What are your SAFE and UNSAFE foods?

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:


Feb 13, 2006
Naples, Florida
I'd like to create a collection of safe and unsafe foods for people that are just starting out on the IBD journey (and it may be useful for the veterans as well). This idea is to create a list of safe and unsafe foods but since everyone is a little different, I'll then collate the responses and do a little statistical analysis so people can get a general idea of what is safe and unsafe for the majority.

This thread will stay open to new responders, however, we are working to automate the system so we will not be manually adding any additional responses.

Please respond to this thread with the following:

1. If you have Crohn's, UC, or some other form of IBD
2. A list of foods you KNOW (not just theorize) are unsafe for you.
3. A list of foods you KNOW (not just theorize) are safe for you.


Medical research into specific foods and ingredients

Foods/Ingredients to Avoid
1. Polysorbate-80 (a common ingredient in processed foods) - research

Foods to eat
1. Broccoli - research
2. Plantain - Research

Member Submitted Data

Please note I took the liberty of making judgment calls on various entries for more efficient grouping. The below data should not be considered scientific nor is it in any way a guarantee that what is safe for others is safe for you and what is a trigger for others is a trigger for you. These are simple guidelines people can utilize as they attempt to alter their diet.

As I collated these entries, one thing I noticed is that many people would put disclaimers such as, "Well pureed", "Well cooked" or "Chewed well". So please ponder the importance of texture and density of food as you're trying to figure out what diet works best for you.

Crohn's Disease

Number of Respondents

Spicy foods - 11
Fried Foods - 10
Raw vegetables (includes salads) - 10
Dairy - 10
Tomatoes - 9
Popcorn - 8
Carbonated beverages (such as soda) - 7
Coffee - 7
Beef - 7
Bread (especially non white) - 6
Corn - 6
Seeds - 5
Legumes - 5
Nuts - 4
Onions - 4
Fast food - 4
Beer - 4
Alcohol - 4

Red Wine - 3
Breakfast cereals - 3
Chinese Food - 3
Broccoli - 3
Orange juice - 3
Fruit (fresh) - 3
Chocolate - 3
Eggs - 2
Chicken - 2
Sweeteners - 2
Apples - 2
Potatoes - 2
Oranges - 2
Pork - 2
White Wine - 2
Ice Cream - 2
Indian Food - 2
Goat cheese - 2
Red pasta sauce - 2
Lettuce - 2
Wheat - 2
Cabbage - 2

Be Cautious About The Following - Often Fall In High Risk Categories
Acidic foods
Apple juice
Blue cheese
Citrus Fruit
Cooked Vegetables
Corned beef
Fatty foods
Fried eggs
Fried onions
Fruit juice in cartons
Jelly beans
Kiwi Fruit
Oily Foods
Picked Items
Preserved Foods
Refined Sugars
Refried beans
Soy meats
Tomato Juice
Tomato products
Whole grain foods

Breads (usually white) - 18
Pasta (usually white) - 14
Fish - 13
Chicken - 13
Rice (usually white) - 10
Mashed potatoes (especially Instant) - 6
Turkey - 6
Peanut butter (creamy) - 5
Yogurt - 5
Bananas - 5

Potentially Safe Foods - Use Caution
Cheese - 4 (Caution - dairy products cause some people to trigger)
Crackers - 4
Beef (sometimes just steak) - (Caution - beef causes some people to trigger) - 3
Asparagus - 3
Melons - 3
Tea - 3
Potatoes - 3
Pasta sauces - 2
Organic honey - 2
Fruit (sometimes not citrus) - 2
Carrots - 2
Eggs - 2
Jello - 2
Coca-Cola (Caution - soda causes some people to trigger) - 2
Corn flakes (Caution - corn products cause some people to trigger) -2
Feta cheese - 2
Ramen noodles - 2
Ham - 2
Jam - 2
Milk Chocolate (Caution - chocolate cause some people to trigger)- 2
Cooked vegetables - 2

May be safe - Use Extreme Caution
Aged Cheese - (Caution - dairy products cause some people to trigger)
Almond Milk
Apples - (Caution - fresh fruit causes some people to trigger)
Black beans (Caution - legumes cause some people to trigger)
Boiled potatoes
Butter (Caution - dairy products cause some people to trigger)
Canned fruit
Canned vegetables
Cereal (Caution - breakfast cereals cause some people to trigger)
Chicken noodle soup
Chicken nuggets (Caution - fried/fast foods cause some people to trigger)
Clear alcohol (Caution - alcohol products cause some people to trigger)
Cream of wheat (Caution - wheat products cause some people to trigger)
Fried potatoes (Caution - fried products cause some people to trigger)
Grapefruit juice
Green Tea
Ice cream (Caution - dairy products cause some people to trigger)
Kraft Dinner
Lactose free milk
Lettuce (Caution - fresh vegetables cause some people to trigger)
Liquor (Caution - alcohol products cause some people to trigger)
Meatballs (Caution - beef products cause some people to trigger)
Olive oil
Peanuts (Caution - nuts cause some people to trigger)
Peppermint Tea
Rice Krispies
Roasted meats
Scrambled eggs
Spinach (Caution - fresh vegetables cause some people to trigger)
Sugar (Caution - sweeteners cause some people to trigger)
Tomatoes (Caution - tomatoes cause some people to trigger)
Vegetables (peeled) (Caution - fresh vegetables cause some people to trigger)
Vodka (Caution - alcohol products cause some people to trigger)
White Wine (Caution - alcohol products cause some people to trigger)

Ulcerative Colitis

Number of Respondents


Unsafe Trigger Foods

Vinegar - 2
Spicy food
Orange soda
Ground pork

Safe Foods

Cooked vegetables
1. Crohns

2. Tomatoe Juice, A&W Root Beer

3. White Bread, white pasta, fish

Haven't really been paying attention because some days it hurts when i eat a food on others its completely fine. Makes me think that the food doesn't have as much to do with it as some may think.
1. Crohns

2. sweetcorn, popcorn, kiwi fruit, wholewheat bread, beer, whiskey, red wine, caffine

3. white bread, rice, fish, chicken, peppermint tea, green tea

Never really looked at the "ok" foods really, just concentrated on the foods I have to avoid (once bitten...).
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1. UC
2. Dairy, vinegar (or things containing vinegar), mustard, liquor
3. Any type of cooked vegetables, rice, tofu, quinoa, bananas, applesauce, and fresh veggies (only when I'm not in a flare)
1. CD
2. Tomatoes (spagehetti sauce with tomatoes), Coca-Cola, spicy food
3. Fish, rice, bread
1. I'm a Crohnie

2. popcorn, grapes, most raw vegetables with thick skins or plenty of fiber, pork, corn, some pickled items, many Mexican dishes (tears streaming down my face- it's so tasty!)

