I had 2 setons placed and they are getting to be exhausting. I must constantly change the dressing due to leakage/drainage and I am spending a fortune on gauze and tape. Does anyone have any guidance on how to limit the amount of drainage that comes out of the open wounds where the setons are placed? Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated!!
Has anyone had a positive experience getting a anal skin tag removed?? I am supposed to have it done tomorrow.
I have surgery tomorrow afternoon.Fistulotomy and setons.I have five surrounding my rectum,I am told.So,tomorrow will be a busy day!
Do you mean that the surgeon is placing a draining seton in the fistula?Hi all... Had a perianal abscess drained 3 months ago... Went to doc today said fistula is forming and I should get it drained... Does this ever end?.? Also getting colonoscopy before the surgery"....ugh! What's the healing time compared to the draining abscess,surgery? It was a very small abscess.
Good Luck with your surgery! Let us know how you are doing : )I have surgery tomorrow afternoon.Fistulotomy and setons.I have five surrounding my rectum,I am told.So,tomorrow will be a busy day!
That looks awesome! AND they will even gift wrap it for me! Tee! Thanks for the tip! Maybe something I can carry with me? To work?
James mum...I'm so sorry your 12 year old son has had to go through this mess. I'm praying this disease avoids my children. Right now my hole is open. No gauze or packing. Not sure that is good or bad. I can only imagine the packing... Did he miss a lot of school? I'm not sure how I will deal with this at work? I teach kindergarten. Pretty lively job with little bathroom time. How do you deal with that? Today I packed my purse with some water bottles and hoped I wouldn't need to poop. I made it until I got home. Phew!
Aloe..can you explain more why I would need a private sink for that gadget? Is that to fill it! Can I fill at home? How many of you own a sitz bath toilet thing and do you use Epsom salt in your sitz baths?
I so appreciate everyone's help and advice!
Hi all
First of all, a huge thanks to this wonderful site and forum! I've written on a couple of other threads, but I'm guessing this is the thread for me.
I had an internal perineal abscess form and had an MRI scan which showed I also had a fistula. When the abscess was "ripe" enough they took me in for drainage and fistula removal.
When I came round they said they hadn't dealt with the fistula and my consultant will talk to me about it when I have an outpatients appointment ( July 24th ) the abscess was huge and left a gaping hole which I'm still having packed daily ( op was 4 weeks ago )
I'm so confused... ..... I've read on my district nurse notes that the fistula is a transsphincteric fistula - I asked my doctor about it and he said the result after having an op on the fistula would be anything from a seton to a stoma bag, only the surgeon/consultant will know .......he also said it could involve a few operations more than one....everything is different for different people, I know that, but I'm so confused and impatient to know what the future holds.
They have ruled out Crohns, they think the cause may be years and years of constipation, but havnt really looked into it as yet...
I just don't know what the future holds.
Is this the first time you've had setons? Hope you heal quickly!
When I was diagnosed in 1997 I had no idea what this disease was capable of. I have been so naive while it's been in remission for 13 years.
I just had two setons placed in four days ago, really struggling with the aches and pains still. This group is perfect for me as although i have had Crohn's for over 20 years this is the first time i have had problems with abscesses. I was really worried about the huge hole after the setons but seems that this may be normal? I also dont know how to reply to only one post as i am new to this but thanks aloe also for the link, i am meant to be going away in 4 weeks if the aches and pains subside so this will be perfect.
I am able to use 4x4 sterile pads instead of panty liners.The draining has slowed considerably and is just blotching right now.The gauze steri pads seem to allow more air to the setons while helping to keep things clean.Makes getting about more comfortable.![]()
Flagyl does not bother me but cipro can make me sick.The dairy restrictions for the cipro are challenging.I am on the SCD and yogurt and cheese are common in my meals.I eat yogurt in the morning and take the cipro later in the day.I can deal with it for a few weeks.
