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Dec 21, 2011
I've been diagnosed with Crohns for a year now, took a while to eventually get diagnosed but got a good doctor. I was put on steriods straight away for 1 or 2 months and then onto Aziathropine 3 tablets a day. All has been ok since no very bad outbreaks. Constant acne which is no major issue. Until the last few days, I seem to be filled with wind burping and farting all day long. I am off work for Christmas holidays so house is filling with fumes. I cant smell the burps but my children having been teling me they stink,, you can rely on them to keep you right. Any ideas as to how to get round this.
Hi and welcome to the forum. :)

I don't really know of any ideas for the gas. :stinks: Maybe the kids will just have to get used to it?? :D
When you find out please let me know :)

Ever since diagnosis and before Crohn's I've had more gas than ever before. I was never able to fart before but now I do routinely and they usually aren't too pleasant. I've never found anything to help but then again I don't worry about it.
I'm just like crazycanuck. Before UC, I've never really farted much in my life. But now.... look out neighbors!!
Hi PMC and welcome! I am glad to hear you have been doing well on Aza. I hope it continues to do the trick!

I can't offer any advice regarding the wind either. However, if this is unusual for you, perhaps you need to think what the cause could be. You said you've been home for the holidays. Have you been eating differently, since you are off your usual routine? An altered diet could certainly be the source of the problem.
Mylicon works great for gas. It really helps my daughter. It is an over the counter medication it is in Gas X and a lot of other products in the US. If you go to the pharmacy ask the pharmacist what product has the strongest amount of mylicon in it. Good Luck!
Thanks for your help. Tried all these but they didn't work. I rad an article in a local paper on Molkosan. I tried it and after one day the problem disppeared. It is made from Whey or something but it worked.