What is YOUR weather like today??

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You 'd need a big squirt of WD40 if you were here Merv…. 8c and p--ing down.

Diane,sending you kind thoughts me darlin'.It can't be easy for you....Did you see the blonde 'hogs on country file (sunday) ? They go to the beach at night for insects in the dry seaweed.
Chemo number four done and dusted. Will await side effects, lol. Dull drizzly weather. Northampton has some of its Xmas lights up already. Daventry still has its summer bloom baskets up but looking bedraggled.

We had transmitter problems over the weekend so i missed country file. I'll have to look out for the repeat. never heard of the blondies on the beach looking for insetcts. I still have live meal worms for them but they are being eaten by slugs which i hate. I can cope with the hedgies eating them but slugs are just cannibals. I know, i'm weird.
Bad bushfires in central and northern NSW. Extreme fire danger in NSW , Qld and WA. We are expecting 37c today. Areas of Victoria and Tasmania will have blizzard conditions with heavy snow on the highlands. Strange land. Ron.
Total chaos in NSW and south east Qld. Emergency alerts have gone out for towns just north of Noosa and SW of Brisbane. The fires are out of control and property and lives are at risk. In central NSW things are even worse . Authorities have no idea what is happening . The rural brigades have been overwhelmed and there are several reports of properties being destroyed and people missing. I hope it sorts out in the light of day and that we have not lost anyone. Scary stuff. Ron.
A cold front swept thru Victoria and Tasmania today and dumped a heap of snow onto the highlands. It didn't have enough power to reach up into NSW against the hot dry northwesters. It has been blowing at strong wind strength for days. No sign of any rain for the fire ravaged areas. Ron.
Ron has given you a very clear picture of what is happening in this neck of the woods, so.there is no need or me to elaborate. So far, none of the Southern Moreton Bay Island have, touch wood ,have seen any fire activity.. There are times when being surrounded by water is to your advantage!
Much cooler today with pleasant SE winds steady at 10-15 knots.
Sadly news coming out of the NSW fires is not good. Two people are confirmed dead with at least seven unaccounted for. Nineteen firefighters are injured along with 16 members of the public. At least 100 homes have been lost including one of the rural fire brigade buildings. The fires are still out of control and the NSW premier has warned that the current casualty count could rise dramatically when fire fighters are able to enter the areas of devastation. There were mass evacuations in the Noosa area just north of me overnight. The fires in that area are not yet under control. South of Brisbane things are looking better. It looks cloudy outside but it is all smoke. It's sad to hear that heavy rains in Britain have claimed a life as well. Take care over there carol and Diane. Ron.
It's looking bad over there Ron. Stay safe. Can't stand to think there is also a tonne of wildlife/livestock that will also be suffering.

dull and wet out again, but certainly no floods.

