGo said:
Smoked chicken breast, sprouts, cuke, romaine and cheddar with hot pepper jelly and mayo on multigrain.

Orange, apple, banana. Yogurt.

YOU can eat that :eek2: .. if I ate that, it would be only a matter of time before I got tummy troubles... not if ...when.

I just had banana pudding.:tongue:
What am I eating now?

Whatever my doc puts in my IV. I've been in the hospital since Feb 7 for massive bleeding from my colon. Whenever I start to lose conciousness the nurses send me to the ICU for blood transfusions. I don't recall what food tastes like already.
Angel food cake is also called Sponge Cake.

Pretty bland, but most fix it up with whip cream and strawberries or the likes.
just had king prawns with sweet chilli sauce, (Simply by Birds Eye) gorgeous!
with rice
and some cherries
farm said:
Angel food cake is also called Sponge Cake.

Pretty bland, but most fix it up with whip cream and strawberries or the likes.

Angel food cake is similar to sponge cake, but it is different in that it only uses egg whites. So, angel food cakes turns out light and fluffy like "food of the angels." When made properly it can be quite sweet and delicious! :) It's one of my favorites.
Green Tea, Chicken Breast with a Cream of Celery and Cheese sauce with white rice. (Left overs from Tuesday night).
just had another strip steak with A1, Yet the next thing in line for me is surgery? I really dont get it.

it sucks but i got 40cm of strictured bowel and NEVER an obstruction and can eat steaks...

I had tofu 2 ways. 1) Baked with a little salt and olive oil and 2) Baked with a mix of peanut sauce, soy sauce, and maple syrup. We also had steamed broccoli and white rice to go with it. Yum!
tonight we're having fish fingers, potato waffles and mushy peas
apple pie and ice cream
wish me luck!
g.t.Kawakami said:
Whatever my doc puts in my IV. I've been in the hospital since Feb 7 for massive bleeding from my colon. Whenever I start to lose conciousness the nurses send me to the ICU for blood transfusions. I don't recall what food tastes like already.
We feel for you for sure. Are you getting TPN through a picc line?
dreamintwilight said:
Tonight I'm making spinach lasagna! :)

Great minds and all..... tonight we had veggie "lasagna" using eggplant instead of noodles. Vegan, using tofu instead of ricotta. It was really good!

Can everyone else eat eggplant? I do really well with it surprisingly.
Yum :) Tonight was the first time I made it with spinach. I improvised some of the ingredients and it turned out pretty delicious!
kenny said:
Spinach Quiche
Umm! I just love spinach quiche.

Tonight I'm having spaghetti and mushrooms with chicken. If I'm gutsy enough I'll have a bit of cherry/coconut icecream.
Very excited about the Shepherd's Pie we're having for dinner tonight - made it with my favorite "meat" substitute -Quorn (which is a UK product but I can get it here at my local grocery store).
Brown Sugar/Cinnamon Pop Tarts!!! Yeay!!! A month ago I had a hard time trying to maintain a weight of 115 lbs. This week I seem to be absorbing all of my calories and I've quickly gained 15 lbs. Everyone says I look great but there's still a part of me that thinks skinnier is better. Oh well, the Pop Tarts are AWESOME!!!
I love breakfast for dinner!

My shephard's pie was awesome! Now I am going to have a muffin slathered in marg. I miss butter. :(
Jettalady said:
Hey how come I get Special K, and Can 1991 gets homemade blueberry muffin?? HUH?
My son was heading back to university after being home a week for March Break, and requested me to bake him some !
Chicken with Hoisin sauce, brown rice and steamed mixed green vegetables.

Strawberries, an apple and an orange.
Lamb Hot Pot & green beans with HP brown sauce
Special K mini breaks - yum yum
I'm doing some crockpot BBQ chicken! Yum. Not sure if I will eat any though after the chili last night, haha. I'm making myself some Ramen chicken noodles. Healthy, hah!
violetcreams said:
Wow, Pen, that sounds lovely. What is almond butter? Is it like peanut butter but made with almonds?

Yeah it is but way better for you, creamy texture and tastes better I think. I used to get it homemade like at the health food store, now they sell it in the grocers. Cheaper and more convienent. I am trying to avoid bad stuff....trying . :tongue:
anyone know of yummy cold drinks that help and are sort of healthy? I'm a huge fan of the sweet drinks but soda does me in usually.
If you have a blender you can make endless and nutritious cold drinks. I use frozen yogurt or yogurt with rice milk, banana's or any fruit.. make it in a blender and yum. Soda is bad for Crohns and causes gas. Other non acid juice is good, OJ causes D for some. Just a few things to help you.
Oh * My * Goodness*

That looks delicious. American comfort food looks sooooooo yummy. I want to haul that out of my computer & eat it. Lol. I'm eating percy pigs from marks & spencers. They're fruity flavoured gummy pig heads, oink oink!!!
Grilled cheese, such as it is - sprouted whole wheat bread and rice cheese. It was actually quite delicious!
Seriously, Ames, we are always eating the same thing, haha. I had grilled cheese for lunch today!

I just ate a BBQ chicken sandwich (we'll see if it agrees with me) with canned green beans and tater tots.
CrohnsHobo said:
I drink a lot of unsweetened iced green tea. For juice I only drink 100% apple or grape juice.
I used to make a fantastic iced tea from my herb garden.

Dried Raspberry leaves crushed up a bit
Fresh young borage leaves
a few chamomile flowers
some lemon balm leaves
a few borage flowers for color and effect

I dried the young Raspberry leaves collected from the growing tips and stored them in a jar for this. The other leaves and flowers I gathered fresh. You have to be careful if you are in late term pregnancy with raspberry leaves as they can help get labour going and that might not be a good thing. Just thought id mention that as people often think if its natural or organic it cant hurt and that is not the case. And fresh chamomile should be used sparingly as it has some pretty profound properties, especially with dreams. The borage was a key ingredient in a lot of herbal treatments. http://www.botanical.com/botanical/mgmh/b/borage66.html. Its an adrenal stimulant.

I really don't have much faith in bottled herbal remedies but fresh stuff like this is a whole other matter.
farm said:
Hotdogs and Smore's over an open fire.

:eek2: Hotdogs...love them, but it was the last thing I ate before my second surgery...acts like a plug in my intestines, rubbery and seals like plug... almost 8 years ago.
Thanks for the visual Pen...I may never eat hotdogs again.. (Yeah right) LOL.

Ham and cheese sammich tonight. Boooo
I can do worse, popcorn flavoured rice cakes.. the Pred is making me crave salt... stupid drug! I would still rather have a bbq hot dog tho lol.