High dose of folic acid doesn't raise cancer risk

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Interesting, thanks for posting.

if I recall correctly PollyH mentioned the idea of trying folic acid. I'll have to give that a try in future to see if it helps.
Interesting, thanks for posting.

if I recall correctly PollyH mentioned the idea of trying folic acid. I'll have to give that a try in future to see if it helps.

I think methyl-folate is much more appropriate to try than folic acid. The yeast and often genetics will interfere with the conversion of folic acid into methyl-folate. The folic acid could actually build up and interfere with the methyl-folate crossing the blood brain barrier.
Thanks PollyH. That is one idea I have not tried yet, taking folic acid or possibly methyl-folate. I did order some NAD, I believe it was called, to give a shot (the niacin and folic acid creation idea, if I recall correctly.) It hasn't arrived in the mail yet.

Overall too I'm doing pretty well health wise of late. What ever I'm doing with the diet seems to be working decently well. I had a hiccup the other day adding more fiber to the diet. It is a good idea, just a little early for me to do that it seems. I'll probably be a little less into experimenting for awhile, to see if what I'm currently doing to this point eventually gets the colon working properly.

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