What are you eating right now?

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That sounds like the perfect life to me, Penny!

I was just out on the balcony counting my little cherry tomatoes and trying to estimate when they'd turn red. The banana peppers should be ready in less than a week, hurray! My balcony gets so little sun that I consider it a minor miracle to have anything grow.

I'm eating noodles with tomato soup and a bit of beef, my favourite "comfort food." Then heading out to spin class to wear it all off!
That sounds like the perfect life to me, Penny!

I was just out on the balcony counting my little cherry tomatoes and trying to estimate when they'd turn red. The banana peppers should be ready in less than a week, hurray! My balcony gets so little sun that I consider it a minor miracle to have anything grow.

I'm eating noodles with tomato soup and a bit of beef, my favourite "comfort food." Then heading out to spin class to wear it all off!

Ha kelly maybe you shouldnt go to spin class your posts says 666 lol.

If your tomatoes are starting to get red you can put them on a sunny windowsill, they will grow.
Penny, thanks for the tip! I'll watch the tomatoes and bring them inside to a windowsill when they start changing colour.

Am having leftover beef dip with horseradish aioli. A friend and I went for pub fare this evening (she had a burger). Yum!
Last night I discovered that the new mexican restaurant two blocks from my house now makes their rice and bean vegetarian! I am so happy!

So I had red snapper with rice and beans and it was great!
Banana Smoothie Readi-Cat 2 with a side shot of morphine and zophran, followed by a PIC-Line.
I wouldn't have minded a side shot of morphine with my pasty MisB!
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Cheese sandwich with a bag of roast chicken crisps.

Seems like I am the only person eating anything!
Toasted sandwich with mayo, a bit of S&P, and fresh tomatoes from my garden! They're still warm from the sun...:sun:
Crab legs. Mostly Ensure, but I had company over and didn't want to make them feel uncomfortable. ;)
I am surreptitiously eating contraband mixed nuts (I'm in the hospital, they placed me on Low Fiber).

Yikes, you're playing with fire!! Be careful, make sure you chew them reallllly well (and enjoy)!

...I just had an entire pot of tea! *BuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZ*
Don't worry I'm not in for a flare up, I think it may just be standard because of the UC. I've moved on to Mike and Ikes
Lentils, which normally don't digest for me— for some reason, they are now.

Diagnosed: Crohn’s December ‘09
Gastritis August ’09, TMJD 1992
Surgeries: 1-terminal ileum removal
Treatments: Current- pentasa
Past- pred. :eek:aciphex, ranitidine
Other: Multi-vitamin, calcium,
digestive enzymes, probiotics,
and fish oil
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I was bad today. I ate Chinese buffet for dinner. Lets see, I had pineapple chicken, black pepper chicken, teriyaki chicken wings, chicken w/ onions, fried tilapia, egg drop soup, mushrooms, steamed green beans, lo mein noodles, a rice crispy treat, cheese cake, and finally a fortune cookie. *burp*
Gotta love that Prednisone appetite.

