Where is my hair going?

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Jun 1, 2010
In the past year and a half since I started getting sick I have developed a receding hairline, to the point where I just buzzed it yesterday. It's not terrible, just something I started to notice because whenever I took off my hat or had a white pillow case I would notice more and more hair on it. Every guy in my family (on both sides) have full heads and mine is going rather quick. Has anyone had this sort of issue or am I just over-analyzing it?

Mine is falling out in gobs, too!

Not as much now since I got my iron levels back in line, but still thinning quicker than I would like....
Oh yeah. I am constantly cleaning up hair and now have a clogged drain because of it. It is disconcerting to see so much hair coming out.

My hair has been falling out like crazy also, but I had been taking 4 asacol twice a day and I did some research and found that many people taking it had been losing hair. I talked to my Dr. and he switched me to Lialda and the hair loss has stopped! So I think mine was med related not the Crohns.
Same problem, try taking some folic acid tablets, it makes your hair grow back quicker. Good luck!!
Mine too!! And I'm not on any meds anymore...I thought once I got a bag I'd get my hair back...not so much...lol Oh well, thank God for wigs and hats!!!
I have more hair than either of my Brothers, even though I am the oldest, and the only one with Crohn's so far.

Not sure what causes it to thin or fall out. That is one symptom I have not had a problem with.

My hair is also falling out in gobs and I'm not on any meds. It's disheartening being almost eighteen years old and your hair is falling out :(
Yea my hair is so thin.....I just had a baby so I thought it was all those hormones....boy was I WRONG....my beautiful hair all over the sink, all over my baby and all over my entire house. Its not regrowing as quick as its leaving....Im having to come up with tricky hair do's to help hide my balding~
Me too - it's been falling out all over the show. At least you can buzz it off without looking like GI Jane Mike!

Yea, that is one good thing. When my mom was pregnant an anemic she lost a lot of hers. I know my count last I knew was upper 7's. Are most of you who are having this issue also anemic. I know ameslouise mentioned iron levels.
Low ferritin levels are a big cause of hair loss (ie. where our hemoglobin or "iron levels" stem from), and even though your hemoglobin levels might be OK, the ferritin levels could still be low. This is, as said, one of the many curses of chronic anemia in people with crohnic illnesses like IBD. So if your "iron levels" are low, chances are your ferritin levels are low, and even after you start taking an iron supplement, it may take a while to bring your ferritin levels back up to par.

The other thing that causes hair loss in chronically ill people is just when the body is under stress, so operations, huge changes in medications, or nasty flare ups. Some of this is related to stress (ie. kind of like the "fight or flight" response... ever notice how animals shed more when they are under stress? It's their natural way of escaping harm... hoping that their predator will only get a mouthful of hair, rather than skin and meat...lol).

Add to that the fact that our bodies don't absorb all the nutrients they need to produce things like hair and skin cells, and things start to fall off our bodies!! lol
I've been loosing my hair since I was diagnosed. Just got blood work done and all came back "perfect".

Got so sick of hair everywhere and having to wear hats all the time, I finally shaved it off last night. LIBERATING!!!! Once more thing I don't have to worry about.

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