3. White bread, rice, fish, chicken, ground beef, soft steak, halibut, salmon, yougart, blueberries, blended fruits, jello, pasta, most Norwegian food (it all seems to be bland)
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1. Crohns and Colitis
2. Onions (very BAD - pain and blockages)
Dairy (Running to the rest room)
Chicken (if I do not chew it up well, causes a slowing in my system)
3. other then the ones above I am really not limited

2)Green vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grain foods, breakfast cereal, raw milk, instant coffee, peaches, strawberries, mandarines, oranges, legumes (all of them), sodas (all of them including coca cola) Corn, spicy food.

3)Rice, chicken, meatballs, pasta sauce (very well pureed), pasta, fish, custard, red meat of all kinds VERY Well cooked, boiled potatoes mushed potatoes, feta cheese, yellow cheese, yoghourt, Jello, Olive oil.

I can tolerate some chocolate but if I eat a little extra I am doomed. I still have not figured out how I can eat dairy without any problem but Milk makes me go straight tothe bathroom. I can torelate almost all the herbs (like oregano, sweet paprica, basil, curcumin, mint, etc. I cook only with pure virgin olive oil but I live in Greece and almost everyone here does the same.
1) Crohn's

2) legumes-all except refried beans, all fried food, soy meats (I'm still learning, so there may be more that I'm just unsure of)

3) eggs, white pasta, white bread, white rice, creamy peanut butter, bananas, lactose free milk, almond milk, fish, corn flakes, grapefruit juice, v8, cheese, mashed potatoes, cake :)

Great idea, I look forward to the results!
1. Crohns

2. Chinese food, Indian food, McDonalds, green veg, gravy, anything fried, steak, lamb, beef, pork, tomato, oranges, wholemeal bread, mushrooms, onions, red or white wine, lager, cider.

3. white bread, white rice, pasta, turkey, chicken, salmon, white fish, bananas, pears, apples, melon, carrots, Rice Krispies, Corn Flakes, eggs, bacon, potatoes, and vodka.
1. Crohn's
2. Caffinated drinks, soft fizzy drinks, refined sugars, sweeteners, fruit juice in cartons, red meat, chocolate, cheese ( if melted ), anything with yeast, potatoes, pasta, apples, possibly wheat
3. bananas, strawberries, dates, other fruit ( peeled ), veg ( peeled ), home made natural yoghurt, honey, chicken, seafood

My OK to eat list is still a bit experimental and I think some food I can tolerate sometimes and other times they will aggravate. Think it depends on my state of inflammation - first flare and on Pred to try to get it under control.
1. Crohn's

2. Milk, goat cheese, chili, refried beans, red pasta sauce, almost any fast food, breakfast cereal, white and wheat bread, beer, brown booze, corn and corn products, some Asian foods, potatoes, roast chicken, apples, apple juice.

3. Ice cream, milk chocolate, pork, ham, black beans, brown rice, white pasta, spinach, asparagus, grilled chicken, fish, shellfish, romaine lettuce, chard, tomatoes (raw), peanuts, peanut butter, clear booze (peppermint schnapps), ramen noodles, pho, steak.
1. Crohn's

2. Vegetables (lately any kind - either cooked or raw), beef, nuts & seeds

3. White bread, white pasta, kraft dinner, instant potatoes, saltines
1. Crohn's
2. Broccoli, popcorn, lettuce.
3. Scrambled eggs, chicken nuggets, Coca-Cola, Ensure, Starburst.
1. Old Crohnie
2. Chinese food; spicy food, salads, fried foods, coffee (which I love!) some pasta sauces (depends on restaurant) All non-white breads, beans, butter,
3. Grilled chicken, white bread, instant mashed potatoes, popsicles, slush, well done hamburg, Sometimes it just depends on the day... white wine (usually w/bubbles)
Great idea! I look forward to what people can tolerate...
1: Crohns Colitis
2: Dairy, Eggs, Mayo,Tomatoes
3: Mashed Potato, Salmon, Melon, White Bread, Ham, Asparagus, Carrotts
I don't know if I'm allowed to participate, seeing as how I'm still undiagnosed, but I'll add mine in anyway.

1. I've been given a placeholder diagnosis of "chronic non-specific enteritis" but I most likely have some form of IBD, just not sure what yet.

2. Most dairy (everything except butter & ice cream), beef, pork, anything spicy (including milder spices such as garlic & taco seasoning), anything fried, nuts & seeds (including peanut butter - almond butter is okay though), alcohol, caffeine, carbonation, corn, oats, anything high-fiber or multi-grain.

3. Baked chicken, baked fish, white rice, potatoes without skin, bananas, pasta, potato chips, crackers, eggs, white bread, mayonnaise, canned tuna, jell-o, small salads, broth-based soups, almond milk, goat cheeses, soy milk, tofu, mac & cheese from a box (powdered fake cheese is okay, real cheese is not).
1)IBD not yet classified further.

(below before I got really bad and everything seems to upset me!)

2)Any form of tortilla chips/Doritos, fresh pineapple, multi grain crackers. Salad last thing with evening meal, likewise melted cheese. Raw carrots if eaten alone.

3)White bread rolls, 99% of the time and crisps/potato chips.

Not very helpful I know.
1. Crohn's
2. Tomatoes in any form (sauce, pizza, etc), eggplant, beer, soda, coffee, wheat bread, deep fried anything, greasy food, liquor, beans
3. Cereal and white bread.

I'm on Asacol HD 1900 MG 3 times a day
I'd like to create a collection of safe and unsafe foods for people that are just starting out on the IBD journey (and it may be useful for the veterans as well). This idea is to create a list of safe and unsafe foods but since everyone is a little different, I'll then collate the responses and do a little statistical analysis so people can get a general idea of what is safe and unsafe for the majority.

Please respond to this thread with the following:

1. If you have Crohn's, UC, or some other form of IBD
2. A list of foods you KNOW (not just theorize) are unsafe for you.
3. A list of foods you KNOW (not just theorize) are safe for you.


1. Crohn's
2. Alcohol, oil, Seeds, citrus, Coffee. Preserved foods. :poo:
3. :thumleft:I only ever eat fruit "seperatley" as a snack, i have no problems digesting, no bloating No Pain.
Vegetables still slightly crispy (not boiled soft and squishy) are better for my digestion - No pain , no bloating.
Honey instead of sugar...:D
When really sick, i stick to bullion, clear liquids over 3-4 days. then start with soft foods like pasta and gradually build up to normal solids.

Hope this helps David. I still look for meal ideas. This is awesome, thanks.
:rosette2: Regards Brenda
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1) Crohns

2) eggs spicy food, fried food, alcohol, raw veggies, beef and raw fruit and popocorn

3) white bread, peanut butter, jam, turkey, crackers and cheese
1) Crohns
2) spicy foods, tomatosauce, fried onions, anything with artificial sweeteners, taste enhancers, popcorn, cooked cabbage, sprouts etc. fruits with the skin, wine, margarine, milk, goat cheese, blue cheeses, orange juice, chocolate, leek, ice-cream, capers
3) white bread, all roasted meats, fried potatoes, roasted vegetables, raw vegetables (not too much and well chewed), whisky, liquers, tea, coca-cola, raw oil, butter, crackers, boiled potatoes, rice, spaghetti, yellow cheeses, feta-cheese, yoghurt, mayonaise, ham, salami, sweet and saltwaterfish and shellfish.
I thought I knew what was definitely good for me and what wasn't but my symptoms have been all over the place lately so now I'm not so sure. I've been experimenting with an SCD eating plan over the past year or so and although it touts the evils of grains - I find white bread to be one of the only foods that definitely don't make me feel awful. This thread has come at a perfect time, I think it's time to really re-evaluate my diet.

