What should I expect w/ laproscopy?

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Mar 18, 2009
Hey everybody, I go see the surgeon Monday but I wanted to get feed back here asap:) I will be having 10 inches of the ileum removed laproscopically. What about pre and post op though? I have heard that some people have to have a tube down their nose and a cathader to collect urine! Is this common in laproscopic surgery?
Can't tell you for certain, I was under general anesthesia for my laproscopic hernia repair. I imagine either of those procedures, if done, will be performed while you are sedated.
I had laproscopic gallbladder removal, u will definitely be put to sleep I'm positive !
And you should discuss with your consultant or surgeon before hand to see if you need the drainage tubes and catheter etc i think it's all to do with how well they expect you to recover and to monitor your urine output so I think some need these some don't an they would probably do this while your asleep so you will feel nothing.
Hope this helps a bit lol Jen XX
I would imagine everyone having a resection would have a NG (naso gastric tube) and it's doesn't have anything to do with how they do the surgery but the fact that you are having a resection and therefore your bowel won't work a few days. Problem is you still produce bile and stomach acid and it can't go down, 'cause your bowel isn't working, so it's like you have a blockage which means the only place it can go is up ~ vomiting. The NG tube is there so you don't vomit.

A urinary catheter is also very common, but not everyone has one and sometimes it may be removed in recovery so you wouldn't remember it, for the first 12 - 24hrs and it certainly makes that first post op period easier when you don't have try to move to have a pee! Also as Jenny said, they may have it in to monitor your output.

HTH, :)
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Um..me no likie

Don't catheders and NG tubes hurt? I hate the thought of a tube up my nose, I will feel like such a freak:( Over the years, and after lots of tests for Crohn's I thought I could handle anything, but somehow the idea of this new stuff is really bothersome to me. How did you all go though with your surgeries?
I had a catheter and it didn't bother me at all..in fact I had to have one reinserted - the relief I felt emptying my bladder was worth any discomfort! This was after my c-section...
I had a laparscopic resection back in May (and having another one in a week and a half- looks like we are surgery buddies!!) Didn't have an NG tube in but did have a catheter. They put it in during surgery when you are asleep so you won't know about it... and then it is much better having it in than worrying about needing to go the loo when you are sore right after the surgery! Not much of a prob it coming out either...

Plus I've had an NG tube at another time when they put it down whilst I was awake- not a great experience but ok if it is just in the short term- plus if they do put one down they'll do it whilst you are asleep so hopefully it won't be too bad at all......

Feel free to ask any other questions!
Hope things go well!!
I gotta ask if you're a female or male? My catheter experience was terrible. They put it in when I was unconscious but they removed it when I didn't have any pain killers with a bladder infection. Only thing I can suggest is ask for your dose of painkillers when your in recovery before they do anything of that sort.
Hi i've just had a laproscopic assisted ileo-cecal resection to remove 12'' of small intestine and a wee bit of large intestine. The surgery was 3 hrs I was on an enhanced recovery programme which basically meant i had to drink 3 high calorie drinks before hand and I was to get out of bed the night of the surgery to sit and then up to walk the next day. I was on clear fluids the day of the surgery then straight onto a low residue diet the next day. I didn't have an NG tube but I did have a catheter which is standard for most general anaesthetic surgery. I also had an epidural in place for 48 hrs for pain relief which meant I had to have the catheter in the same length of time. Don't worry about the catheter they put it in while your under and it is essential as you'll not be able to move around too easy to get to the loo the next day!! I got home yesterday after 6 days but it took 5 days for my bowels to work again so they wouldn't let me go until then. It was a bit uncomfy for a couple of nights due to backpain but I blame the epidural for this and not the surgery, now I don't feel too bad just have to get the staples out on thursday and spend the next couple of weeks recouperating !!! hope this is of some help

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