Where do I go from here? :(

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Jun 16, 2012

I need some help! I am the best friend to Louise, a chrones sufferer, she has had this illness since the age of 12 and is now 19. I have known her for only 2 years but know everything about her and her illness already!. She has been thru every single treatment avalible to her and has had surgery but nothing at all has even made a dent in getting the disease into remission! Her consultant has now ran out of ideas of what to do next and seems to just simply ignore her and avoid her. She is now only on daily painkillers but even those don't make any impact and she is up almost EVERY night in excrushiating pain. It's so frustrating and deeply sad to watch such a close friend falling apart and getting weaker daily, and doctors have no clue what to do next. Shouldn't be like this in the 21st century! :( HELP xxx
Hi Best Friend,
Welcome to the forum.
It sounds as if your friend needs better expertise than she has been receiving.
First of all she needs a really good gastroenterologist and if she already has one then she needs a second GI specialist opinion.
In order to do this she will need a referral from her GP.
Another way around it would be for her to go to the emergency room and ask for help when flaring..
The Edinborough Royal Infirmary used to be a state of the art hospital, and would be my choice if it was me..
It is inconceivable that a patient is allowed to suffer in the way you describe.
I hope she finds some good help soon
You are a good friend to be writing for help for her.
Hugs and best wishes
Hello, thanks for the quick reply.

She has her own personal GI consultant, and he is suppose to be highly rated in the industry. Personally looking in from the outside, I don't like him much. She has been in the situation where she has had to call the hospital out of hours, they usually ask her to go to the hospital, then they assess her and usually keep her in. The problem is that when she is kept in hospital all they do is give her the painkillers that she takes at home, and leave her in a bed, your lucky if her consultant even pops his head in her room to say hello! Then after 8-10 days of lying around doing nothing except sleeping and being poked and prodded they send her home again! It's so frustrating! I just want to know if there are any treatments that she hasn't been told about. I search online for hours and hours looking for things here and in America! But nothing ever appears! :(

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