1. Crohn's Disease

2. Fried eggs, chocolate, tomato and tomato-based products, corn and corn-derived products, acidic foods and juices, ice-cream & anything overly greasy.

3. White bread, herbal teas, bananas & white meat.
Thanks David for even thinking of making a list for us- newbies and oldtimers! LOL

1. Crohns

2. Onions(in any form-messes me slap up), Tomatoes, Any spicy food (pepper, bbq,etc.) whole fresh fruits and vegetables (even after steamed, boiled, etc.) , , dairy products (poo!), soda, and one of my favorite foods in the whole wide world- corned beef !

3. (now the good stuff!) peanut butter, jellies, bread (equals peanut butter jelly sandwich-my staple food! lol) chocolate (yay!), pasta, chicken, shrimp, turkey, rice, preserved(canned) fruits and veggies (not as good as fresh!).

thanks everyone who has listed their do's and dont's on this list- some new great ideas! :D
1. I am undiagnosed as of yet, but many food do give me major problems

2. Yogurt, garlic, yeast, lemon juice, tomatoes, red meat, oily or smoked fish, cheese, sauerkraut, anything fermented, vinegar, eggs, citrus fruit, beetroot juice, radish, onions, anything spicy, sour or unripe fruits, fizzy drinks, alcohol

3. All grains, All dairy (except cheeses and yogurt), beans and lentils, healthy oils (in small doses), most vegetables and salad items, all sweet fruits (not sour).

Chocolate is an odd one, sometimes I am okay with it, sometimes it really reacts badly.
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1) UC
2) anything hotter than jalapeños stored in vinegar (can't even do fresh ones), orange soda (except for Fanta), anything made with ground pork.
3) in a flare: chicken, instant ramen, not in a flare: anything but the above
1. Crohn's
2. beef, too much lettuce/salads too often, beer, milk, deep fried foods (onion rings in particular), spicy foods (flaming hot cheetos and spicy pork rinds-ouch!), ice cream, milk shakes
3. been and cheese burritos, spaghetti (no meat in the sauce), mashed potatoes, tortillas, well cooked veggies, saltines, cream of wheat
1. CD
2. Beef, Popcorn, seeds, lettuce (sob), most raw veggies, most cooked veggies (though I cheat with these), fatty foods, fried food, dairy (unless I take Lactaid, and then I am fine), coffee (although I still drink it), I'm discovering tomato sauce (too acidic)
3. Yogurt, all fruit with seeds removed except citrus fruits, sugar (never has seemed to hurt at least), tea, chicken, turkey, fish, bread if it isn't too buttery, pasta

Great post! Very interesting and helpful! Thanks David!

When I am in a flair, there is no good list.
1. Crohn's

2. Beans, Cabbage, Any type of Curry, Some other spices (I use trial and error - if it hurts one time wait a while and try again), Broccoli, Onions (I still use in recipes in moderation), Sushi (I think its the seaweed as it doesn't matter if its vegetarian or not), Whole Grain Breads, Orange Juice, Chinese Food, Fried Foods, Coffee

3. Bananas, Melons and most fruit (citrus fruit in moderation), Chicken, Turkey, White Bread (Cobs Bread - High Fibre Low G.I. Bread is awesome), Pasta, Annie's Organic Mac & Cheese, Hard cheese (in moderation), Salads (Most vegetables small servings), Avocado, Asparagus, Potatoes, TEA! (my saving grace from cutting coffee - so many varieties and flavours available at tea shops)
Good idea David!

1. Crohn's

2. Tomatoes(actually, anything red in colour) corn, red meat, any raw vegetables but especially lettuce, coffee, anything acidic, anything spicy, fast food burgers, milk, nuts, popcorn, fresh fruit, anything whole wheat, alcohol.

3. Pretty much anything white in colour. breads, pasta, rice, potatoes, chicken noodle soup and raman, flattened pop, chicken with no skin.. I don't have much of an appetite lately as I'm still flaring, so I don't really eat anything but this stuff.

Seems like everyone's list is along the same lines, for the most part.
This is such a good idea and some people seem to have the same triggers as me!

This is a list of things I'm pretty sure are unsafe, I was only diagnosed with crohn's in september so I'm still learning a lot about myself with it......

1) crohn's

2) NANDO's.... oh my life it's so so bad after this!! Spicy food in general, although tbh I dont risk it out of caution more than anything, there's lots of spicy things I've not tried since I made the very clear association between nando's and flare ups! Sweetcorn seems to mildly affect it. Fizzy drinks, esp decaff coke (can't have caffeine for other reasons).

3) Safe foods? I interpreted this as things I live on whilst I'm flaring that don't hurt it.... clear soup, non-sugared cereals, small portions of toast, milk.
(I use trial and error - if it hurts one time wait a while and try again

I do the same thing the - trail and error - and it helps to figure out the unsafe foods :)

1. Crohn's

2. Spice food, fried food, seeds, soda, grape juice, orange juice, coffee, tea, raw vegetables, eggs, uncocked things...

3. Chicken, Turkey, Rice, wheat, white bread, potatoes.....
1. UC
2. Whole Wheat Bread/Bagels, Red Salad Dressing, Sodas besides Ginger Ale. Tomato Sauce.
3. Chicken, Turkey, Rice, Cranberry Sauce, Mashed Potatoes, Bagels (w/ cream cheese & jelly), White Bread, French Toast (w/ syrup), Eggs (Hard Boiled/Scrambled), Animal Crackers.

Recently diagnosed. Interestingly enough while I felt sick but before I was diagnosed I had some Kettlecorn and it didn't bother me at all, same with some General Tso's Chicken. But I had one Whole Wheat bagel by accident and I could hear EVERYTHING going on in my stomach all night, kept waking me up.
Here are my unusual ones. I share a lot of common triggers such as the high fiber stuff, but i'll list the unusuals.

1. Crohns

2. Sour cream, BBQ sauce (horrible), canned fruit, salads, canned tuna, lots of sugar, parboiled rice (perhaps the bouillon in it?), spices, Mexican food, caffeine

3. Avocados, chicken tacos (without heavy spices), most Greek/Mediterranean cuisine which doesnt have a lot of fiber, homemade ice cream, vodka.
Fantastic thread!

