When did you notice your flare worsening?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 15, 2016
Hello, I'm new here and I'm also new to TTC. I was wondering how soon in your pregnancies that you noticed your flare getting worse. I'm currently on 9mg uceris and 500mg pentasa 8 times pills a day. I'm hoping to conceive soon but I feel my flare worsening. Thanks in advance.
Hello, I'm new here and I'm also new to TTC. I was wondering how soon in your pregnancies that you noticed your flare getting worse. I'm currently on 9mg uceris and 500mg pentasa 8 times pills a day. I'm hoping to conceive soon but I feel my flare worsening. Thanks in advance.

I have Crohns disease. I take Apriso daily and humira injections biweekly. I delivered in December 2015. My pregnancy was perfectly normal until about 21 weeks. I had a major flare up, and it contributed to my preterm labor at 25 weeks (baby girl is perfectly healthy!) I know it's hard to wait, but I highly suggest waiting until you are mostly symptom free. Regardless, as soon as you even semi-think a flare is starting call your GI immediately!!!!!

Don't ignore anything. I don't say any of this to scare you, but I found little information about CD and pregnancy, so I wanted to make sure I shared my experience. However, I have heard of several people who have gone into remission while pregnant. I hope you're on of them :) Good luck!!!!!