Weather or Not ?

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Jan 5, 2012
There are Valentine cards in the shops and Cadburys Cream Eggs on the shelves !!!! I was tempted,I have to say,but not with the cards'
Pretty boring weather,calm and cool with weak sunshine.Snow is still on the cards for next week but they've been saying that since mid July hahaha
Carol did you just start a new thread? Its been mild of late making things wet and the roads dirty, but much colder weather is in store for early in the new year. I went in for groceries, and my neighbor wanted more egg nog, but the egg nog is out of stock, so they are out of luck until next year unless they try to make their own.
I guess our other thread is gone! :cry: Maybe we can use this one and talk on here. Miss you guys...

It's pretty wet and rainy today for us, but at least today is our Monday. Other than hopefully my husband won't be working much outside today, it will be an inside day/night for us.
It was up to the freezing mark yesterday, by supper time the winds picked up and it went down to -10C in blowing snow. Overnight it cleared and turned very cold. -23C this morning. I put ribs in the slow cooker, and may go for a ski later on to the lake, around and back.

Don't know whats going on here, seems the place is under new management.
I did reach out to Alan who does work on this site, but he says little which is of no help on what is a social media site. The explanation of changes here should be open and transparent, as members should not be left in the dark in my opinion, very unprofessional.
Anyway we have our own little group and we will carry on, rearrange the chairs on this stricken ship and have another coffee while they deal with issues below in the flooded boiler room.
just found this now , 10c now and overcast , nice enough day for a walk , heading in to the nurse tomorrow to try and sort out my high bp , was doing great up to Christmas now it back up in 90's for diastolic ,
anyway I opened up a similar thread in a similar site called vegan ostomy , its run by a guy called Eric who is a fellow ostomate , its a no ad site and might be a better fit long term ,
All shopping done ,everything charging,just waiting for the end of the world storm to hit Ireland tonight ,
Got the big trees taken down in the last few days so that's a relief,
Just hope that it's not as bad as the forecast says ,
Be safe Carol it's heading your way after it hits us ,
5C and windy.
Has anyone noticed Last One Wins and the weather thread are mixed up as one thread ? And what's with Weather or Not ???? It's always been What's Your Weather Like Today ? Why's the title been changed ?
Did my injection yesterday with the increased dose. As usual ended up tired and a bit lazy, but had some chores to do so powered through those couple of things. A little better today. Beautiful, but chilly 44 degrees today...
What med are you taking? I've forgotten, if you've said recently? Since indicated an increase, I do hope it works for you.
Wild night here , but we escaped the worst of it , it was around 120kph at its worst for us but Galway had a new wind speed record of 183kph , nearly 800,000 without power on the Island .
Blustery here now 2C and sunny
I saw that storm on the news too, and the pictures of the damage. Its winter and the only storms we get are snowstorms which are pretty gentle compared to the storms and wildfires we deal with in the summer months.
-11 cloudy with a flurry or two.
All calm on the Eastern front,,,,well, still a bit breezy but just the usual. 3c and ok far today. Glad you survived Tony,let's hope that's the end of it,but I doubt it
we just escaped the worst of it , got up to about 110km(65mph) for a while but kept the power and water , there was still a few trees came down but it was nothing compared to the west of the country .
Snow on and off yesterday and during the night. Enough to shovel. 4 or 5 cms, now the sun is out. Last night there were some auroras, I thought it was dawn at first by the brightness, but it was 3 am in the middle of the night. -15C
Sounds good Tony. Its windy and mild this morning ahead of a cold front, and the clouds are moving fast from the northwest. I dug out the other snowmobile which I have not used yet this winter, its faster than the work sled and more comfortable, but heavy, I need to go with the neighbor as I could not lift it if I got struck. I'd like to go for a ride now that the main trails are in good shape. -5C windy,
Sounds good Tony. Its windy and mild this morning ahead of a cold front, and the clouds are moving fast from the northwest. I dug out the other snowmobile which I have not used yet this winter, its faster than the work sled and more comfortable, but heavy, I need to go with the neighbor as I could not lift it if I got struck. I'd like to go for a ride now that the main trails are in good shape. -5C windy,
