Why its statistically higher in women..

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Mar 14, 2009
From what I have read, 90% of lupus and lupus like reactions from remicade are in women.

Even the standard Lupus disease is 90% women.
Most allergic reactions with TNF's Have also been in women..

Im a MALE starting remicade tomorrow.. It still bothers the heck out of me..
I was on cimzia and humira and curious to know if remicade will even work..

But anyways, why is it that women are more suseptible?
I would say it has to do with hormones. Hormones have affected my Crohn's so bad... that time of the month is HORRIBLE for me.

Oh and don't worry about having side effects from Remicade... if you have them, they will be there to fix it for you. Hopefully it works out for you!
I agree with katiesue, that it probably has to do with hormones. My time of the month was always the worst time for me. Good luck with the Remicade.
Ya, ill try not to.. For those of you remi users..
I have done Cimzia and humira with no injection site reactions, No hives.. Nothing..

I just lose response to it very fast.
Never put me in a remission..

Do i have any luck with remicade remission?
kasper87 said:
Do i have any luck with remicade remission?
Are you on anything else?
I was just coming off prednisone as I started Remicade, and I started Imuran at the same time.

I also have the problem with drugs losing their effect. I was in a great remission on Humira but it only lasted 4 1/2 months. I have been on Remi since November and I feel really good. I hope it keeps up.

There is a "Remicade Club" thread on here you might want to post on. We keep track of infusion dates and stuff on there.
Yes i have actually read through it.
I am taking entocort and pentasa.. They have no effect what so ever, i barely remember to take em.

Humira and cimzia NEVER formed a stool, lost some hair, itching.. etc..

but was pretty good for the first 3-4 months..
Then it lost effect..
I just miss going out in peace, eating without pain killers.
Great, we all should know that I am the "side effect scardy cat" and well now I have another thing to fear... I am a woman and if the meds dont give me cancer (have a thread on that) then I'll be lucky enough to get lupus... thanks! Seriously, I am glad I am tapering the pred but could someone point me to a SAFE drug now?
Aww im sorry.
i didnt say all women get lupus. Im just sayin from the cases reported.

And it goes away when treatment is stopped most likely.
didnt mean to get so abrasive.. Shoulda spoke more clearly..

Prochymal is my waiting drug.. Can't wait to see it get approved.
Almost all autoimmune disorders are more common in women, so it's not just lupus and reactions. I honestly don't know why. But once you have one autoimmune disorder, you have a very good chance of developing another. And in my case, another, and another, and another. Ha ha.

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