My pain is from swollen inflammed joints, that stiffen and eventually become immobile as the flare progresses. Depending on where the joints invoved are located, the pain can be completely unbearable. Tramadol will help with this pain, but nothing short of Dilaudid will knock it out.
For the bowel pain, it is an emerging tenderness on the left side of my abdomen, below the rib cage, that grows into waves of pain, with the intensity depending on how serious the flare is. It also flares in the anal/rectal area, which I usually can handle better; it starts as low back pain that radiates as it gets worse. The ulceration is excruciating no matter where it is located. Fistulas are also extremely painful no matter what size they start out; but especially so if they abcess. Dilaudid is the only medication that works for me once the bowel is involved.