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Jan 27, 2009
I get my remicade on wed but i was wondering if there is anything that anyone knows of that will help with the big d, and the pain with going to the bathroom. most of the pain comes when something actually passes and really hurt when the muscle that contracts after a bm does the contracting....also looking for something tat i can eat that wont hurt when it passes... please help.:depressed:
I don't know about the BIG D because during a flare up I go the other way :S BUT do you know if you have fistulas? The really hurt and when I muscle contracts part kind of reminds me of when I discovered my perianal fistulas....

As for the eating...During a flare up I eat things like...

Pan fried haddock, steamed veggies with butter or cheese sauce (lubricant), adding extra gravy, butter or sour cream to foods (yes its fattening but it helps things through.), boosts/ensures, bananas, mashed potatoes, frozen yogurt, soft mushy things that you can get your nutrients out of ... stews, soups, chowders, those sorts of things...while they may be high in fat in some instances, i lose so much weight from not wanting to eat during a flare up that it equals out usually...I know that probably isnt a great help...depending what meds you are on making sure you get your calcium and vitamin d, magnesium, etc....

INCREASE YOUR FLUID INTAKE!!! REALLY!!!! I know you have the BIG D problem...but all that fluid you are losing....you need to keep hydrated or they won't even be able to find a vein to give you your infusion.

Hope you can find some soft stuff to eat.....drop me a line anytime.
Thats one thing i was wondering about with the fluid intake, Does it matter if its gatoraid or poweraid, or do you just suggest smoothies and water, does orange and apple juice bother with the acid. Usually i don't have any problems but i think i am going to have to ask to get the frequence or dosage upped due to the fact that my last few times i have started to get really bad when the week before my remicade comes around. I get it every eight weeks and it seems at about 7 weeks sometimes 6 and a half i start going to hell in a handbasket.
MM My remicade specialist mentioned that most people start getting crappy around 6 weeks but that if its really bad sometimes your doctor will up you to every 6 weeks (like if you had weeping fistulas or something...)

I dont know so much If I would personally go for gatoraid and what not...I would try as natural as possible to get the most nutrients like smoothies, water, OJ (Especially where like me you are on remicade and need to avoid infections), milk (if you can stomach it)...

As far as smoothies...the acid from the juices don't bother me personally because they all mix and none stands out more than any other...but I guess it just depends on how you make it and what your stomach can handle...

LOTS OF SOUPS and soft stuff tho too remember. Not just a fluid diet...soft foods. :)
i drink apple juice like its a drug. 1 bottle lasts me like 3 days max. the acid doesnt bother, and it gives fruit nutrients yay!

i also have the same kind of pains when passing a bm i think. i would describe it as a cramp that gets worse and worse and worse as you feel more like you have to go and then the pain is almost blinding as the bm exits, and then there is relief until the next bit "begins its descent" i suppose.
does that sound the same?
unfortunately ive never found anything to help really, with the D nor the pain. just after a bm i usually lay down with a heating pad on my belly and it at least feels like it is helping my muscles relax.
When I was flaring really badly, I would just drink Ensure several times a day. That was the only thing that didn't make me feel like I was passing razor blades.

I know in a previous post, somebody mentioned a Japanese nutritional drink that had zero residue, meaning you won't pass anything at all. Can anyone remember what that was called?
Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere

There's that quote I like so much! I couldn't remember where I saw it.

Glad you a are doing much better.
