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Apr 28, 2016
I'm on remicade just did my third treatment one week ago. The last three days I've been feeling like I'm getting sick. Body ach sore throat. Did not think much about it until tonight. I've had fever on and off I'm coughing up yellow/blood color mucos. My head hurts my body aches and I can't sleep. My chest feels so tight and deep breaths hurt. Should I be concerned? I'm trying to see if I should go in to the ER or just call my doctor? I never thought that it could just be the remicade.
You should definitely call the doctor, what kind of a temperature are you running? It may be wise to go to the er/urgent care......sounds like you may have picked up a nasty bug....
If you have a temp then go to a dr.. If not then it may just be a cold... The fever is the key aspect to if I see a dr usually.
Don't wait, call the doctor and mention the full history of when these symptoms started and how. I had a severe reaction to Remicade 2 weeks after the 3rd infusion and was forced to go off of the treatment. Its been almost 4 months now from the last infusion and my body is starting to return to normal.

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