1. Crohns

2. Any red meat, oranges, all seeds, all nuts, a lot of raw veggies, bread of any kind, raw onions, spiced cured meats like salami, chorizo etc, cream, smoked salmon, wholemeal anything, brown rice, fizzy drinks, crisps (whether its Doritos or Walkers), beer, yeast-y things

3. Chicken, potatoes, cheeses, yoghurts, eggs, pitta bread, wraps (tortillas etc), most fish, white rice, cucumber, rice cakes, vodka, strangely McDonalds chicken nuggets, chicken noodle soup, Rich Tea biscuits and Digestive biscuits (like graham crackers in the US?)

The list is constantly changing though!
Crohns Dx
Unsafe - POPCORN (bad bad bad) Green peppers, Beer any product that has alot of yeast in it...

Safe - Mashed Pot, Cup a soup, Cheese. Soft cooked vegies (corn, broc) baked chicken/fish

Thanks for doing this poll. Intresting
1. Diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis

2. My main trigger is Wholegrain wheat - any foods containing this, e.g. Weetabix, Shredded Wheat, wheat based cereal bars, all bran, brown bread, grainy bread. I've also suspected that cream causes me problems too and I have to be careful with some spicy foods. Shellfish has made me sick. Sprouts and cooked cabbage.

3. Safe foods - white bread, cereals that are oat based, oaty cereal bars, cereals that have no wheat in (cornflakes, rice crispies etc) white fish and salmon, chicken, bacon, steak, raw cabbage & leek, most veggies and traditional British cooking is fine. Rice, Pasta.
1. Crohn's
2. Triggers: red wine, caffeine, milk, anything grainy, lettuce, spicy food, cream, red meat, pineapple, apples, cabbage, icecream, anything high in fat like takeaway food, and if I eat anything as soon as I get up I usually have a lot of pain.
3. Safe foods: White wine, soy products, chicken, potatoes, most fruit and veges except those listed above, and not in excess, fish, most bread except grainy.
1. Crohns Disease!

2. (unsafe):sweetcorn!, chicken skin, stuffing, real mashed potato, scones, orange juice, chips (sometimes),

3. (safe): lettuce, fish, cucumber, gingerbread man, cress, salad cream, twix, lemonade, mountain dew energy (uk version), rolos, quavers, walkers (ready salted), smarties, potato waffles, homemade vanilla ice-cream, pasta, pesto, chicken, pilau rice, white rice, baked beans, flapjack, maryland cookies, steamed carrots, instant mashed potato, fried crispy bacon
Question to all those who listed unsafe food:
What are the other factors that cause your flare-ups?
Truth is that there is NO proof that any food alone causes the flare-up.
But if your intestines are already damaged from past flare-ups then it is possible for some food to cause problems. Not because of the food itself but because your intestines are unable to absorb certain foods. Also things like tomatoes will surely cause pain to already damaged intestines because of their acidity.

My question is: do you think any food causes you problems WHEN you are perfectly healthy? (with completely healed intestines)
Problem is that most of the people, even when they are feeling better, have some degree of damage from past flare-ups.

I would especially like to hear from those who have undergone resection (as myself) and whose intestines are now completely healed. (I have Crohn's)
I have tried many different food after the operations and have not had even the slightest problems. Doctors also say: "Eat everything". (I still avoid certain foods just in case)
So I think it's hardly a food that causes or triggers the disease. (this probably also explains so many differences in people's diets)
Would like to hear your thoughts on this.

1. Crohn's Disease (dx 1/2011). Mild - controlled through diet and exercise.

2. Fatty red meats (burgers, fatty steaks), bread pudding (random, right?), anything fatty, alcohol (although I still drink), fiber one bars, soda, SPLENDA (el diablo!!!) or any artificial sweeteners, anything fried.

3. Dairy (low-fat), Turkey Bacon, Baked Chicken, Veggies, Mashed potatoes...pretty much anything except everything above.
Question to all those who listed unsafe food:
What are the other factors that cause your flare-ups?
My question is: do you think any food causes you problems WHEN you are perfectly healthy? (with completely healed intestines)
Problem is that most of the people, even when they are feeling better, have some degree of damage from past flare-ups.
Would like to hear your thoughts on this.

Hi Miki. Well I , for one, can't really comment for certain as when I am feeling really ill, as I am right now, Crohn's is at the forefront of my mind...yet when I'm feeling ok (as I probably will be tomorrow), I forget about it.

What I know to be unsafe for me is dry-roasted peanuts, along with pork. Lettuce always remains undigested in the toilet along with red-pepper....I love eating these! What a cruel disease we have have to live with!
1) Crohn's 2009
2) Unsafe- steak,too much dairy, pop(soda) ginger ale is ok sometimes, spicy food, tomato sauce
3) Safe- Boost, asparagus, green beans, white fish, salmon, some chicken, some pork,toast, bananas, apples, oranges

I am still working out diet issues and will possibly have food allergy testing done to see if there certain things I do need to avoid that I have not discovered.

Some days it doesn't matter what I eat, I am upset and in pain so I switch to Boost, toast and canned fruit, which I can mostly tolerate,
Really bad days find me on Boost and Hot water only.
I don't have D issues - mostly constipation. Even if no constipation, the pain varies a great deal.

Safe foods - White bread, chicken, potatoes, broccoli, bannanas, milk, coca cola.

Trigger foods - Curry, Crisps (potato chips), ice cream, nuts

1- spicy food (cause alota pain) - Dairy products - Legumes !! they all risk to consume !

2- egg- potatos- steak- white rice & green tea. they all seem to calm me down.

Great post, thanks David.
1. Crohn's

2. Orange Juice, oranges, kumquats, raw broccoli, raw cabbage, lettuce, domestic light beers, whey protein powder, cow's milk, cottage cheese, pepper-jack cheese, lunch-meat, ground beef...

3. Light chocolate soy milk, light soy milk, cultured coconut milk, vanilla coconut milk, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, brown rice, very low sodium white albacore tuna, boneless skinless chicken breast, turkey bacon, turkey breakfast sausage, egg whites, shitake mushrooms, Sweet Leaf (brand) iced tea, Ensure (brand) nutrition drink, Activia (brand) yogurt, bananas, water...

There are many more for both categories, but I can't think of them all right now. I will add more later.
Add Hula Hoops (a type of potato chip) to my no-go zone, I tried 2 new flavours and ended up in A&E on morphine eek!
1. Crohn's

2. Cabbage, brussel sprouts, curry, seeds, nuts, Greek/Middle Eastern food, MSG (food preservative, often in Chines food or restaurant salads), avocado, Fiber One cereals, cauliflower, any type of alcoholic drinks, soda, esp. Coke products-(any of them), corn, asparagus, full fat dairy, aspartame, soy.

3. White bread, saltines, white rice, zucchini, artichokes, potatoes, mac and cheese (if it's not too creamy), ramen, Greek yogurt, low fat cheese, pumpkin, yams, sweet potatoes, baked chicken, eggs, cream of wheat, oatmeal, bananas, turkey, fish, celery, peanut butter, apple sauce, pinapple, pasta, almond milk.

