what foods cause you the most problems.
1) All kinds of
meat (i.e.) beef, pork, lamb, chicken, game bird and fish.
2) All kinds of
dairy (i.e.) milk, cheese, cream, yogurt and ice-cream.
3) All kinds of
processed wheat / flour / gluten / grains (i.e.) bread, bagels, pasta, biscuits, cakes, crisps and breakfast cereals.
4) All kinds of products high in
sugar or sugar substitute (i.e.) processed foods, bread, bagels, biscuits, cakes, breakfast cereals, take away junk food, fizzy sodas, chocolate and artificial sweeteners.
5) All kinds of
alcohol (i.e.) beer, wine, spirits, mixes, and ports
6) Too many
raw roughage foods (i.e.) pineapple and broccoli
7) Anything
fried in hot oil (i.e) fish in batter, chips/french fries and eggs.
8) Hot
spice (i.e.) chilli flakes
9) Too many
nuts (i.e.) cooked processed nuts. I can cope with activated raw nuts, but not processed.
I can handle some raw fruits and vegetables, and so I consume them every day. Fruits like ripe bananas and ripe papaya / paw paw. Coconut water fresh from a coconut and juiced spinach, carrots, cucumbers, celery, etc. I can also eat well steamed veggies like squash, sweet potato, zucchini, carrots, peas, asparagus and bok choy with no problems.
The diarrhea / constipation, pain, blood and mucous I get from
meat/dairy/flour/sugar is normally beyond hideous and getting worse. I have been slowly cutting it down for the past few years from eating it every day to eating it once a week. But this year I have decided to stop putting my health further at risk and start being sensible by completely cutting them all out of my diet. The pain is not worth it in the long run.
Last month I fully committed myself to a proper vegan diet with some modifications (i.e.) no flour products, limited sugar, no processed food/drinks. I have also cut down my alcohol intake hugely and will only be drinking wine occasionally.
I am also taking a high dosage good quality multi strain probotic. This and the modified vegan diet have already stopped the pain and it has only been a week.
I have been pussyfooting around for a couple of years with diet. I have had some good success with diet, but like an idiot I will then eat things I know will flare me. So I go back to square one.
This year I am committed to making a real difference in my health by getting serious about dietary measures and this time around will aim to consistently make the right choices.
It may be hard, but it will be worth it in the long run.