Just a little problem with cancer moving over to the left side of body now. Feeling less motivated, can feel the pain, and i'm probably going to have a 'down' phase. Never mind, i'm not finished with chemo yet. I'm still hopeful, though i don't know why.
We're here for you Dianne whenever you want to have a good moan.You're sure to have bad days.bloody hell,why wouldn't you ?
4c and a really lovely day.Sunny and still with lots of Autumn colour still on the trees.
Ron,although we are close to the sea and river we are protected by cliffs.They had the street up a few years back,laying new pipes big enough to cycle through so we'll be ok.Fallen leaves can be a problem,blocking the drains at this time of year.The south is getting a hammering though.
We have a slight break in the weather today. There were bad fires in West Australia yesterday when temps peaked at 43c. Fortunately a cold front came thru there overnight. As of this morning there are seventy two fires burning in NSW and fifty in Qld. Three people are confirmed dead and several are listed as missing . Over 150 homes have been destroyed. The cause of the fires is a combination of years of severe drought , temps in the high thirties to forty C combined with almost gale force westerly winds. The smoke from the fires has been recorded by satellite passing over New Zealand. The fire service has warned that on Tuesday the fire danger will once again be catastrophic with conditions exceeding those of this week. Temps will rise again to 38-9 C and strong winds . Fires that are barely under control are expected once again to be out of control and the fire area is expected to also move to the Sydney / blue mountains area. If that happens virtually over 1000 kilometres of the east coast of Australia will be on fire. The prime minister has indicated that he has put the armed forces on alert to enter the fight if required.
Hugs Dianne , just take it one day at a time mate. It's all you can do. Carol I would gladly take some of that water falling on you, stay safe Hugs Ron.
A state of emergency has been declared for NSW and Qld with strong to gale force N-N/W winds and 35c -40c temps to hit over the next two days. in NSW 52 fires are still burning with over 40 out of control, there are 40 fires in Qld with around 30 out of control. In previous serious fire seasons they found that flying embers were igniting spot fires up to 3 kilometres in front of the fire. During the past week embers have been igniting spot fires up to 12-15 kilometres in front of the main fire due to drought and tinder dry bush. Equipment and personal are pouring in from the southern states and New Zealand. One of the problems they face is the exhaustion of the crews who have been at the fire front for weeks and in some cases months. There are quite a few fire fighters in hospital with burns and injuries received (around 25) in the past weeks. One of the major causes of injuries is from exploding and falling eucalyptus trees. The current estimate of house losses is over 150 but they really won't know until they can get into the worst hit areas. People are streaming out of the danger area and taking shelter in safe areas. Good idea as the fire headquarters have said it will almost be impossible to control what they are expecting to come.
Take care of yourself Buff, back pain can really screw with your mobility. Ron.
-20 with sunshine. Winter is making its presence known with this early cold snap, the neighbor says that there is about 10 cms of ice on the small lakes enough for a ski close to the shoreline. I'll wait a bit longer before going out on early ice. My back is getting better, but its tender, going for short walks help, sitting too long does not. Ron what you describe is like a war going on, and its on the international headlines here. Hope all your family is safe.
Wow, Canadian winters are really rolling in. Has been sharp, cold weather a bit earlier too. thank god the grass has stopped growing now (not that i mow it, but my neighbour does. He has bad back issues and arthritis problems. I'm looking for a gardener for next year.

Ron, Merv, I so feel for Australia at the moment. Those fires are too much. Stay safe in Aus and Canada.
8c but colder with the wind chill,but possitively balmy compared to Buff's neck of the woods
Also peeing down which would be appreciated in Australia....I will never whinge about UK weather again.....well,not today,Stay safe.
More of the same here. WE continue to lose homes every day but fortunately people are now getting out of the fires instead of trying to defend areas that the experts can't save. We have re-inforcements from all of the Australian states as well as New Zealand. Thanks to all of them. We have another day of severe fire weather before we get some relief. The one thing we are still missing is rain. Ron.
I was watching an Australian wildlife show last night Mack. It was about the loss of at least half of the white tailed black cockatoos in Southern West Australia ( the only place in the world they are found). They received a phone call from a golf course south of Perth. They had found around 300 of these birds dead on one fairway. They went to the golf course and collected the bodies, took them back to headquarters and did autopsies. They were totally gobsmacked by the results. All of the birds had died of heatstroke. And we still have politicians standing up in parliament denying climate change while our country burns for six months of every year. Ron.
Oh Ron, that's awful. It really says something. I do believe we are in the next extinction phase. I hate it when flora and fauna die, let alone humans with these natural tragedies, if they are, and i'd hate to think it could be arsonists!

It's sunny out but i can't get warm. Had my heating on this morning and still no warmth in me. I need to go and hibernate with a hedgepig, lol. The jackdaws are back and so are some of my small birds. I can sit in my kitchen and watch them.
6c and sunny....I've been just been at the kitchen window watching our blue tits and robin.I made some bird cakes last week which they love.Just in the nick of time before winter takes a hold. The sad state of the worlds wildlife and birds means that we who care must at least try
to help where we can.But I think it will be to little,too late.
-10C with a flurry. I too believe we are on the verge of a mass extinction, the climate has not changed that much here, but what has changed are the dynamics of the environment. In my lifetime the entire indigenous forest has litterally been destroyed and transformed into tree farms and empty lands. Very little in terms of wildlife, and now the waterways are becoming increasingly toxic along with blue green toxic algea. What wildlife we still have are increasingly becoming diseased. Humans are literally consuming the planet.
thoroughly wet and miserable out. I still have my blue tits, great tits, a little, flitting wren and i haven't had a visit from Robin lately. Hopefully he will be back soon.

