Why is it I find something helps doc takes it away??

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May 27, 2012
I am currently on Pentasa and Imuran. I was on tramadol for 8+ months for stomach pain and TERIABLE body aches. called to get a refill for tramadol a few days ago and I finally got a call back saying the refill was declined it's not part of the treatment. WHAT?? SSO it works...my body aches go away after I take it in the AM and NOW your taking it away??

Well unless your flaring u should not have body aches. Maybe we need to up your Pentasa and/or Imuran.

GOD!! Why is it as soon as I find something that works and is NOT a narcotic...they take it away?? :confused2:
I had nothing but trouble with Imuran. I was told by a senior Professor at our GI clinic that Imuran actually causes joint pain & she took me off it immediately. I also had fevers of 103 degrees with it. They gave me Methotrexate instead & it seems to work quite well.

Isn't Tramadol addictive? I think it's an opioid. If so, many doctors would only want to prescribe it as a short-term measure.
8 months is a long time to be on a medication like tramadol, it is very addictive and you can build tolerance to it, which means you need higher doses to achieve the same amount of relief.

Crohns treatment is sometimes slow and difficult, but the aim is to reduce the need for pain killers and other symptom relieving medications by achieving remission, so it probably is better to look at modifying your other medications.

You also need to bare in mind that there may be other times where you need tramadol more than you do now, for example if you have an obstruction or need surgery.. If you get addicted now or build a tolerance then they won't help you as much in the future.

If you are suffering from aching joints then it might be worth seeing a rheumatologist.

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