What do i do?

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Mar 14, 2012
what do i do?

hi my name is erika.. i am 19 years old.. i got told that i have ileitis in october 2011.. i am not sure where to start.. will i grow out of this or is this something i now have to live with?? i am kinda scared...:pale:
Hello Erika and welcome to the forum. I am sorry to hear about the diagnosis, I can confirm that this is something you will always have and not grow out of. However with the right treatment and perhaps some slight changes in lifestyle (if required) then it is possible to go into remission and not have any problems for long periods of time. Are you under the care of a GI and are you on any medications? How are you doing at the moment symptom wise?

Do have a good look around the forum as there is a lot of really helpful info and support here for you :hug:
Yeah i have a GI doctor but he just kinda told me that i have to find something that will work for me.. i also was told that i get fissure's from the stool being so hard.. my doctor has me on equate stool and fiber therapy.. when they did that colonoscopy they found 3 pulps in my colon that were inflamed i dont know what that means though... mayo look at ileitis as a symptom not an actual disease.. i feel like i might have bigger problems but they dont really listen to me... i stopped my stool softener because 2 weeks ago i have a pretty rough weekend and i spent most of it in the bathroom and not eating or drinking.. my stomach hurts most of the week..
Not sure about this doc, it is not up to you to find a working treatment - that's his job! I take it that you have been on this regime since the diagnosis? If you have not actually improved on this then I would say you need to go back to the doc and say that something else needs to sorted, if he still is not willing to be helpful that perhaps you need to get to see another doc. Personally I would have thought it is best to treat the actual disease, if this gets under control then the symptoms don't happen surely.
i have been on that since they told me.. it worked for a while.. but out of no-where i have my bad days that i wish i didnt have this issue.. did you start this way too?? i am scared that one day i will have crohns.. i am only 19 and i dont think i sure have these kind of issues... i remember when i was in the hospital, the er doc told me that my ileius was inflammed and that my colon is not moving the way it should... then family med came in and all they did was give my pain killers to help me sleep.. i just feel like they didnt do anything really to help me.. all they did was make me give me moer questions that they cant answer..

how did u find out that u had crohns??
Hi Erika,

This is important. Do you have CROHN'S Ileitis or an Ileitis they think is caused by something like a bacteria? If you have CROHN'S Ileitis, then no, you will not grow out of it. But if it's a more benign Ileitis, then your body will likely fight it off or treatments can cure you.

Ileitis is inflammation of the ileum. Crohn's Ileitis is inflammation of the ileum due to Crohn's Disease. VERY VERY big difference. From what you're saying I get the feeling it's regular Ileitis which is good. If that's the case, don't worry about Crohn's Disease as the form of Ileitis you have doesn't cause Crohn's Disease. Just follow your GIs instructions and I'm sure things will work out for you soon :)
my doctor never told me what kind of ileitis i have?? so that is why i am so confused on what to do??

David is 100% correct. Have the doctor be very specific with you. Is this related to bacteria (little bitty animals using your intestine as their new home) or Crohn's (Crohn's strongly indicates to be genetic and tends to run in families of western European and Jewish decent). And David is also 100% correct to say there is a BIG, BIG difference in the 2.

Hope for the best.

Love and kisses

Live long and prosper

all i was told is that they cant tell me why i got ileitis or what kind i have.. they dont have answers for me.. that why i am searching for answers..