Will also be starting Remicade

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Jul 31, 2011
will also be starting Remicade

I will also be starting Remicade and am kind of freaking out. I see that alot of people wrote they were given some sort of prescription before. Was that from your GI dr? I will be going to the cancer clinic and seeing the oncology dr for my first time. Is this normal? thanks!
Cancer clinic and oncology? When I was getting cleared for Remicade, I had to have a TB test done, and a chest x-ray.....I think that was it.

As for prescription before - do you mean a pre-medication? Many people take Benadryl or some type of anti-allergy medications, and some also take a steroid and/or tylenol.....I get Benadryl and solumedrol IV just before the infusion. I chose the IV benadryl vs pill as I 'recover' from the sleepiness a LOT faster and I have an hour drive home afterward!
I have to go in the 29th for the tb test. Idk why theyre doing it at the cancer clinic? Ya, I mean the pre medication. do they tell you about that or is that just something you find out on your own?
Also, I was wondering what happens with the medication you're currently taking. I don't think it's something that can be stopped suddenly so do they wean you off or how does that work?
it depends on what medications you are on - some can be stopped, others need to be weaned off of.....also you may stay on some until they see if the Remicade works.

Maybe the clinic is where the test is readily available - I would assume they do the tb testing before starting 'regular' chemo? So they have the supplies there.....

They should tell you about the pre-medication - don't be afraid to ring up and ask about that - if you should take anything yourself beforehand or if they will provide it....when I started Remicade, I didn't get ANY pre-meds - it was only this year that I started those due to a skin condition that my doc wasn't 100% sure wasn't related to the remicade. Thankfully, most of it has cleared up on its' own finally!

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