In a flare, I only eat eggs, white bread, Mountain Dew,white rice, applesauce, Greek yogurt or protein shakes made with almond milk.
1. Crohn's Disease
2. Lettuce, Cabbage, Any raw veggie except peppers and tomatoes, skins of potatoes, alcohol (mostly beer but I don't drink anymore), chives, spinach
3. Skins of chicken, too much fried food, non-lactose free dairy products, coffee, beef

Oddly enough, spicy foods/peppers/chili, beans etc don't bother me. Nor do bread products, sauces and lactose free dairy. The only things I've really had to give up is salads and uncooked veggies (aka all the things that are good for me). I also watch my caffeine and only drink 1 glass of caffeinated tea a day, decaf or herbal for the rest of the day. I also drink about 2 litres of water a day.

1. Crohn's

2. Dairy(milk, cheese, including products that have only a little milk in them), chocolate, Spicy foods(mexican, indian, etc), Fast foods(chik fil a, Mcdonalds, wendy's, even Pollo Tropical), burgers, fried foods, corn, tomato sauce, cake, fries

3. Chicken, rice, soy or almond milk, gluten free waffles with syrup, mashed potatoes, soda is fine with me
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2.Nuts,seeds,cabbage,just about any fresh veg,watermelon,hot dogs(ouch!!),steak,whole grain anything,spicy foods,rice,cheese,greasy foods,hamburger,beer,wine,corn,dairy,fresh fruit,

3.sprite,pop without caffine,hard candy,chicken,turkey,white breads,potatoes,noodles,jello,shrimp,crab,ham
1. crohn's

2.beans, spicy food, fatty food, apples, large amounts of mint(can irritate my crohn's related reflux, otherwise is actually great for cramping),fresh food, celery(even cooked),tomato, raw sushi(immune-suppressed people), milk protein, broccoli, soda, acidic foods, salami, fast food/greasy food

3.banana, lunchmeat, coconut milk products(great for no milk diets), ricemilk, meat,most soups, tuna fish, pasta, poultry, tea, bread, deli meat, stew, mushrooms, frozen waffles, pancakes, smart balance spread(milk free!),

This is making me realize that I have pretty much eaten the same things for weeks now, lol.:boring:
1.) Crohn's
2.) CORN!!!ugh!!! lol beans, sesame seeds, cabbage, pork, beef, Ramen, most fast food, coffee, any veggie that would require beano for a healthy colon lol peanut butter:-(
3.) Frozen Waffles! any brand, they were a life saver during my last flare. Sugar free syrup, Vanilla Ensure(really the only flavor I can tolerate) eggs with Tony Chachere's creole seasoning which is suprising because it's kinda spicy! Toast(white bread) with I can't believe it's not butter, lol really almost any breakfast food but oatmeal! Chicken or turkey if I'm in the rare mood for meat!
1. Crohn's (self-diagnosed)

2. Beans, lentils, beer, (any alcohol), steak or any pork, apples, peanut butter (especially crunchy), too many stir-fried veggies at once, fried anything, coffee (even decaf) and red wine but can drink it when not flaring. Oh, and of course, the bane of many CD sufferers, DIARY of any kind. (except extra sharp cheddar which does not seem to bother me.)

3. Spinach, kale, both slightly cooked in olive oil, rice ANYTHING (including rice Chex, which are my savior) fish, especially tuna (in small quantities) Ensure, bananas (again, in small quantities), barley (very gentle on my system).

Thanks so much for these lists, it really helps to know I'm not the only one out there who can't take spicy foods, especially when surrounded by a bunch of hot pepper-loving, wing-eating maniacs who insist that you are a "freak" because you won't touch anything hot or cheesy. :)
Great threat i'm really interested in diet now as I've had a rude awakening!!!

1. CD
2. Spicy food (main one), fresh pasta (since surgery) dark chocolate, white wine, excessive alcohol, citrus fruits,
3. veg, all other fruits, all meat / fish, sauces, biscuits, milk, tea, coffee, occasional alcohol
Foods I can't tolerate

Excellent thread, been feeling sick for a few days and it has coincided with me eating chicken and onion wraps for my lunch each day this week. I think it's the onion. Foods I already avoid are:

1 All dairy
2 Citric fruits
3 nuts
4 eggs
5 whole grain foods
6 onions (from today)
1. I have UC

2. Unsafe: peanut butter, breads, milk, nuts (only because they hurt coming out), spicy foods (I can handle some spice, though.), corn, apples, oatmeal, popcorn, rice...

3. Safe: Yogurt, cheese, squash, chicken, creamy almond butter, carrots, fine chocolate (no cheap stuff - big difference!), salmon, tuna, asparagus, artichokes, broccoli, cauliflower...

*some of these safe foods are not safe during a flare, obviously

Great thread, by the way!
Wanted to add something:

Sushi... I have had sushi 3 times since my last flare. It seems to be the ONLY meal that sits totally well with my entire system, even with massive amounts of wasabi (which I love because it's the only hot thing I can eat.) But of course, it's basically fish and rice with some seaweed, all gentle stuff.

Going to try to remember this in the future when I'm starving during a flare! :thumleft:
On that note I'm completely the opposite I think it was wasabi that triggered my crohn's in the 1st place I was totally fine until I had a really really spicy thai meal in london last yr then bang it all went downhill from there (LOL)!!! I know it probably wasn't that but it would be interesting to see how many japanese suffer from crohn's
Food List

1) Crohn's disease
2) I do my best to avoid grains, legumes, dairy, and most nuts/seeds
3) Proteins (minus eggs), veggies, and fruits (minus nightshades and onions)
1) Crohn's
2) Unsafe: Spicy foods (lots of seasoning, BBQ sauce), raw veggies, fruits with seeds
3) Safe: Chicken, salmon, eggs, rice, potatoes, white bread, oatmeal, cheese, bananas, yogurt

I seem to do okay with pasta sauce/pizza, but I am cautious because many seem to have problems with it. When I am not feeling well, I only eat my safe foods.
hey guys iv had crohns for 3 years and i cannot figure out whats effecting me? did you all have specific diets to figure out whats effecting you then cancel it out.... my cramps and that come at night and i can never decide on specific foods i should and should not eat?

1. Crohn's
2. Really spicy foods, raw tomatoes, fatty steak, corn (raw or cooked), excessive alcohol, excessive cigarettes, greek yogurt, popcorn.
3. Tostitos, baked potatoes, bread, pasta, cereal, boiled eggs, grilled chicken, regular yogurt.

Sarah has short bowel syndrome and has found that a vegan diet with little fat or oils suits her best. She has narrowed it down to finding that food with 1.5grms of vegetable fat or less per serving is safe for her and this combination has her down to pooping once a day, which she is absolutely thrilled about!

Well worth the effort and sacrifice according to her. :)

Dusty. xxx
1) Crohns & Colitis
2) Popcorn, all fast foods, dairy products, nearly all vegetables, spicy foods & fried foods
3) Peanut Butter sandwiches are my primary safe food, Someone mentioned frozen waffles, with PB, they're a special treat! Saltine crackers are my safe food for flares
Fiqured it out after 20years!!!!