Sounds like a lot of fun Bufford
Major snowfall today, 15 cms so far with no end in sight, so it will be another one to dig out from. Its a big wide winter compared to the one that fizzled last year. Plenty of snow for snowmobiling and skiing, and we need the moisture from the snow pack.
Major snowfall today, 15 cms so far with no end in sight, so it will be another one to dig out from. Its a big wide winter compared to the one that fizzled last year. Plenty of snow for snowmobiling and skiing, and we need the moisture from the snow pack.
Does that mean you're sending more my way??? I'm okay if you just keep it Buff... please?? 😟
I think they use tracking cookies, I don't know how any of that works, but there is no such thing as privacy on the internet is one thing I know for sure. Don't say or do anything online that you wouldn't do in real life publicly.
We got close to 30 cms of very fluffy light snow. It will provide good insulation for wells and septic systems. Not good for roofs, not looking forward to the drip, and the huge bill for having it shoveled off.
It's OK and calm and grey.Have been for a RSV jab,more to protect Les than alerts are now showing going back to October and beyond and some are from members I've never has contact with ????
it that free in the UK Carol? , its 245 euro hero or about 200 real money to you
Hope all are well and having a good day....
We've had steady drizzle/rain for two days which is expected to move out by mid-day. Our temps have been warm... like a hint of spring soon to arrive. That can be deceiving here. Some of our coldest weather can slip in and bring a quick hard freeze/storm in February and drive us back inside! Next week, we're to have sun and 70's F though. My larkspurs are already a couple of inches tall and branching! They are tough little spring plants!
Yes it's free Tony...It never occurred to me that it would cost me anything...We have plenty to grumble about re NHS but it's free.
We've had Covid,flu,rsv,shingles and pneumonia at no cost
And we have to pay about 400 for the two shingles shots ,
Swings and roundabouts , our health service is over run by bureaucrats, too many so called managers ,
When I worked in a hospital years ago ,every ward was run by a ward sister who had staff nurses working under her ,
Now there's about five or six nurses doing admin work instead of being out on the wards ,
Rant over ,
Nice day here ,got up to 7C with a nice bit now sunshine.
Here in the states we have what is called Medicare for the retired. While working, we pay and our employer matches a set percentage each payday that is deposited into the Medicare system. At 65, we become eligible to use the benefits. Medicare will pay 80% of approved costs, we pay balance. In my case, I purchase supplemental insurance to pickup that 20%. That is a simplistic summary of how I'm using the system. There are other options depending on various circumstances. Most all my medical services are covered if I work within the guidelines.
hey Patsy , in general here in Ireland and the UK , the health service is fantastic , just moaning a little because there is a lot of over staffing and wasting of resources ,
any ostomy supplies I need are provided free , as are all medications , and surgeries , we only pay a small prescription charge ($1.50) for our medication and there is really no limit for supplies , we really cant complain too much , but sometimes we do because we can,
hey Patsy , in general here in Ireland and the UK , the health service is fantastic , just moaning a little because there is a lot of over staffing and wasting of resources ,
any ostomy supplies I need are provided free , as are all medications , and surgeries , we only pay a small prescription charge ($1.50) for our medication and there is really no limit for supplies , we really cant complain too much , but sometimes we do because we can,
No worry... 😉 we do the same here too. About similar complaints it appears! Sounds like your cash layout might be less than mine on an annual basis.
And we have to pay about 400 for the two shingles shots ,
Swings and roundabouts , our health service is over run by bureaucrats, too many so called managers ,
When I worked in a hospital years ago ,every ward was run by a ward sister who had staff nurses working under her ,
Now there's about five or six nurses doing admin work instead of being out on the wards ,
Rant over ,
Nice day here ,got up to 7C with a nice bit now sunshine.
They're actually advertising for "Corridor Nurses" here.The system is soooo up the creek without a paddle.Sick people are lying in corridors for long periods of time,sometimes days,waiting for a bed to free up.And those who can go out are having to stay a "Bed Blocker" because the care system is is on it's knees.I don't mind admitting I'm terrified !!!!
Weather great, sunny and mild...72 high for today and 38 low tonight! 🙃 A good day to play.

