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Nov 20, 2013
I'm about 12 weeks pregnant and have been feeling good other then a lot of morning sickness. My fistulas even seem to be getting better . I just can't stop worrying that baby will be affected by my ibd and am also super scared about delivery should I get a c section if I don't will labour make my fistulas worse or cause damage to my already damaged rectum ? Guess I just need some advice and support
Congratulations your gonna be a mum.speak to your midwife or doctor they,ll put your mind at ease.good luck all the best
I would have thought your GI would suggest having a c section because you have fistulas. I don't have fistulas but have active disease and large skin tags in that area and my GI has said it would be best to have a c section so I don't cause myself any damage in labour.
I think if your Ibd is under control and you are eating well ( or as well as the sickness will let you) the baby will be fine. It would be good if you speak to your GI about the concerns you have and also the midwife as axel suggested.
Massive congratulations and hopefully the morning sickness will be passing soon x
My gi is a very hard man to see I have an appt with him but it's not until mid November so all this had just been bugging me because I haven't had the chance to ask questions yet
Your obviously worried so don,t be polite annoy them until you get an answer,you pay there wages!i,m sure it,ll be fine but your only asking a reasonable question. All the best
P.s don,to you just love consultants
I had a c-section to avoid complications with my fistulas....as far as my health - I was quite healthy during my pregnancy...in fact I got pregnant shortly after a hospital stay for a flare up.....

Good luck with everything - I would suggest writing down all your questions and concerns to avoid forgetting something. The midwife/OB is the best place to ask about the delivery too - if they do not have experience with IBD patients don't be afraid to ask if there someone who is.
I'm about 12 weeks pregnant and have been feeling good other then a lot of morning sickness. My fistulas even seem to be getting better . I just can't stop worrying that baby will be affected by my ibd and am also super scared about delivery should I get a c section if I don't will labour make my fistulas worse or cause damage to my already damaged rectum ? Guess I just need some advice and support

I am not an expert on pregnancy and Crohn's but this sentence from the internet "Women with Crohn’s are capable of vaginal delivery, unless they’re experiencing active perianal disease symptoms, in which case a cesarean section is recommended. " rather clearly suggests a c-section is the way to go if there are things like fistulas in the rectum area. Considering, c-secions are now pretty much standard for even thr smallest possible detected complication, I would assume your situation is pretty much a slam dunk for a scheduled c-section so that labor is likely not to start before that date.

As to the health of your baby, you probably know much more about what to eat and supplements etc. than I do. All I read on pregnancies and Crohn's says the key thing to do is what every woman should do in a pregnancy, eat healthy and supplement diet with things like iron or folic acid or other things to make aure there are no deficiencies.

All the best to you!
I had a baby 17 months ago, and I had a c-section. I saw a high-risk OBGYN the entire pregnancy. No complications during my pregnancy, and it went very smoothly - I stayed on all my meds (Remicade, Aza & Lialda) and felt great.

I didn't have any fistulas. My OB and I decided for a c-section because my baby was large, and I didn't want to worry about tearing, and the complications that can arise with Crohn's. It's a very individual decision that your OB and GI should help you make together. I had a super easy recovery from the section.
I had a daughter at the age of 25 and I had a c section too. I was I induced but after three days of not going into labor they performed a c section. I went into remission when I became pregnant but flared again 6 weeks after delivery.