I've got a good mind to get back into bed today lol. I could do with some sunshine (sorry i'm whingeing badly and our weather is nowhere close to the rest of you) Stay safe all.
Its been chilly and it takes more than an oil furnace to thorally heat a house in this climate. Sorry I can't spell today. Glad for the warm house as the chill cuts right through my weak body. Once the day is established in the afternoon I'll be up to speed and go for a walk in the woods, but soon it will be time for a pre lunch snooze. -11 expecting some snow and strong winds.
Wet and gloomy again. Really dull skies, and so many slippery leaves around. Still, i'm not going to complain. Time is racing for me over these past months and show no signs of slowing down. Can't believe we're half way through November already. I look forward to seeing Xmas decorations up everywhere i go, not that i go far, just hospital appointments at the moment and a tad of shopping.

Stay within your limitations, Buff. It's easier said than done though. I do know that, lol.
Hot with strong westerly winds again today. Some of the fires are under containment but a lot are not. Even those that are contained break away again when the winds blow. Another man died yesterday when a change of wind caught him. The number of houses lost grows daily . The one thing that can help is rain but forecasters just can't see any coming before Christmas. The air quality in Brisbane last week was rated worse than Beijing .Ron.
No complaints from this neck of the woods,8c and sunny,but clouding over now towards dusk.Scott e-mailed and it's 41c today and 46c expected on Sunday.Buff and the rest of you,be sensible and take heed of what your body is telling you .Cold or hot weather is not good for exerting yourself,but you know that already.
-15 under brilliant cobalt blue skies. I awoke to brilliant sunshine, I stoked the furnace and stepped out to the outhouse. I stood in the yard to soak up that warm sun upon my back and took in breaths of that clean cold dry air. It felt good, it woke me up while relaxing me at the same time, far better than any cup of morning coffee. Its been a long time that I got off to a good start to the day.
It's snowed another few inches here and the lake is frozen as of today. It's only skimmed over and likely won't be safe for cars until new years day or later. I don't drive on it anymore. Skiing and sledding can be pretty good fun with way less risk. Our lake has several sections of thin ice so I stay on the safe side.
Wow, extreme heat and sub zero temps. I'm not complaining as it's sunny here and i think my heating will be off for some of the day. I have some leaves over my path that are slimy and horrible. I will do a tad of tidying up and prob just go visit a local ceramic studio in the next village. I still have my potters wheel but not used it in years. Maybe i'll go and get inspired, not that i can afford a kiln though.
Another hot windy day a lot of fires have ramped up today with many areas advised to evacuate. It just seems to get worse. Since it started 412 homes have been lost as well as six lives and now fires are burning on the outside of Sydney. We had severe storms this afternoon with very little rain but heavy hail. There was a lot of lightning and Moreton island off Brisbane is on fire due to lightning strikes. I really don't know when it is going to end. Ron.
It's -3c and quite nice out. I'm going out to fill the bird feed stations. There have been a lot of hungry birds since the snow has arrived. Three pounds of seed lasts about three days. I don't mind paying the small cost for the seed. I really enjoy watching them all zipping about and watching the relatively gentle pecking order. If people were as polite and as patient as the song birds, we would have a much better world.
Seventy bushfires still burning in Qld an as many in NSW including a massive out of control blaze on the outskirts of Sydney. Slightly cooler today but temps ramping up again tomorrow. With so much smoke there are air quality alerts in several areas. Most of the weather systems flow across Australia from West to east. Perth the capital of WA recorded its highest November temp on record at 40.2c yesterday. That will cause us some problems in a few days. Ron.
No let up for the Australians then, Ron. Sounds awful over there.

