What foods Don't bother you but should

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Jan 27, 2009
I'm from louisiana and we do Boiled Crawfish.... Usually kinda spicy, I figured that would kill me but it doesn't. Use to be really funny when i had my ileostomy bag cause all the juices would just run right through me and fill the bag up faster then anythign i had ever seen. Also popcorn doesn't seem to bother me either. Just curious to see what DOESN"T bother people that should according to conventional reading.

Cheeseburgers. A lot of people say that they can't do beef at all, but I eat cheeseburgers even in a flare. Just the little 1/8 of a pound ones from Wendy's. It's more bread and ketchup than anything else. But oh so yummy.
I also seem to be able to eat broccoli. I usually have iti with chicken and rice and cheese though, so maybe they counteract each other. I know chicken and rice is great in a flare.
I go to the Indian buffet down the street at least once a week for lunch. Everyone always says "Should you be eating that?", but it doesn't bother me a bit. Nothing spicy bothers me. I can eat popcorn and nuts all day long. For me it's dairy, greasy foods (especially animal fat) and sometimes high acid foods like tomato sauce and oranges. Can't drink tomato juice or orange juice at all.
ive kindof always just eaten everything. nuts are espec rough on me right now though, ooo they come out the other end in little pieces lol. ouchiwawa.
but other than that- pizza, popcorn, dairy, fried stuff. i eat it all and it doesnt necessarily make me worse. but i never feel good either so who knows!
Luckily I can still eat chillis and curries (most of the time), although I now reserve it for a special treat. Apart from when I'm really unwell, I find that quantity is more of a problem than the type of food
Mcdonalds double cheese burger (wifeys getting me one now:D JOY!), and schnitzels.... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I don't eat much curries since been diagnosed but on the occasions when I have I have always eaten it and it has been with great trepidation. Next morning everything is normal which always surprises me so maybe I should go ahead and eat curry and don't worry about it!! Someone said chillis are good :)
Does Chicken Alfredo bother most people? I'm guessing it would depend on the amount of fat in the sauce...
I can also eat dairy, popcorn, and brocoli; oh, and chicken alfredo doesn't bother me either. Guess I'm pretty lucky on the diet-front!

I can eat any hot spice and all the meat, and fat I want without a problem. Popcorn, no problem. I can eat nuts by the hand full. I can eat Jambalaya, Chili and Jalapeno Peppers until I sweat.

But put a little milk in my guts and watch out. Onions will double me up in a few hours. Malt will put me down.

What a strange disease this is.

Alfredo I am totally fine with. Also pizza seems to go down easy too. I seem to be able to eat fries no problem, but never tried them when I was flaring bad.

I am the same way Dan....one glass of milk sends me running for the toilet!
Milkshakes. Also, I tolerate curry well. I think the tumeric and ginger has something to do with it.

Popcorn is my nemesis.
since being diagnosed ive still been eating a wide variety of foods tbh. Ive avoided cheese as best i can though, and stuff like orange juice as i think that does me no good.

But i've been going to all you can eat chinese buffets and eating varied stuff and had no problems! I havent been brave enough to try a proper curry yet but i doubt that would cause to much trouble either.

Ive had pizza twice and on both occasions i think thats upset my stomach a bit but that may be due to all the cheese in a pizza! but i fancied a treat!

does being on prednisone sort of stop foods that would effect you normally from bothering you btw?
Well you won't believe THIS!
I ate corn on the cob last night. The whole time I thought - "What are you DOING?" And I don't even like corn that much - I was just pissed that everyone else was eating it, and I wasn't. Plus it was supposed to be 60 degrees out today (which is a heatwave for this time of year) and corn is such a summery food.
Well - I saw NO evidence of corn! I swear I have a magic colon! NO CORN!
I'm not saying that it never bothers me or anything, I was just excited, and didn't know where else to write it but on this thread. I needed to let the people know about my corn.
Well i just hope that you don't get hit by the corn in the next few days...