My son had a little fun with his mom this morning... inflatable walking aids!! 😂


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Weather great, sunny and mild...72 high for today and 38 low tonight! 🙃 A good day to play.

My son had a little fun with his mom this morning... inflatable walking aids!! 😂

Happy birthday Patsy. That’s a nice wooden chair. I wish you well. May you live for another 82 years in good health and vitality. You seem lively.
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Our healthcare system is straining under the load, the best advice is; don't get sick. Emergency rooms are constantly overloaded, and waits are measured in hours for many. The hospital wards are full, spare rooms such as sitting rooms have been turned into patient wards holding several patients, and the overflow goes into the hallways and utility rooms.
Health care is paid by the government, and given the taxes we pay, we pay heavily for a poor health system. Waiting times are long, and some people pay out of pocket to get healthcare from the United states which has been reported as being far superior to that found here. Many people don't have a doctor and rely upon walk in clinics with long wait times.
Some services are paid such as flu shots, but things like shingles shots we pay out of pocket. I pay for all my colostomy supplies, with a small government grant that covers about 25% of my needs. Fortuntely I have a good doctor, a Gi, and a local ostomy clinic for stoma maintenance. The key to getting good service is to be persistent.
Its a winter day, cloudy, calm with a flurry. -13C
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Our healthcare system is straining under the load, the best advice is; don't get sick. Emergency rooms are constantly overloaded, and waits are measured in hours for many. The hospital wards are full, spare rooms such as sitting rooms have been turned into patient wards holding several patients, and the overflow goes into the hallways and utility rooms.
Health care is paid by the government, and given the taxes we pay, we pay heavily for a poor health system. Waiting times are long, and some people pay out of pocket to get healthcare from the United states which has been reported as being far superior to that found here. Many people don't have a doctor and rely upon walk in clinics with long wait times.
Some services are paid such as flu shots, but things like shingles shots we pay out of pocket. I pay for all my colostomy supplies, with a small government grant that covers about 25% of my needs. Fortuntely I have a good doctor, a Gi, and a local ostomy clinic for stoma maintenance. The key to getting good service is to be persistent.
Its a winter day, cloudy, calm with a flurry. -13C
Sounds rough. Glad you have a good GI. Mine has retired and I'll be seeing a new one at my next visit in April.
Beautiful day here bright sunshine and a huge 8C ,
Got my 24hr BP results back and the nurse said all seems good , come back in 3 months to check again ,
Due my prolia shot but I'm still getting dental work done so have to put in off for a while ,
Knowing my luck I'll have all my new shiny crowns and bridges and I'll keel over ,
At least I'll have a great smile in the coffin ,

And Happy Birthday Patsy
Our healthcare system is straining under the load, the best advice is; don't get sick. Emergency rooms are constantly overloaded, and waits are measured in hours for many. The hospital wards are full, spare rooms such as sitting rooms have been turned into patient wards holding several patients, and the overflow goes into the hallways and utility rooms.
Health care is paid by the government, and given the taxes we pay, we pay heavily for a poor health system. Waiting times are long, and some people pay out of pocket to get healthcare from the United states which has been reported as being far superior to that found here. Many people don't have a doctor and rely upon walk in clinics with long wait times.
Some services are paid such as flu shots, but things like shingles shots we pay out of pocket. I pay for all my colostomy supplies, with a small government grant that covers about 25% of my needs. Fortuntely I have a good doctor, a Gi, and a local ostomy clinic for stoma maintenance. The key to getting good service is to be persistent.
Its a winter day, cloudy, calm with a flurry. -13C
Love that attitude Bufford , I have a great GI and Surgeon but my GP is useless but I don't give her much chance to ignore me ,
I insist on what I think I need and eventually she gives in .
Beautiful day here bright sunshine and a huge 8C ,
Got my 24hr BP results back and the nurse said all seems good , come back in 3 months to check again ,
Due my prolia shot but I'm still getting dental work done so have to put in off for a while ,
Knowing my luck I'll have all my new shiny crowns and bridges and I'll keel over ,
At least I'll have a great smile in the coffin ,