We have another dull, cold and wet day. Gosh, the gloom, lol. I've got a good mind to put up my Xmas tree and decorate it just to cheer up the evenings lol. I'd love to see cobalt sky even if it was snowy and cold. All we seem to get is cloud cover. Mind, no wildfires.
Just for something different we got hit by a supercell this afternoon. The hail was the size of oranges and caused massive damage to houses and cars. A heap of people were driving home from the weekend at the coast , many lost front and back screens. A lot of homes lost windows and tiles. Pretty soon it will be impossible to get insurance in this country. Two towns up on the darling Downs had to be evacuated this afternoon due to fire with more houses lost. Ron.
It was 48c in Kalgoorlie today....it's 8c here and raining....I know what I prefer. Oz weather is no good for man nor beast just now,and the summer's just beginning...….Stay safe all.
Its brutal what is going on in other parts of the world. Quiet here with a few centimeters of fresh snow and temps just below freezing. At some point there will have to be a break in the fires or soon there will be nothing leftover to burn. Keep safe everyone.
My ex and my stepson were both caught in the storm. Both cars were badly damaged and my ex has no windscreens. My stepson was badly bruised when he tried to cover his car, He is lucky he didn't get himself killed. The storm did nothing to stop the fires. Moreton island had to be evacuated overnight, the vehicle barges were running all night. Back to hot dry winds and high fire danger from tomorrow.Ron.
Much cooler today, however temperatures are forecast to rise later this week. South Australia is the next State to bs affected by very hot conditions.Victoria which has a very bad record for fires thus far hasn't been affected.

An interesting statistic concerning both the Ash Wednesday (1983) and Black Saturday (2009) was that 27% resulted from lightning strikes, 26% considered to be acts of arson and the remaining 46% by a variety of accidental reasons. These stats courtesy of Wikipedia.

Thus apart from very recent thunderstorm activity in SE Qld and elsewhere, begs the question of just how many blazes were deliberately started? What better way than to connect the drought situation to climate change? Incoming fire, beats hasty retreat to dugout!
I can't bear to think of arsonists doing this to people, property and wildlife. It is entirely out of order. I don't suppose they catch them, but the costs involved for all concerned must be horrendous. I saw on youtube the size of hailstones! Amazing, and to think we are so lucky not to suffer too much, although we still have a few flooded areas up further north.

Lovely and sunny today which is lovely. Not too cold either. Must say the sun does cheer me up loads. Stay safe in Aus.
6c and sunny with clear blue skies. .According to the lunch time forecast all of the British Isles has more or less the same weather.
Cold nights though, maybe minus 5 here. Have been for a cycle.Not brilliant.Low sun in the eyes,wet leaves under the wheels and an old fella fell (excuse the pun) over my back wheel,while I was stationary,obviosely.Was glad to get home.
South Australias turn to cook with parts of the state hitting 45c today. One days grace before the eastern states hit the same sort of temps. NSW home loss to 520 and six deaths so far. 5 homes believed lost at the Crows nest fire near Toowoomba overnight. The fire also took out the power supply to the main water supply . Firies are fighting to contain the area so that the water can be reconnected. The way that water supplies are going the power may not be much help. Hot and smoky this morning. Ron.
Not too bad again today although this morning was very frosty. Didn't go out anywhere. Too drab for me to bother. Might play some Xmas songs this evening. They cheer me up, lol. I know, too festive, too soon.
The heat and the smoke has taken a toll on me. My lungs are having a hard time with bronchitis and asthma. My kidneys are not happy and my blood pressure was very high this morning. They way things are going here it has gone from everyday living to everyday survival. The damage bill from Sundays storm has gone over $60 million dollars. Expecting hot dry smoky conditions with 33-35c. Ron.
It is a trifle tropical this morning, but at least the smoke haze seems to dissipated ,although Moreton Island to the north of my island still has fires.As Ron observed yesterday, attention is drawn to South 'Stralia where inland areas are forecast to reach 48* Now that is hot! We expect around 33*m much more manageable.

As Buff mention in his post , ordinarily the Rural Fire Services would conduct back burns during the winter months. Due to the caffe latte sipping brigade, this practice has not , in many areas been undertaken for several years, the conservationists claiming that this endangered the natural environment. In the meantime, we experienced a very dry winter. This factor , plus the build up of debris on the forests floors has created the ingredients for the perfect fire storm that devastated parts of the east coast and now threatens other States too,
Lovely and sunny here this morning. Of course that could change, but it's great to wake up to sunshine. Hopefully i can get a tad done today, including going shopping without being rained on.