I can't wait for this weekend when i get to have some more boiled crawfish, i love that stuff. my parents are amazed that i can eat it being as spicy as it is.
oddly enough, most of the foods us Crohnies list that we have a hard time with are the same ones on this list:


Here is another source where an interesting study has been done:


The second article might explain a bit better why people get reactions from some foods including big D, headaches, rashes, etc. it has also been suggested that there is a link with all this and Crohn's disease. although I believe strongly in some type of bacterial element to this disease, i believe that this has quite a bit of weight in the disease process. there could be some kind of synergistic effect going on.

anyways, i have zero problem with most freshly prepared meats, boiled veggies, potatoes without all the sides except salt, and fresh fruits. i havent ventured past that yet to experiment since i am actually feeling no pain at all for the first time in like 5 years :)
My Butt Hurts said:
Well you won't believe THIS!
I ate corn on the cob last night. The whole time I thought - "What are you DOING?" And I don't even like corn that much - I was just pissed that everyone else was eating it, and I wasn't. Plus it was supposed to be 60 degrees out today (which is a heatwave for this time of year) and corn is such a summery food.
Well - I saw NO evidence of corn! I swear I have a magic colon! NO CORN!
I'm not saying that it never bothers me or anything, I was just excited, and didn't know where else to write it but on this thread. I needed to let the people know about my corn.

OMG i just realised that the same thing just happend to me! i had corn on wednesday night and i never pooed it out!
whered it go?
seriously, this doesnt happen to me. im like a bear or something, my poo is evidence of what i ate ALWAYS.
magic colon? heh heh heh
I can have spicy food, but some food most people who crohn's disease cant have i can. Nuts and popcorn I usually do fine with.
Things like fries, hamburgers and Pizza don't seem to set me off or anything. But if something slightly spicy gets into the mix..it's just hell.
I don't have an issue with spicy foods.
I could eat sushi slathered in spicy sauce all day. And indian food. No problems with either of those.
greesy foods will upset me but i usually dont eeat much of thes any way other then that i eat what i want OH and twizzlers seem to do me in and i dont no why
I'm pretty good with what I can eat. However, in 2002, I got a job planning meetings and part of that was food tastings.

For years, I stuck to the same restos and never tried any fancy food because I figured it would be bad for me.

HA! It's actually those in between restos like Kelsey's and Montana's that I have a hard time with.

I actually have a better time with burger joints than those places.

One of my favs is mexican and I can eat salsa by the jug and have no problems.

I've actually become quite the foodie.
i love cheeseburgers but can't eat them at all unless i'm ready for the pain. i notice i cant eat fast food really. no mozzarella stix, french fries, which kinda sucks because that was my favorite when i was a kid. but now i'm loving pizza so that's my treat. i can't eat pork anymore either. so i'm finding fun ways to make chicken
My Butt Hurts said:
Cheeseburgers. A lot of people say that they can't do beef at all, but I eat cheeseburgers even in a flare. Just the little 1/8 of a pound ones from Wendy's. It's more bread and ketchup than anything else. But oh so yummy.
I also seem to be able to eat broccoli. I usually have iti with chicken and rice and cheese though, so maybe they counteract each other. I know chicken and rice is great in a flare.

I've found with beef it depends how lean it is, as I cook our own burgers and I've had to learn how to cook it very lean and keep it juicy (ancient chinese secret), however have a fatty meat burger, and oh well regret it for a few days.
Dark chocolate (70% and higher is my taste) and these gluten-free cookies I get in the fridge at whole foods. mmmmmm I'm craving a box now!
I'm able to drink alcohol (not beer) and seem to be ok. That and coffee.

I'm also good with spicy foods.
I can ingest pretty much anything except soda and certain dairy products, but I attribute the latter to lactose intolerance. Ice cream is a very special kind of hurt for me, but I love the stuff. An ice cream float would probably hospitalize me.

Oh, and lamb gives me trouble sometimes too, but beef is almost always okay.

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