What kind of father

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Jul 26, 2010
what kind of father

I am so bloody mad!!! So my useless husband the oh so wonderful father that he is doesnt think anything is wrong with madasin. he says it costs to much to take her to doctors outside our town. and there are NO pediatric GIs in our town. everything comes down to money with him and he dont want to pay for her medical trips or medications. When she was in the OR having a golf ball sized cyst that was blocking over 75% of her airway at 4 months old removed from her throat he said nothing was wrong with her because he didnt want to pay for anything. mind you he has not been around for 3 years. hes been away in the military stationed else wehre in the states. then he comes home and treats the kids and me like crap and says there is nothing wrong with my daughter. he has NOT helped pay a dime in 2 years for medical for her or my youngest son. he hasnt done ANYTHING!!!!!! egh
how can you watch your daughter suffer and deny anything wrong wtih her because of money......YOU CAn NOT PUT A PRICE ON YOUR CHILDS HEALTH!!!!
sorry i just needed to vent before I lose it on him!!! lol.
Don't apologize for venting to us...that is what we are here for.... :ghug: :ghug: :ghug:

But it kind of sounds like maybe you DO need to lose it on him...lol.

If he hasn't helped with the bills at all, maybe it is time to go to court? Not really what you want to do at this really stressful time in your life, but .... wow....
NYS Just passed the no fault divorce law.....other than that, I am biting my tongue - too many kids around!
That answer I have should'nt be posted, because I have dealt with something similiar but in my life he would be gone....
Hiya Kelley

sorry you're going thro this, I have tons of suggestions and tips, but I'm afraid I'll get thrown off the forum!
My first suggestion begins with F and ends in off!
Time to get some Government help Kelley, you cannot do this on your own. If he doesn't comply, then let a judge decide.
I'm not familiar with USA benefits system or child maintenance etc, but you do need to seek help, then bin him! I honestly wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire in the street!
After everything you've been thro, this makes my arse wink!
lotsa luck to you
As you said, your child's health is what's important. Make sure your children get what they need no matter what means you have to take even if it involves taking their own father to court. I've no stomach for people who don't take proper care of their children (not a jab at you of course as you're doing what needs to be done ;) ).
Kelley, like others have said, if i voiced what i thought about this, and shared my similar experience, there'd be a lot of words starting with W and F and B that really shouldn't be posted on an open forum. lol.

however - this i will say - thank goodness Madasin has you and her grandma to fight her corner for her. you know she's too young to have a voice of her own, and you two are doing a fantastic job of shouting for the help she deserves, on her behalf. she couldn't wish for more devotion from the both of you. also - no matter what anyone says, go with your gut instinct and your mother's instinct. i was told by many people (including his dad) that there was nothing wrong with my son. (all these experts, huh). turned out he's autistic.
i agree....i am not going to let him stop me from helping my babygirl. if he dont like it he can go back to mommy and daddy. it deffinatly would not hurt my feelings any. i was hoping things would change when he came home and actually seen her...he didnt believe what i told him. but unfortunatly he is to selfcentered to see beyond his own aches and pains. and to self absorbed to even care to begin to try to see things in a different light. so the time is coming for me to tell him to F off and with no doubt a few other choice words not able to be posted here. and time is coming for courts and judges and him to LEAVE and be selfish and lonely on his own time and not mine and my babies. he says i will be living a lonely life if i leave him because my daughter is sick and i put my kids first...another man he says wont deal wtih that. but there are men out there who arent like him!! thank God for that. lol. and as long as i have my children i dont care and do not need a man in my life! you guys are all great! mom and i were laughing so hard at the comments on here. whenever we need a good laugh we know we can count on your guys
Good shout Kelley!
soooooooooooooooooooo proud of ya sister!
If I can do it, anyone can!
You go girl! and kick his sorry arse into oblivion!
He'll be a bitter twisted old get with his pipe and slippers and probably get eaten by cats and only be found 5 years later!
ha ha ha ha
and hey, there are loads of fellas out there who would snap up a strong independent woman like you, always remember that!
stay strong, stay brave, I have faith in you!
love as always
Ouch!! Well here I go... First of all parents should be like doctors First do no harm!!! Second of all I hope to God in his lifetime he never gets ill!!!!! Third of all it has taken me years to figure out since I have been married 3 times and times in between... I have now found the one in a million and I am probably the most sickest person he has ever encountered and he would walk on water for me!! Never a selfish bone in his body! My other ex's were "you take yourself to the hospital and I will stay here with your daughter!!!! Giving them the boot was the best damn thing I ever did!!!

My daughter is heading to med school, Dean's list and all, and the reason is cause I put my kid first! My husband treats her like his own. Kids thrive and get love from the ones who do.. My last words to my daughters father (he told her he hope she fails school so he dont have to pay!!!! ) he will die a lonely man.... Ugh..... need to go relax now, my blood is boiling! YOU look after that little girl....throw the garbage out with trash!

Big hugs to all of you !!!
Do you have ins. thru the military? If not I would apply for medicaid right away. Your daughter (kids) should have the treatment they need. I would do whatever it takes to get her the treatment. I would start by throwing out the "trash". HANG IN THERE and don't forget to take care of yourself also. Keeping you in my prayers.
...he says i will be living a lonely life if i leave him because my daughter is sick and i put my kids first...another man he says wont deal wtih that...

LOL, WHAT? Oh no he didn't. Sounds like a stress free life without him if you ask me. He means that he'll be lonely. Tell him to go cry about it to his mama. Normal people care about and take care of their children no matter the cost.
You might contact his CO and tell him what is going on. Most CO's will not tolerate child neglect or allow their men to fail on home responsibilities if they know about it.
he says i will be living a lonely life if i leave him because my daughter is sick and i put my kids first...another man he says wont deal wtih that.

hmmm... now where have i heard this before?? oh yeah! my ex-husband used to say similar to me - i'd never divorce him because no-one would have me because of my health issues, & that i was fat & ugly. umm.. ok, i weigh 8stone, and i'm getting married to the love of my life next summer :D

men who say these things are voicing their own insecurites, by pointing out what they think are yours. take no notice - it's a load of bull. do what is right for you and yours - that's all you need to do, everything else will fall into place.
If you live in NY state and the man doesn't pay child support, he can be thrown in jail and have his license revoked for not paying child support. This happened to a friend of mine. Her husband was a deadbeat and he went to jail for not paying support for their 2 sons until he did.

Can you look into having his wages garnished if he's in the military?? hang in there and wishing you the best. ((hugs)) gutless wonderwoman
Back in the day when I was receiving child support and my ex was in the Navy and didn't pay me I called his XO, complained, had a check in 3 days and allotments were set up. Never missed a check again. He also told me never to call his commanders again. Didn't have to got a check every month. Would have if I would of had a problem. Military doesn't like EX's to call.
Damn, I'm afraid I'll get flogged in here!!! Hang in there Kelley!! There's a few of us good-uns out there!! Now I'm running out the door!!!

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