Hi all, I am new to this group. I just had an abscess a couple of weeks ago after not getting them for almost 2 years (which, around that time, I used to get them every month - not entirely sure why). I was really pissed off and depressed when I got it this time around because I recently changed my whole diet around after going through the Elimination Challenge, and I thought things were rough at first because my body was going through some changes in regards to food. Turns out I had a flare up without even totally realizing it - I lost a long of weight that I worked hard in gaining finally, my hemoglobin went down (I have to get an iron infusion), and I am just so tired all the time. I have been told that I have a fistula somewhere on the inside, but because it's so inflamed, the doctors can't find it and place a seton. I am feeling a little bit better, but emotionally and mentally a little hopeless again. Abscesses and fistulas are probably the worst part of this disease, in my opinion. I just keep reminding myself that each day is a new day, and that I hope things will get better from now on.
Omg I'm just reading some of your posts so ya saying that when u get an abscess in the small intestine it at a severe stage ? Cose That's how I git diagnosed 2 weeks ago they found I had inflammation and an abscess in the iliem part ( feeling overwhelmed )![]()
I am new to this group and am thankful to have the opportunity to hear from others who have experienced similar problems. I have learned found several tips which have really helped me over the last two weeks. I have a high transphencteric fistula for which I had a cutting seton placed two weeks ago. I have had >5 abscesses over the years and finally agreed to do this surgery. I do not have Crohn's (that I know of) but think that I oughta get checked. I have old SBFT from years ago which suggests terminal ileum Crohn's, but never been told that I have it from any physician. I don't hear a lot about the cutting seton on the threads but it has been fairly painful. I constantly have drainage and find the gauze to chaff. Returning to work soon. Yikes. I don't know how long this cutting seton will be with me. I suspect that there will be a fistulotomy/ "lay open" surgery when it finally cuts through the sphincter muscles. I will be curious to hear what Sazzle hears from the CRS . Take care all.
Hope the cutting seton works for you. One of my fistulas is also a transphinctericI am new to this group and am thankful to have the opportunity to hear from others who have experienced similar problems. I have learned found several tips which have really helped me over the last two weeks. I have a high transphencteric fistula for which I had a cutting seton placed two weeks ago..
Hello I am new to the forum. I have had crohns for 8 years now and just finally reached remission! I have had a seton for the last 2 years. Mine seems to bleed off and on, and drains regularly (more after a bowl movement). I was just recently in for surgery the plan was to remove the seton and place a fistula plug with an advancement flap. I was unable to have the surgery because of a bad infection. The surgeon was able to widen my fistula tract and it helped relieve some of my daily pain and it also seemed to have stopped the bleeding that I was having. I see my surgeon again on Tuesday. I am really just confused if I should try the surgery again or just keep the seton,
My husband and I are really struggling with what to do. Any advice would be amazing. Thanks!
Yes! I was wondering if I was the only one. Seems like the pain increases and it gets bigger at that time of the month. Getting potentially 2 setons next week. Had been on Flagyl and Cipro until reactions to both recently. Abscess seemed much better and smaller until today. And now painful and getting bigger. Leaving for vacation Friday and was praying to get through it without problems. Oh well...
Hi everyone, i had two setons placed about 3 weeks ago and started feeling better. Then a few days ago was feeling sick again and noticed yesterday a small blister looking thing right next to the seton where the cut is. Has anyone else with a seton had this is it normal or another abscess forming?
Max, I just had 3 setons removed and had the flap done on July 1st. This Tuesday will be 4 weeks out. Pain wise, this week, it just started feeling better where I can pretty much walk around as much as I want without feeling the need to lay down. I do have some drainage, although I'm not sure if it is drainage, or leakage from the wound. I have an appointment this afternoon with my surgeon so I'm hoping he will shed some light on how I'm doing! Fingers crossed that the flap was successful!
No antibiotics now. Had to come off of both. But I'm on Remicade and Entocort. Next infusion in 2 weeks. I've been here before. Damn thing inflates and deflates at will. So many issues related to this. Spent 3 days last week in hospital with partial SBO. But I've been much better the last few days. I am determined to make this trip and nothing is going to stop me. Headed to Key West to relax and decompress and I refuse to let Crohns interrupt that lol.
I'm thinking of having a mirena placed to lessen the issues with my period. I've had one before without issues.