1. Crohns (inactive), IBS
2. Corn and all products containing corn ie corn starch, corn syrup, corn oil, etc.
wheat and white flour. Oranges, dairy.
3. Rice, eggs, bananas, chicken, beef,
Recently discovered that if I stick to blood type diet, I have NO stomach issues.
1.Crohns 39 years
2. Foods high in oxalytic acid (kidney stone formation)
soy products of any kind, peanuts, anything made from the cocao plant - colas and chocolate, asparagus, rhubarb, berries, coffee
hey guys iv had crohns for 3 years and i cannot figure out whats effecting me? did you all have specific diets to figure out whats effecting you then cancel it out.... my cramps and that come at night and i can never decide on specific foods i should and should not eat?


Hi Eefs. A lot of people use an elimination diets. It's tough cos you have to cut what you have right back to the bare minimum and introduce new foods gradually and systematically. Keeping a food diary also helps.
It's worth it for the relief it can bring.
1. Crohn's
2. Popcorn, onions, mayo, lunchmeat, brownies, sodas, any breakfast meats, speggitti, any mexican food, most veggies, fruit or fruit juice
3. Turkey, milk, potatoes, eggs, chicken, lettuce, tomatoes,
I'd like to create a collection of safe and unsafe foods for people that are just starting out on the IBD journey (and it may be useful for the veterans as well). This idea is to create a list of safe and unsafe foods but since everyone is a little different, I'll then collate the responses and do a little statistical analysis so people can get a general idea of what is safe and unsafe for the majority.

This thread will stay open to new responders. The more people who respond, the better the analysis will be and the more in depth I will take it. Keep responding even as I provide stats. I will update them periodically.

Please respond to this thread with the following:

1. If you have Crohn's, UC, or some other form of IBD
2. A list of foods you KNOW (not just theorize) are unsafe for you.
3. A list of foods you KNOW (not just theorize) are safe for you.


The continually updating results by disease

Please note I took the liberty of making judgment calls on various entries for more efficient grouping. The below data should not be considered scientific nor is it in any way a guarantee that what is safe for others is safe for you and what is a trigger for others is a trigger for you. These are simple guidelines people can utilize as they attempt to alter their diet.

As I collated these entries, one thing I noticed is that many people would put disclaimers such as, "Well pureed", "Well cooked" or "Chewed well". So please ponder the importance of texture and density of food as you're trying to figure out what diet works best for you.

Crohn's Disease

Number of Respondents

Spicy foods - 11
Fried Foods - 10
Raw vegetables (includes salads) - 10
Dairy - 10
Tomatoes - 9
Popcorn - 8
Carbonated beverages (such as soda) - 7
Coffee - 7
Beef - 7
Bread (especially non white) - 6
Corn - 6
Seeds - 5
Legumes - 5
Nuts - 4
Onions - 4
Fast food - 4
Beer - 4
Alcohol - 4

Red Wine - 3
Breakfast cereals - 3
Chinese Food - 3
Broccoli - 3
Orange juice - 3
Fruit (fresh) - 3
Chocolate - 3
Eggs - 2
Chicken - 2
Sweeteners - 2
Apples - 2
Potatoes - 2
Oranges - 2
Pork - 2
White Wine - 2
Ice Cream - 2
Indian Food - 2
Goat cheese - 2
Red pasta sauce - 2
Lettuce - 2
Wheat - 2
Cabbage - 2

Be Cautious About The Following - Often Fall In High Risk Categories
Acidic foods
Apple juice
Blue cheese
Citrus Fruit
Cooked Vegetables
Corned beef
Fatty foods
Fried eggs
Fried onions
Fruit juice in cartons
Jelly beans
Kiwi Fruit
Oily Foods
Picked Items
Preserved Foods
Refined Sugars
Refried beans
Soy meats
Tomato Juice
Tomato products
Whole grain foods

Breads (usually white) - 18
Pasta (usually white) - 14
Fish - 13
Chicken - 13
Rice (usually white) - 10
Mashed potatoes (especially Instant) - 6
Turkey - 6
Peanut butter (creamy) - 5
Yogurt - 5
Bananas - 5

Potentially Safe Foods - Use Caution
Cheese - 4 (Caution - dairy products cause some people to trigger)
Crackers - 4
Beef (sometimes just steak) - (Caution - beef causes some people to trigger) - 3
Asparagus - 3
Melons - 3
Tea - 3
Potatoes - 3
Pasta sauces - 2
Organic honey - 2
Fruit (sometimes not citrus) - 2
Carrots - 2
Eggs - 2
Jello - 2
Coca-Cola (Caution - soda causes some people to trigger) - 2
Corn flakes (Caution - corn products cause some people to trigger) -2
Feta cheese - 2
Ramen noodles - 2
Ham - 2
Jam - 2
Milk Chocolate (Caution - chocolate cause some people to trigger)- 2
Cooked vegetables - 2

May be safe - Use Extreme Caution
Aged Cheese - (Caution - dairy products cause some people to trigger)
Almond Milk
Apples - (Caution - fresh fruit causes some people to trigger)
Black beans (Caution - legumes cause some people to trigger)
Boiled potatoes
Butter (Caution - dairy products cause some people to trigger)
Canned fruit
Canned vegetables
Cereal (Caution - breakfast cereals cause some people to trigger)
Chicken noodle soup
Chicken nuggets (Caution - fried/fast foods cause some people to trigger)
Clear alcohol (Caution - alcohol products cause some people to trigger)
Cream of wheat (Caution - wheat products cause some people to trigger)
Fried potatoes (Caution - fried products cause some people to trigger)
Grapefruit juice
Green Tea
Ice cream (Caution - dairy products cause some people to trigger)
Kraft Dinner
Lactose free milk
Lettuce (Caution - fresh vegetables cause some people to trigger)
Liquor (Caution - alcohol products cause some people to trigger)
Meatballs (Caution - beef products cause some people to trigger)
Olive oil
Peanuts (Caution - nuts cause some people to trigger)
Peppermint Tea
Rice Krispies
Roasted meats
Scrambled eggs
Spinach (Caution - fresh vegetables cause some people to trigger)
Sugar (Caution - sweeteners cause some people to trigger)
Tomatoes (Caution - tomatoes cause some people to trigger)
Vegetables (peeled) (Caution - fresh vegetables cause some people to trigger)
Vodka (Caution - alcohol products cause some people to trigger)
White Wine (Caution - alcohol products cause some people to trigger)

Ulcerative Colitis

Number of Respondents


Unsafe Trigger Foods

Vinegar - 2
Spicy food
Orange soda
Ground pork

Safe Foods

Cooked vegetables

I am new, I was diagnosed last week after biopsy done, I had surgery and small section removed.
So far: Unsafe for me
chocolate chip cookies
Ice cream
Pop Corn
Whole Wheat
Seeds & nuts
Tomatoes in any form
Raw vegetables
Powder Milk Products (burning urine)
Spice and BBQ sauce
Potato Salad ( I love that suff, sob sniff)
Hot Dogs

