It has been a very long time since I posted on here. For the last three years I have been on cimzia shots and the worked great up until February 2016. I have crohns in my terminal ileum and in February everything just stopped working. I I went from having 6 loose bowel movements a day to 0 for a whole week and I ended up in the ER with them doing an enema that never had any result it was awful. Drove to a second ER and they finally did a CT where I was then diagnosed with proctitis. Super painful but antibiotics helped clear that up pretty quickly.
After this experience I switched Doctors hoping to find someone more active in treatment of my disease. It took two months to get in with my new GI. Finally got into see him and was still on cimzia but had noticed that it was no longer boosting my energy like it did in the first year and I was having more frequent bm. He agreed to do a colonoscopy to see if cimzia was helping or not, in July 2016 of this year. July came and I was so nauseous the week of the procedure I cancelled it. The nausea continued and two weeks later I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd baby. Very stressful considering we had not planned on having a third anytime soon, but I was optimistic because during pregnancy my Crohns has always improved and even gone into remission.
This was different. I continued on my cimzia until September. My bowel movements slowed down again. Every 2 days then every 3 then even further. I associated this again with pregnancy. Went to my ob and they suggested I stop taking iron. (I'm severely anemic btw)
Then everything went downhill. I started having severe pain after eating. Up high and usually worse and night and in the morning radiating to my back. The pain was so intense it took my appetite away completely. This continued for two weeks. I saw my GI and my GP we tried Flagyl, Prilosec, tons of Miralax which caused a trip to the ER for dehydration. Then the nausea started and they added a pill for that as well. One ER trip finally ended up on Prednisone. 40 mg a day and they sent me home also hoping it would work. I began to be concerned for the baby. Which no one seemed to check but no one would treat me or my problem because of the baby either. 8 dr appointments 4 ER trips later I finally refused to leave the ER. My dr came to the hospital and ordered a MRI.
MRI showed a two inch abscess in my small intestine and also a fistula nearby never having had any of these complications I was terrified. They placed the drain after doing a second MRI three days after iv antibiotics the abscess only grew in size. Having the drain placed was awful. I was told I would feel relief after, which never came. I was still having severe pain they couldn't get under control. One night of horrible pain and they finally used enough Dilotid to calm my pain. The drain had about three days of constant fluid output but after that it slowed down a lot to just a few drops and day. They plan to do a drain study coming up on the 19th. I was discharged from the hospital and send home with Percocet, Prednisone 20 mg, and Augmentin. Started new entyvio infusion three days after being discharged but I was told it would be a while before it starts working . Week 1 after first loading dose I was taking 2 Percocet a day and everything seemed to be looking up. No side effects. Week two without an infusion has been hell. I had to start taking the pain meds every 6 hours on the dot. The pain is awful so severe I can barely move when it wears off. I get my second loading dose tomorrow and I am praying for some relief. I really want to get off the steroid and the pain meds asap for the baby. This whole flare has been so emotionally and mentally exhausting I never knew this could be so awful. Especially being pregnant. Really could use some support or just encouragement or any info about abscesses and fistulas. Do they all hurt this bad!? Should I go back and get a repeat MRI? They have told me I potentially need surgery / resection after baby is born, I really hope not I have been lucky to avoid surgery so far. Any answer is so appreciated
After this experience I switched Doctors hoping to find someone more active in treatment of my disease. It took two months to get in with my new GI. Finally got into see him and was still on cimzia but had noticed that it was no longer boosting my energy like it did in the first year and I was having more frequent bm. He agreed to do a colonoscopy to see if cimzia was helping or not, in July 2016 of this year. July came and I was so nauseous the week of the procedure I cancelled it. The nausea continued and two weeks later I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd baby. Very stressful considering we had not planned on having a third anytime soon, but I was optimistic because during pregnancy my Crohns has always improved and even gone into remission.
This was different. I continued on my cimzia until September. My bowel movements slowed down again. Every 2 days then every 3 then even further. I associated this again with pregnancy. Went to my ob and they suggested I stop taking iron. (I'm severely anemic btw)
Then everything went downhill. I started having severe pain after eating. Up high and usually worse and night and in the morning radiating to my back. The pain was so intense it took my appetite away completely. This continued for two weeks. I saw my GI and my GP we tried Flagyl, Prilosec, tons of Miralax which caused a trip to the ER for dehydration. Then the nausea started and they added a pill for that as well. One ER trip finally ended up on Prednisone. 40 mg a day and they sent me home also hoping it would work. I began to be concerned for the baby. Which no one seemed to check but no one would treat me or my problem because of the baby either. 8 dr appointments 4 ER trips later I finally refused to leave the ER. My dr came to the hospital and ordered a MRI.
MRI showed a two inch abscess in my small intestine and also a fistula nearby never having had any of these complications I was terrified. They placed the drain after doing a second MRI three days after iv antibiotics the abscess only grew in size. Having the drain placed was awful. I was told I would feel relief after, which never came. I was still having severe pain they couldn't get under control. One night of horrible pain and they finally used enough Dilotid to calm my pain. The drain had about three days of constant fluid output but after that it slowed down a lot to just a few drops and day. They plan to do a drain study coming up on the 19th. I was discharged from the hospital and send home with Percocet, Prednisone 20 mg, and Augmentin. Started new entyvio infusion three days after being discharged but I was told it would be a while before it starts working . Week 1 after first loading dose I was taking 2 Percocet a day and everything seemed to be looking up. No side effects. Week two without an infusion has been hell. I had to start taking the pain meds every 6 hours on the dot. The pain is awful so severe I can barely move when it wears off. I get my second loading dose tomorrow and I am praying for some relief. I really want to get off the steroid and the pain meds asap for the baby. This whole flare has been so emotionally and mentally exhausting I never knew this could be so awful. Especially being pregnant. Really could use some support or just encouragement or any info about abscesses and fistulas. Do they all hurt this bad!? Should I go back and get a repeat MRI? They have told me I potentially need surgery / resection after baby is born, I really hope not I have been lucky to avoid surgery so far. Any answer is so appreciated