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Yesterday I came across a TV prog. I had never seen,called ALONE where folk are dropped off seperately in Labrador and have to survive for 3 months with only some basic survival stuff,no food just a video camera,tarp,bow and arrow and their wits....last "survivor" wins $500,000. Any way,what I was getting at was your Black Flies were in abundance and mentioned .( not with kindness I add )There were apparently 10,000,black bears to keep them company and other predators.I enjoyed the program and will watch more on catch up, as the one I saw was series 9 .I prefer them to
"celebrity" rubbish,,,,,,not that I've EVER watched those shows,only the ads under duress...
This is one of my favorite programs. These take place in fall with the onset of winter. Contestants are dropped off in remote areas in the fall and cope with living off of the land as long as possible before winter conditions force many to quit until only one person is left who wins the prize. Several shows took place in Northern Canada which has a similar climate and lands to where I live in Northwestern Ontario.
I am too old now, but if this program took place when I was young I would have signed up for the challenge as I am familiar with living off of the land and trapping which I did in my younger years.
The biggest mistake many of the contestants make are getting lonely from missing family which mentally breaks them down until they quit, or not putting enough efforts into making a good shelter.
Yes the biting flies are bad in the fall, but nothing like the power and vigor they have in spring when they first hatch that can drive a sane person crazy.
I had a good long walk over the lake yesterday in the sunshine and dry cold until I had to turn back because the body was not holding up like it used to. Glad to put bum to seat and another log into the fire.
-7C Cloudiness
Surprise!... late yesterday afternoon we got some RAIN!! I havent gone out to see how much but the cloud hung around for a while!!
I've been battling a flea infestation too. Yesterday I sprayed around the area, treated my cat and then I decided to pile on... and sprinkled DE around the house too! That's when it rained. 🥺 ok, I'll do it all again! ....Rain rules!

I believe it's safe to say spring is here to stay! The forecast is for highs in low 80's for next 5-7 days with lows in mid 60's. 🤠😎
It's a funny old day....bright sunshine alternating with heavy showers every few minutes and quite a cool breeze......but we chanced a trip into town and survived. We haven't had to bad a winter really.... tomorrow we have an apt. with Les's cancer (throat not prostate) consultant. Hoping he will be signed off as it's been almost was an MRI for his throat that picked up the prostate cancer,as he says " once they get you they don't let you go"
Interesting yet scary how they can find prostate cancer with a throat MRI. I do have an enlarged prostate. I went for another walk on the lake and I am getting a good tan on my face from the reflection of the sun off the snow. With those kinds of temperatures Patsy I would love spring too.
-3C Mainly sunny.
Interesting yet scary how they can find prostate cancer with a throat MRI. I do have an enlarged prostate. I went for another walk on the lake and I am getting a good tan on my face from the reflection of the sun off the snow. With those kinds of temperatures Patsy I would love spring too.
-3C Mainly sunny.
I think maybe they were scanning for any other signs elsewhere ? When I had an MRI for Crohns I ended up having my gall bladder out uneccasarily (sp?) because it looked "funny" Turned out it just had a "kink" in it...well honestly.we've all got kinks somewhere eh?....another thing I wonder about is could Les's radiation treatment have something to do with his dementia...probably best not to dwell on it though
Surprise!... late yesterday afternoon we got some RAIN!! I havent gone out to see how much but the cloud hung around for a while!!
I've been battling a flea infestation too. Yesterday I sprayed around the area, treated my cat and then I decided to pile on... and sprinkled DE around the house too! That's when it rained. 🥺 ok, I'll do it all again! ....Rain rules!

I believe it's safe to say spring is here to stay! The forecast is for highs in low 80's for next 5-7 days with lows in mid 60's. 🤠😎
Don't scratch Patsy hahaha.I got infested some years ago from a dog that Hadn't even been near my house.I only stood and chatted to his owner on the street....I was horrified, but it's ok if they're you own pets so to speak.
I used to watch "Survivor." I think I'll start watching again, for some reason those survival skills just mezmerize me, prob because I'd never last two minutes out there haha. I also am terrified of bears, and though not like the bear and wildlife population in some areas of the world, we do have a few bears in the mountains around here.

Well, we got several inches of snow on the ground through the night, then this mornging it started clearing and now beautiful blue skies again, though it's only 35° out there.
Wishing you all blue skies, better health and happy lives.