Safe For Me So Far
canned french style green beans
Mashed Turnips
Mashed Potatoes
Sweet Potato
Fish, (good thing I love fish)
Chicken (no batter)
hamburgers (no onion, no sesame seed bun, no tomato, no pickles)
canned fruit cocktail (but no grapes)
Cream of Mushroom Soup
chicken Noodle Soup
white bread
french toast
cream of asparagus soup
biscuit style cookies (non greasy and not too crunchy)

I don't know what else yet, I try one food everyday so I can detect what gave me cramps and what didn't, thank you for doing this, I fould it helpful reading you list. :)
1. looks like crohns (diagnosed 16/11/11)
2. lettuce, digestives, too much fat i.e. some chips ok, fries too much! peas, apple juice, anything fizzy inc beer, lemonade or both together, bread with yeast, pasta, brown rice, oats seem to be a problem
3. chicken, turkey, white rice, fine beans, mash, black tea with sugar, bagels in moderation (think yeast a problem not gluten), processed cheese in moderation, choc in moderation, lactose free and normal milk seems to be ok with rice crispies/frosties
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been a crohny for a year now .

unsafe food for me is fast food like burger king - jack in the box - sonic - and so on , meat - pork - wheat - milk - pasta made with wheat and gluten - fryed food - deep frying food - butter made with milk - pizza - bacon - soda - coffee- bread and muffins - yogurt - sausage - hotdogs with beef and pork .

safe food - turkey dogs - turkey bacon - turkey sausage - rice pasta white and brown - Prego gluten free - Heinz ketchup gluten free - Rice Chex gluten free - Ore-rida crispy crowns potatoes gluten free - rice bread - rice muffins - turkey sandwich meat - chicken sandwich meat - chicken dogs - chicken no skin and use rice flour to coat them - white rice - smart balance butter - turkey burgers - silk milk - veggen cheese .

was on remacade then went to sulfazine , i had to many side effects with sulfazine- the doctor told me to stop taking them now i wait for next appt. to see him for new meds.:poo:
1. Crohn's

2. Unsafe - Most veggies, Apple peel (the inside of the apple is ok), any nuts, milk (drinking it, not cooking with it), Corn (I so miss corn on the cob), tomatoes, seeds

3. Safe - Spicy doesnt bother me at all, meats, potatoes, pastas, rice, I drink Mountain Dew without issue

All in all, I count myself very lucky with my foods.

1. Crohn's Disease (15 years)

2. Absolutely no coffee for me (decaf or regular)! Fruit juices, eggs, ice cream, alcohol, deep fried foods, steak, bacon, rich desserts, pizza, corn, beans, yogurt, any drink that is dark in color (soda, black tea, coffee, etc.), cabbage/sauerkraut.. this is just to name a few!

3. Safe things for me are green/white tea, pasta, ground meats, potatoes, jello, chicken, fish, canned fruits, bananas, applesauce, bread, cooked carrots, vanilla pudding (but not chocolate!), pork tenderloin or chops, rice.
1. Chron's

2. Beer/Wine/Whiskey, Chocolate, Coffee, Cigaretts, Any Soda, Raw Fruits/Veggies (Salad), McDonald's/Fast Food, MSG, Polysorbate 80, (I suspect other preservitives) Spicy Foods, Mexican, Italian, Tomato Sauce, Fried Foods, Whole Grains, Fatty Foods, Gravy, Beef, Whole Wheat Bread, Wheat or Corn Cereal, Too Much Butter, Beans, High Fiber Foods.

3. All Organic Dairy, White Rice, Rice Cereals, Turkey or Chicken (white meat), Pork (if its not greasy), Cooked Veggies, Canned Fruits, Most Organic Foods, Eggs, White Pasta, White Bread.

It helps to eat several small meals slowly and make sure I chew really good.
If I'm in a flair I cannot eat anything at all.
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1. Chrons
2. Onions, eggs, gerkins, garlic, any alcohol, red meat, spicy foods, citrus fruits, raw vegetables, tomatoes, popcorn, diary foods
3. Fish, pasta ( I'm just about living of pasta currently), yoghurt, mangos

bad--fizzy drinks, pastry, wholewheat, grains. haribos. potatoes.milk,soft cheese.

safe--all fruits and veg (except cauli),chicken,scrambled eggs, fruit juice (not from concentrate) coffee,herbal tea, lacto free milk,honey.hard cheese.
1. Chrohn's

2. Dairy, any red meat that isn't ground up (with the exception of the fat on steak), stick & hot spices, salt, skin on poultry, vegetables that aren't steamed or boiled, fiber from wheat, soy, chocolate sent me to the hospital, cakes, cookies - anything made with flour and baking soda - I guess caffeine - I'll have to ween myself off, food coloring, preservatives (the more cleansed my system - the more sensitive I become, soda, pizza - I can feel the crust expanding in my intestines - youch, onions - SHELL FISH KILLS ME ALIVE

3. oats, oatmeal with raw sugar and butter, granola oats left to soak in applesauce and a touch of powdered cinnamon, fruit bread made w/frozen white bread - butter - pears - raw sugar rolled up and baked - my desert; corn bread w/creamed corn added, tuna and salmon pate on saltines/saltless, peanut butter (creamy - jelly not jam) strawberries on bisquik biscuits - 1/2 of biscuit, potatoes any way - add butter. Fried foods on the stove (not deep fried) don't seem to bother me - McDonalds french fries are a saving grace when dehydrated in the summer to retain water (I have a huge problem with dehydration - must be the caffeine) Doritoes - white - they must break down easy because chips just kill my intestinal tract, soft boiled eggs, all cooked vegetables, pea soup, speghetti sause and spegheti don't seem to bother me from a can - I watch the oregano when home cooked, white noodles but not homemade egg noodles - they swell up too - white bagels and deli ham, roast beef, turkey w/cream cheese - (real light on cheese for me) Green tea, 100% Coconut milk, 1 tablespoon organic coconut oil per day, sea salt if needed, hotdogs on cheap buns, french bread with butter & provolone melted on it and parmigiana, no string vegetables, custard, tapioca, jello with real whipped cream (again light on the cream)
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Some foods seem safe and are not. Starches like rice, or pasta ("bland" foods) don't do their damage for many hours after eating, so people think they're safe. They are complex carbohydrates which we can't easily digest, so they pass through the small intestine and go to feed the bad bacteria in the colon. This bad bacteria is the source of the symptoms. Many doctors in different countries have figured this out independently, so you have various names for the no-starch diet - SCD, GAPS, Seignalet, etc. They're not exactly the same, but they are variations on the same theme: sugars and starches are killing us. Eliminate them from your diet, and you'll be really surprised how many symptoms disappear.