We're still seeing and hearing about the fires in aus. Stay safe down there, and Ron, try and keep well. I don't envy you your health in the least. Take it easy and slow down when you can. I know, it's hard when the environment in which we live isn't helpful.
Another day, fires still burning in Qld, NSW, SA and now Victoria is facing hot winds and temps in the high 30'c-40c. Our local forecasters have stated that there is no end in sight to the hot dry weather and no hope for any rain in the remainder of 2019. I am having another day off and my boss has said she will try to negotiate with one of the mechanics possibly available to take over my job. She is not happy about it but when I was at the doctor the other day he asked if I need a certificate for sick leave. I said I need a certificate to say it's ok to work. He said that he would not write one of those in my case, he is quite concerned about my health. Ron.
Fire situation is now worse with major outbreaks in SA and Vic. Homes lost and 30 people injured in SA and Vic was hit with dry winds over 100kph with serious fires now out of control . Temps over 40c with a new record Nov temp of 40.9c. Firefighters pouring in from across the country. Ron.
It snowed last night with over 15 cms of fresh snow. I am glad I made the fuel run the other day and then parked down in the winter parking area to avoid getting stuck. Nearly half of my monthly pension check went towards fuel, its getting hard to make ends meet. Don't over do it Ron, we all tend to take on too much. My bleeding disorder has been worse as of late forcing me to take the lousy iron tablets, leaving me weak and faint. Will see what the doctor has to say about it next week.
Ron, I think it's about time you did take time off. I know how boring it is to do that, but you should think about your health. If doc writes a sick note can you still be paid? I think we will all worry about your health with the situation out there. It's all over the news and YouTube too. Praying for everyone and wildlife.

Life does get expensive as we try to manage on lesser monies as we get old or ill. It's hard work making ends meet Buff. Hope you can stay warm enough and try and stay healthy.

It's really bucketing down outside. I did notice how green everywhere looks for all this rain and no sun, lol. I would love those blue skies that Buff gets, but i think i prefer our grey gloom compared to Ron's Red Fire skies. Sydney is looking dreadful. Stay safe everyone.
Managed a walk to the park between showers. It's 8c so no complaints.Scott home from work as some roads were closed due to fire,but he'd done a 16hr shift so wasn't complaining. We're expecting heavy rain for most of tomorrow.
-10 with sunshine. It was more snow than I thought closer to 20 cms. I was all worn out from getting the snowmobile(s) unstuck and runing for the first time this season. I packed the walkways down with them and had plans to shovel out the woodpile and parking area, but could not, I was done and ready for the couch. Today I'll clean up the snow. Its a little bit at a time.
Constant heavy rain as forecast, but not too cold.Did a few days cooking and baking to put by, now time for some catch up dramas on TV and maybe a snooze.I'm on anti -biotics and pred.for a chest and ear infection so staying indoors today.Scott still not at work due to fires.
Same here Carol. Wet cold and horrible. Went to Northampton for bloods. No real waiting time, just takes energy to get there and wander back via a few shops. Loads of police around. think something was amiss there. It's nice to be back in the warm. Back top hospital on Monday and Tuesday. I hope for better weather.

Stay warm, Carol, and get well soon
-5 with sunshine. I finished shoveling snow yesterday, it just took longer. Had to go slow and easy as my heartbeat rises and I get short of breath. Nice weather but my body doesn't want to do anything but rest. The snowmobiles stare at me, but I am not going anywhere.
Cooler weather (only 29c ) has helped to get a lot of the bushfires contained. One of the side effects of the fires that a lot of us anticipated has happened , the fight to save communities from fire has exhausted a lot of the western drinking water supplies. Plans are being made to truck water to the worst areas. NSW expects the first phase of water supply will cost over $50 million dollars. We will have the same problem in Qld with Storm king dam in the Stanthorpe area nearly completely dry. Ron.
Your'e right Di., we walked thru the park to the Sunday market, but I exhausted myself.There was some really lovely and quirky arty-farty xmas stuff,including a fab.hedgie house with a slate roof etc.£80.
but as we don't "do" xmas it just passed me by.It's mild but dismal here.They reckon we're to have the coldest Jan -Feb.for 10yrs.so stock up.
Another OK day,mild,calm and damp.I'll be thinking about you Ron,but you're a glutton for punishment.I hope your "retirement" gold watch
is worth all the aggro.
Wet, cold and gloomy again. Good news ( i think), my ovarian cancer marker is down to 25 from 31 last session, <35 is in the normal range, so chemo number 5 tomorrow.
Hopefully by the time i get out it will be dark and i can enjoy the towns Xmas lights.
Well it is official I will be pulling the pin on the 19th of December. My boss has lined up a new mechanic and after the 19th the only sewing machine I will work on are my own. ( I have two machines and three overlockers) After 56 years of non stop work I am finally going to stop. I have been working for the sewing centre in Nambour for just over 40 years. It will take a bit of getting used to, I'm going to live in my boat and kayak and on fish. Ron.
That's the big call Ron, and a hard one to make. I felt like I lost a part of my family when I was forced to retire, as I enjoyed my work and those who I worked with were an extended family. Life became quiet after I quit, but it did not take long to fill the void and once again I was busy doing various projects. I even became a member of our vollunteer fire dept until I realied that I could not physically do the job and was perhaps a liability for the team healthwise. Retirement provides many possibilities and is a chapter of life itself, not to be underestimated.
-5C cloudy. Yesterday I shoveled another 8 cms, winter is quite well established now.
Yesterday was disgusting weather. spent most the day in my 5th chemo. Ca-125 (cancer marker) is 25, safe number is 35. One more to go before xmas then probably surgery in January then two more chemos.

