What was beginning humira like?

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Mar 3, 2012
Excited that Monday the 7th I get to begin humira. Iv read it can be bad the first few times? Was it for any of you on humira?
Also, I have candida (though my GI today said he dosnt think it is, my gp has me on antifungals, and it is a furry yuk coating on the tongue, with other candida symptoms), and I read on here you can't be on antibiotics on humira? So I'm thinking, scd diet to treat candida... Not antifungals, just probiotics?
Oh...also...did/does it make side effects of prednisalone worse...or 6mp? I'm going to be on 20mg of prednisalone when I begin humira, and today my GI told me I have the hips of a 50 year old :/ my phisio said that bones can be strengthened, but I'm thinking on humira... I don't know.
Any of your experiences on how you felt beginning humira would be great. :)
It was bloody fantastic!
I've only been on it for about 6 weeks - but so far - so good.
It's cleared up my throat and mouth ulcers. No more active disease on my Stoma. I'm finally pain free after many months.
I am losing a bit of hair - but meh - small price to pay.
Mucus poops have increased and are very very urgent - hoping these will settle.
I have developed a fissure though - which seems a bit odd.

In general though - very happy with what it has delivered so far.
Hope it works well for you too!!
You may want to check out the Humira subforum I think it is under the treatment forum. Lots of info there esp the humira club thread. I have been on Humira since December and have had lots of injection site redness and itching but nothing else.

I have yet to have the doc stop my injections while I was on Flagyl but many people say the two can not be done at the same time.
Never heard about Humira = no anti-biotics as I was on Flagyl and Penicillin whilst on Humira. Regarding on you feel, I was kinda in remission when I started, the reason my GI wanted me on Humira was because of a perianal fistula that wouldn't close,according to him, even if I felt great, it would be doing serious damage on a macroscopic level and I would probably regret it in the long run.

Anyway, I started on the 21st of September, 2011 and it hasn't caused me any problems as of yet, in fact, sometimes I forget I have Crohn's and go on weekend benders with my friends, maybe I shouldn't be doing that but I'm young, lol.

If I were you, I would suggest the pens as I found the needles to be extremely painful, it's not like a normal injection in that you feel a little pinch and then inject, it's really sore right through out the process. Never again.

Whereas the pen is a little pinch, and then it's over in 7 seconds.
DD was on Humi and Vancocin with no ill effects.
I have been taking Humi for 6 weeks and haven't had any SE yet. :)

Best wishes with it!
Thank you for your replies.
Sailorluna...I had a look at the treatment subforum and it's encouraging to see that most people get a few years remission at least. :)
my daughter who was diagnosed at 6 and is now 10, has been on Humira since November. She takes it 1x a week, and she started out using the one that is already loaded into syringe and is pressure packed.. it "clicks" and shoots it into the leg. She was Terrified by this, and it does burn. She moved over to the regular shot type, and is doing better. We freeze the leg, and then count until it stops burning.. never takes more than 30 seconds. She is doing well right now though, and it seems to be working great!

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