So here are my answers:

1. CD, for 45 years
2. All starches and sugars except maybe fructose. Milk. Cruciferous vegs (cabbage et al). Raw seafood.
3. BROTH including the fat. Meats, fish, eggs, esp. soft-boiled. Well-cooked vegetables. Coconut. PAPAYA. Grated carrots. Ceasar salad (without croutons).
I should start keeping a diary of the foods i eat. See if i see any products that make me worse. It's so weird though. I asked my specialist if i should do one of these ages ago, he said that because my colon was so inflammed that no matter what i ate i'd get diarrhea. he's also the one who told me Crohns isn't associated with pain though?!?!?!
1. Crohn's (6 years since diagnosis, 30 years since first symptoms)
2. Onions, chocolate, sugary drinks (e.g. Coke), alcohol (anything high in yeast), apple juice
3. Chicken, rice, bananas

Giving answers to this is actually more difficult than most people realise. Prof John Hunter's "Solve Your Food Intolerance: A dietary programme to eliminate food intolerance" which includes a section on Crohn's gives some hints on how to identify problem foods.
I should start keeping a diary of the foods i eat. See if i see any products that make me worse. It's so weird though. I asked my specialist if i should do one of these ages ago, he said that because my colon was so inflammed that no matter what i ate i'd get diarrhea. he's also the one who told me Crohns isn't associated with pain though?!?!?!

If your Dr told you that Chrons is NOT associated with Pain he should be fired.

Ive had Chrons for 11 Years and at every flare up i´ve had pains, i have learned to handle it with time but still it hurts alot.

1. Chrons
2. "Gassy" foods cause me alot of pain
3. Safe for me is foods that has been boiled for long times the longer the better.

I will try this elemination diet sometime im pretty sure i have man more unsafe and safe foods.
Safe & Unsafe

1. CD. Had surgery 50 years ago. Still have a problem but manageable with a little care. Won't take most modern meds - too many bad side effects according to what I read.

2. Unsafe: any seeds or nuts, tomatoes, oranges & grapefruit (fruit or juice), plums, cherries, corn, very spicy anything, fat or very oily foods, more than 1 glass of wine or beer.

3. Safe: bananas, rice, most lean or white meats (grilled), most fish (not fried), breads, soups, pasta, potatoes.


Chicken and other meats
Lactose-free milk


Blackberries (and most other acidic fruits)
Junk food (potato chips, etc)
safe and Unsafe foods

No veggies at all, no meats( too fibrous) mostly I live on carbohydrates and cheese with loads of supplements. I don't have meals, I 'graze'. Tiny quantities often.
Very grateful for this link as I was beginning to think that I was abnormal...having said that I spoke to someone with Crohns recently who has to be fed through a tube in her stomach. She can't eat at all!

I'd love a nice juicy steak...so sad:(

1) cd
2) unsafe. Onions raw, diary (anything), tomatoe, spices, oil or fried food, garlic, long pasta (strange as penne or small pasta is ok), emulsifier of any kind, nuts, hp sauce, picallili and coffee. Pain comes with potatoe (not a few oven chips but baked and roasted potatoes) underdestroyed veggies and brown bread.

3)safe white bread, white rice (not every day), ham, banana, caffeine free tea, low fat bacon, chicken, pork, tomato ketchup, eggs, tuna and mixed veg (frozen)

Much i am unsure of as my guts reactions have changed recently.
hey guys iv had crohns for 3 years and i cannot figure out whats effecting me? did you all have specific diets to figure out whats effecting you then cancel it out.... my cramps and that come at night and i can never decide on specific foods i should and should not eat?


Try an iphone program myallergies. Do it religiously for a few weeks and it may give you an idea as it helps to keep a food and reaction diary.
1. Crohns
2. UNSAFE: Pizza, Popcorn, Chicken, Cucumbers (unless I pull of rind), Tomatoes, Fatty Foods, and I'm still testing others.,
2. SAFE: Spicy foods, Grits/Cream of Wheat, Potatoes, Rice, Fish, Soup, Herbal Teas, Cheese, Yogurt
Nobody reads these titles.


Unsafe: Potato (hot chips, crisps and other forms), undercooked or raw vegetables, popcorn, pizza, orange juice, multigrain bread, museli bars, cereals, black pepper, soft drinks, energy drinks, sausages, beef, lamb chops, pineapple (fresh, not sure about canned) most skin-on fruits, chilli, fast food, ice cream, hard caramel.

Safe: White rice, Grilled chicken, Pancakes, ham, short cut bacon, well boiled vegetables, yogurt, apple juice, cheaper wholemeal bread (less fibre maybe?), Rice bubbles (krispies), eggs, occasionally plain corn chips, banana, cordials, Jatz Clix or Ritz biscuits (if you have them where you guys are,) very small amounts of milk chocolate, peeled sweet varieties of apples, occasionally noodles (such as mi goreng).

I can add more to this list as I try things, but should I post a new list so it doesn't get missed on the total or edit this one?
1. Crohns

2. Mahi Mahi, Thick Flour Tortillas, Overprocessed lunchmeats (esp the fake Subway lunchmeat) Thick pasta (penne), black beans, lamb, doritos/nachos, wheat crackers, seaweed (sushi), whole grain cereals, Sugary Alcoholic Drinks (I drink a liquor & gingerale or tonic instead of juices/liquers).

3. Rice milk, salmon, canned tuna & chicken, salad mix (the dark green leafy types), crabs (popular in my state), carrots, rice cakes, turkey bacon & turkey sausage, non-whole grain waffles, fresh tomatoes, bananas, gingerale, mashed potatoes (gets me through flares), avocado, grits

I moderate with popcorn, shrimp, and chocolate. Most readings advise against carbonated beverages but for me gingerale helps me "burp" trapped/excess gas up. I wish there was a cure or MUTE button for the bowel sounds caused by air moving through my system. During the bouts when it happens, people usually assume I'm hungry and my stomach is growling. It gets pretty annoying.
What amazes me when I read this thread is how many foods listed as safe on other's lists are so unsafe for me! Popcorn for instance has me rushing to the loo within minutes...even though I have an ileostomy, unsafe foods create chaos that sometimes even the pouch cannot contain! Tinned fish , if eaten with toast doesn't cause too many problems but anything carbonated ferments whatever is waiting to be released...
I guess a lot of the differences are caused by the amount of bowel left and the state of mind. My GI tells me that I also have IBS as well as Crohns so I have to try to be very calm, not easy when you feel the onset of an 'incident' begin whilst out.
I was very embarrassed recently when I was unable to use the disabled loo and after emptying my bag in the regular toilets, someone using the handbasins said loudly' God, what a dreadful smell'. I hid in the loo until I hoped they'd left. I always carry a small air freshener now.
Such a relief to be able to share without embarrassment!
Paddy this disease is so complex and weird right? I mean with most illnesses, you can narrow causes/triggers down to a few variables and that makes it easy to avoid. But with this disease, there is no "general" pattern to follow...even for your own body! Some months a particular food is fine then few months later it's the near death of you. People try to ask me what triggers it, I ask them to take a seat and get comfortable LOL

You are right in finding comfort with fellow crohnies. I felt so isolated then happened to find out that 2 of my coworkers had it, I felt so relieved I almost wanted to cry. It's like a struggle no one else can relate to but us.