Today is as grey and dark as can be. It's also very wet out and expecting more rain.

Ron, congrats on your retirement. I have a slight hunch you will manage to fill your time satisfactorily. 'Bout time you relented, look after your health, and enjoy the boats. If you're going to live in your boat hopefully you won't have to bail out too much like the flat (when you get rain). As Buff said, you'll find projects and maybe a new hobby.
Just speaking figuratively, my boat is a tad small but I am going to spend as much time on it as I can. Like I have said before, I turn 70 in five months if I did not make the move it would never happen . I just hope with the help Of the kayak I can get a bit fitter and enjoy what time I have left. I will probably get in some hiking in as well. There is a beach 40 kliks up the coast that has a good population of beach worms which make great bait. It is a good hours walk out to the beach. My neuropathy makes it a bit tough to walk that far but I will give it a go. It seems funny to be starting a new life at seventy but I am really looking forward to it. Ron.
Storms from the west last night failed to reach us but a moist southerly change overnight has brought some drizzle this morning. It may clear some smoke from the air but it will make the roads very slippery. Ron.
Really drab outside today. We have drizzle too. It makes all the leaves slippery and slimy. It all looks rather horrible. The last of the flowers are just hanging there dying from the cold. I look forward to seeing some snowdrops and crocuses popping through. Will have to wait a couple of months for that though.
I was at the doctor, hoping to get my appointment moved up with my GI but the medical system moves like mollasses. Too many patients and not enough GI docs. I guess if I am alive to complain about it its good enough for them. -10C perhaps I will go for a ski this afternoon, but I don't want to aggravate things too much.
I don't think health care bothers with the over 50's here, Buff. Skiing in -10 sounds a bit chilly, but enjoy it.

Lovely sunny day after a frosty start. Shame i had to wait in for the boiler man. He arrived just after 5pm when it was dark. Never mind, hopefully i can get out tomorrow and i hope it's as nice as today.
The little old lady (LOL) upstairs struck again yesterday. Her toilet blocked up so she just kept flushing it. As a result I had raw sewage leaking down thru my roof and exhaust fan and onto my bathroom sink. Plumbers came and cleaned a heap of roots out of the sewer pipes. Very hot and humid. NSW is on fire again and we are on high fire alert again. Ron.
Nothing worse than dealing with raw sewage on a hot humid day Ron. I'm glad I am on a septic system and only have to deal with my 'own', when I hear these things happening. I wonder where Chris has been. -11C fine day for going for a ski, waxing will be easy with these temps and the waterways have once again firmed up.
A big line of storms came thru from the west tonight. Fortunately not supercells. No hail just gentle rain. The last lot of supercells a few weeks ago finished up with a damage bill of over $120 million. Some areas had decent rain this afternoon. Unfortunately temps by the end of the week will reach close to 40c with hot dry nw winds and very high fire danger once more. Meanwhile in Tasmania they are expecting quite a bit of snow for the start of summer.. Weird ,...Ron.
-12 under cobalt blue skies. I went for a ski yesterday, first one of the winter. It felt good with the excersise, cold fresh air and the freedom of travel. I was cut short as the beaver pond further up was not looking good. Unsafe ice with a lot of dark spots. Looking closer the otter was having no problem punching holes through the thin ice. I had to turn around, until we get some more cold weather the water ways are still not safe for travel.

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