I am fully prepared to take the repercussions of my actions. Got my book, painkillers, hemorrhoid creme, and 2 rolls of toilet paper in the bathroom waiting for me.
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Well, a few hours ago we had dinner: standing rib roast with a garlic and herb 'rub', garden green beans and garden carrots, my husband had a baked potatoe, and all with gravy ( I don't eat those as I'm SCD so I had cauliflower whipped with butter so it was 'like' mashed potatoes, and I had just deglazed pan drippings instead of gravy). Yum; it was delicious.
My mom brought home fried chicken. It smells so delicious... The entire family is eating it, while I'm stuck eating a sandwich with just turkey & cheese. :ybatty:
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Not eating it right now, but yesterday I had a jacket potato with butter, cheese and baked beans. I ate it all (including the skin on the potato) and have had almost no repercussions!!!
Shortbread topped with toffee and chocolate. Blood. Cheese and crisps. Cold chicken pieces.
I'm in shock...I was told that my surgery was successful as far as the Crohn's is concerned, and I am in remission. Been nervous and scared about my diet after everything I've been through I've been cautious. However...today I have eaten little party sandwiches and pinwheels, pineapple upside down cake, white cake, and chocolate cake. Not all at once, but scattered through the day. I'm still trying to get use to eating after 5 months liquid/soft foods. But, so far so good. So, I might start posting to this thread more often since I'm eating more than ensures and yogurt. :lol:
I'm in shock...I was told that my surgery was successful as far as the Crohn's is concerned, and I am in remission. Been nervous and scared about my diet after everything I've been through I've been cautious. However...today I have eaten little party sandwiches and pinwheels, pineapple upside down cake, white cake, and chocolate cake. Not all at once, but scattered through the day. I'm still trying to get use to eating after 5 months liquid/soft foods. But, so far so good. So, I might start posting to this thread more often since I'm eating more than ensures and yogurt. :lol:

Hi MisB, I've had the same feelings.

My surgeon told me I can eat and drink what I wish, but I've been taking it slowly as I associate many foods with extreme pain. So there defintely is a psychological barrier involved in all this. But, with a determined mind I think we can overcome this.

I wish you all the best.

I am living it up.......grilled KFC chicken breast, pork & beans, cole slaw, and chips. I just sat down to start eating and was looking at my plate thinking......wow..... reach over and log on to the forum, and this was the top thread. imagine that.
I am living it up.......grilled KFC chicken breast, pork & beans, cole slaw, and chips. I just sat down to start eating and was looking at my plate thinking......wow..... reach over and log on to the forum, and this was the top thread. imagine that.

:eek::eek2: Wow KFC is my major no no list... tried it two separate times 7 years ago and 7 years prior to that, even after my resection. I always say to my hubby, if I eat that I might as well eat in on the way to the hospital and book me room :shifty-t::lol:

I am being good, eating Activia vanilla yogurt and raspberries,and my VSL. But for dinner acorn squash, potatoes and not sure of the other veggie yet, might go to the garden and get carrots and steam them yum!:thumleft:
:eek::eek2: Wow KFC is my major no no list... tried it two separate times 7 years ago and 7 years prior to that, even after my resection. I always say to my hubby, if I eat that I might as well eat in on the way to the hospital and book me room :shifty-t::lol:

I am being good, eating Activia vanilla yogurt and raspberries,and my VSL. But for dinner acorn squash, potatoes and not sure of the other veggie yet, might go to the garden and get carrots and steam them yum!:thumleft:

i can't eat the original recipe or crispy, but the new grilled isn't bad, and i don't eat the skin,just the lean meat. but i do feel like i'm living dangerously right now. i'm eating real slow and so far so good. i guess we'll find out later. lol
Hey I forgot about the grilled one, any good? I cant eat cole slaw either cause when I eat it I get soooooooooooo much gas, wouldnt need a car, just walk :lol:
Homemade apple crisp from my own apple trees, and summerberry tea, takes away my sugar cravings, on Pred ya know!! No sugar needed, only a smidgen of Splenda. Not in my herbal tea, never.
Homemade apple crisp from my own apple trees, and summerberry tea, takes away my sugar cravings, on Pred ya know!! No sugar needed, only a smidgen of Splenda. Not in my herbal tea, never.

This sounds amazing! I want some!

I am going to make my tried and true creme de menthe pie for a party this weekend, even though since I'm taking an antibiotic that means alcohol is a no no I won't be able to eat it. It'll be tough watching my friends devour it.
And what's a Jammie Dodger?

Ham and egg sandwich.

And thank you for explaining the jammie dodger, British snacks have way better names than over here.
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Cheese cubes! Addictive. :) However, I was told by my nutritionist that they have significantly less calcium than hard cheese, so if you're looking for benefits, go for the block!