Who's gonna want me now?

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Apr 26, 2012
Boyfriend of 6 years has left me,
and I am not taking it well at all.

Well, I've dealt with the break up, now it's just getting on with life.
Who's going to love me? A disease ridden 20 year old.

My self-esteem is on the floor.
I feel like I will never find anyone who will love me when I am lumbered with a condition like this. :-(

Lonely forever?
Crazy Cat Lady?
I'm sorry your feeling like this..:ghug:...but when the right person comes along they wont care whether you have crohn's or not....In the meantime enjoy some time to yourself.
I'm so sorry he left you. Was it over Crohn's. I know it's hard right now but he obviously wasn't the right one but you are young and there are so many great people out there. Just because this one didn't work doesn't mean the next one won't be the one. You also never know when the wonderful day might hit and you will be in remission.
It wasn't Crohns related.
He said even at the end he would never use my illness against me.
Feel so low. Lost 6lbs this week. Not eaten for 5 days.
I am so sorry this has happened it's very understandable that you're finding it hard, after 6 years is no wonder you are upset :( :ghug:. Allow yourself time to adjust to the change and if tears need to come let them, you will know when you're ready to move on, in the meantime pamper yourself and be kind to yourself. You are young and beautiful, the disease does not define who you are, the right person will see beyond that and love you for who you really are. I have read other posts of yours and you have given so much support for others, you have so much to give. I truly hope you feel better and your self esteem improves, best of luck and support from your friends. :ghug:
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hey, sorry you're feelin so dodge atm, but if its any consolation, every serious relationship I've had (I've only really ever had 2 lengthy relationships - and I'm 24 years old). The feeling of "will I ever find another person" comes with each break up. You gotta think outside the box, crohns doesn't even make up 1% of who you are, nor do people who don't have the disease think that it does. You'll find love again. You're still young, everything you're feeling now is normal and will pass. be strong. hugs
Really hope you feel better soon. You have to eat or at least drink some ensure/boost. Keep your body fighting, to give you strength and to lift your spirits a little.
I have to echo the above, you are beautiful, young ~ highly intelligent, caring and compassionate ~ you are amazing! The right one will come along. They will be the fortunate one to have finally met you!
When you think (self talk) imagine how you would talk to someone you care for, use those kind words for yourself. Hang in there Holly, better days will come. Be kind to yourself and give it time to heal.
Heya Holly,

I know this probably isn't going to help but I know how you feel. I came out of surgery and a 5 week hospital stay to find my girl friend had been cheating on me and fostering a relationship between my 2 year old girl and her new boyfriend. At the time I had a stoma and my self esteem was at an all time low.

I now live on my own and some times it gets pretty lonely, you feel your Crohns isolates you and then to be told your ilness isn't the reason for the break up makes you feel repulsive and almost depressed.

It does get better, you're ilness will be under control one day and you'll be able to get on with life again!

Not to mention there's a lot to look forward to, we have a season ahead without Mancini ruining the team and UTD have lost Ferguson it's going to be an exciting one!

You're a beautiful person I'm sure Mr Wright will come along, just keep your chin up. If you do need anything PM me, poke me or what ever I'm always happy to chat to a fellow Chronie! :)
Embrace the crazy catlady in you. I did, unwittingly. I never realised I was already a crazy cat lady while I was whining to everyone about how I was going to end up a crazy cat lady, til my 11 year old daughter pointed out to me one day that I was already a crazy cat lady, and if that was the worst thing that was gonna happen to me, I had no real reason to worry.

Wanna meet my cat? he has his own facebook page. You can friend him at...oh I dont know how to make a link, but his name is MisterRightMiaow. Do a search for him, hes adorable.

See what I mean?
Boyfriend of 6 years has left me,
and I am not taking it well at all.

Well, I've dealt with the break up, now it's just getting on with life.
Who's going to love me? A disease ridden 20 year old.

My self-esteem is on the floor.
I feel like I will never find anyone who will love me when I am lumbered with a condition like this. :-(

Lonely forever?
Crazy Cat Lady?

I was a 22 year old Crohnie when my university boyfriend broke up with me. I know how you feel, but things change. 4 years later I met my husband. We will be married 15 years in November! And while he drives me crazy, he's my best friend, and I'm glad I didn't stay with the other guy!
It gets better, break ups are hard at the best of times so it feels a million times worse with all your other worries.
You'll find someone who will love you, guts and all, because this horrible illness accounts for only a small part of who you are.

It's cliche and cheesey but loving yourself helps too. I'm not talking Narcissus, just having you time and thinking about what's best for you physically and mentally in any given scenario.

I really hope you feel better soon! x
I am so sorry this has happened. You are a very beautiful young lady. There is someone for you that doesnt care about CD. They will love you for you. I hope you the best. Chin up, doll!
Im sorry you feel this way... I have Crohns and I have had it for 10 yrs and I told myself who is going to want to date me cause I have Crohns, Arthritis, tmj, and bad allergies. I have a bf that deals with me and we have been together for almost 5 yrs. I know you wont believe me but you will find someone. :) Im sure you are a great person:)