I find it interesting how we always know where the bathroom is. I know every bathroom worth using and those that need to be avoided unless it's that or behind a tree! My mother and I laugh about this a lot.
I will see your side of the road/car door thing, and I will raise you one really horrible and drafty (okay, big gaping holes where anyone can see in) out house in the Florida Keys.
But I also have to say that a port-a-castle (port-a-potty) at an SCA event! SCA, for those who don't know, is the Society for Creative Anachronism. A living history group focusing on medieval times. We all know port-a-castles can be nasty, but after three days in the hot summer sun with hundreds of people using it. But then add in trying not to touch anything in there, make sure your huge hand embroidered gown doesn't touch the floor or anything else and gather it around your waist even though there's too much fabric all the while trying not to sound like you're throwing a Big Gulp at the wall and trying to not make a huge mess. Never mind the worry of TP! Then add in a few glasses (bottles) of mead and make sure it's dark. For some reason the powers that be think we only need a tiny glowstick to see by in there.
I don't think I've had much weirder than that, but I've completely blocked out some of the bathrooms I visited while in Mexico - not tourist areas.