Young and lost, middle of diagnosis

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Nov 25, 2015
Below is what's going on right now as I discuss my midway diagnosis

To start things off, I had a colonoscopy done about a month ago and put on budesonide for 3 months starting at 3 pills a day for the first month onto 2 then 1 for the last month. A small bowel follow through done yesterday with little information being told to me thru this whole process. I was told before my colonoscopy that I had inflammation in my lower right quadrant (this is where a possibility of crohns was introduced into my life) so after I got my colonscpy done, they told me they found minor small ulcers on my small intestine and that's when he prescribed me budesonide and told me the 3 month thing.

It all started a few months ago when I had no appetite in the morning, on which I ignored and thought nothing of. It then went from every morning to all day. I could not eat a single thing all day! No matter how hungry I was, I just couldn't eat! I lost about 20 pounds in 3 months of denial. Finally, I thought it was because of bad diet and bad sleep. I then hit the gym and gained my weight back and started feeling a bit better until the summer hit. I felt hungry all the time, my stomach was killing me aaalll the time. I felt like I needed to puke 24/7 but never did and I would always have gas wether it would be burping or farting! It was really messing me up mentally and socially ! KEEP IN MIND that this was before my midway diagnosis, this was when I had no idea what was going on with me! My stools were fine! And my bowel movements seemed fine at the time, I would have guess stomach ulcers and not ibs or crohns. I just thought It was stomach ulcers and thought with good diet that it would heal but it didn't ! It would be better some weeks when I finally took care of my self but bad some others, more days then bad later on. I thought to myself that I was better until one day I woke up not feeling so good so I FINALLY went to the Hospital to get it checked out and that's when they found imflammation in the lower right quadrant then a month later the colonscopy showed the minor ulcers.

So what I'm trying to get at is, I'm confused ! I'm in denial even though I haven't been diagnosed yet, I don't think I will have crohns because I've read about it and my symptoms are very little compared to others. I don't have pain like I used to, I feel 85 percent now most of the time. I would say the anxiety covers the other 15 percent. I think I'm reacting to the budesonide quite well as I'm about a month in and most of my symptoms are gone but my anxiety!

So ATM I'm in the middle of what the docs are trying to figure out what's wrong with the Inside of me and keeping me out of the loop. I work 40 hours a week and currently involved in school too. I feel fine ATM but what is worrying me is my social life! I'm 21 years old! I feel like I can't have a drink when I go out!

I'm going to a music festival at the end of December and really want to take MDMA for my first time and hope that my anxiety will be cleared up by then. Do not judge me as I'm young and just wanna experiment before I get old. What do you guys think about the mdma? Like I said most of my symptoms are gonna but my anxiety and I feel like I can handle the mdma and my follow up app is at the end of January.

I feel like I'm ranting more then finding answers, seems like I need someone experienced to talk to. I'm new young and confused
Hi! :)
I'm not sure what advice I can give, other than, trust yourself and don't worry.
The medical experts will figure it out but in the mean time, trust yourself and keep bugging them if it gives you peace of mind.
I'm also quite young (17) and have experienced extreme anxiety and so forth (partly because of Crohn's and partly because I'm just an anxious person). I was diagnosed in June with Crohn's but my life goes on. So will yours- whether you have it or not. Chin up! You can do it!