And Happy Birthday Patsy
Thank you Tony!
I chuckled at the image of you lying in state smiling like a happy camper in your new digs! 😬😬 🗯🦷 lol!
You're still up huh? Night owl!!!
getting better at going to sleep earlier but sometimes I get engrossed in a book and all of a sudden the dawn light is peeping through the curtains ,
using audiobooks more but if the narrator is good I just fall asleep and miss half the book ,
happy days when we (I) could stay out until 3AM , bring the dog for a walk and get up at 7 for work for 8 and not be even tired ,
anyway its a miserable day here , heavy misty rain and 7C , still got out with our golden girl for a small walk , brought the wife as well .
We just finished cleaning up from the last storm and now another snowfall warning has been issued. It has certainly been a wide winter this year making up for the shortfall of snow we had last year. I did a fuel run yesterday and the neighbor came with me to get her fuel and we had a good afternoon. Came home with chinese food, and will eat the rest later for supper. It was a chilly one last night -27C. Winter has not let us down this year.
Our weather turned cold last night... high 30°Fs last night. (I know ....that's not cold... Buff's temps are COLD) 🥶
Today has been sunny and now at lunchtime, it is 73°F. I should do some garden prep outside but I need to clean my cabin... more! You would think a lone person with no animal inside with 520sf floor space could keep the floors cleaner. 🫣 ...but sand, sand, sand!!!! Ugh. 🤣
We got another 15cms and its still coming down. I sometimes wonder why I live here, its cold and the cost of living is impossible. Thankfully I have a lot of wood, I work on the wood pile from spring until late fall with only a few weeks off in summer when its too warm, wet and buggy to work. 73F or 22C in Texas is far more appealing. I'll trade the wood chips on the floor for some sand, at least the cat is using her box.
We got another 15cms and its still coming down. I sometimes wonder why I live here, its cold and the cost of living is impossible. Thankfully I have a lot of wood, I work on the wood pile from spring until late fall with only a few weeks off in summer when its too warm, wet and buggy to work. 73F or 22C in Texas is far more appealing. I'll trade the wood chips on the floor for some sand, at least the cat is using her box.
🤣 I have to agree Buff! You can't see sand on the floors like wood chips.... I'd really be OCD with a trail of wood chips! My broom would definitely be at the ready.....!!
Our weather turned cold last night... high 30°Fs last night. (I know ....that's not cold... Buff's temps are COLD) 🥶
Today has been sunny and now at lunchtime, it is 73°F. I should do some garden prep outside but I need to clean my cabin... more! You would think a lone person with no animal inside with 520sf floor space could keep the floors cleaner. 🫣 ...but sand, sand, sand!!!! Ugh. 🤣
73f that's a nice summers day here Patsy, they do breed them tough up north , I do think you have to be born into those kind of temps though ,
But funnily enough I do know a friend from Lisbon who is living in Oslo for the last ten years and he loves it .
Lovely day here today 10C and sunny ,
Had a visit from a friend and his over sexed dog today and he was "annoying " our golden so much he hurt her hind leg ,
Really annoyed , she' limping around , and will have to bring her to the vet tomorrow.
73f that's a nice summers day here Patsy, they do breed them tough up north , I do think you have to be born into those kind of temps though ,
But funnily enough I do know a friend from Lisbon who is living in Oslo for the last ten years and he loves it .
I think I mostly agree with you Tony. I was born and raised in the hot, arid temps of southwest Texas close to the Mexican border. Hot & dry!. I do tolerate heat much better. But still, I don't remember being such a wuss about cold weather when I was younger.
73f that's a nice summers day here Patsy, they do breed them tough up north , I do think you have to be born into those kind of temps though ,
But funnily enough I do know a friend from Lisbon who is living in Oslo for the last ten years and he loves it .
Being born into this climate, I did not know better for it until I took a vacation in Jamaica. Now I know for sure that the grass is indeed greener on the other side of the fence.......or whiter depending on which side of the fence one is on.
I'm here Patsy,thanks for noticing my absence...hahaha I had some trouble logging on and got annoyed so shut down in a temper,,,,now I notice there's a line through my post....11c and a nice start but clouding over now
hey Carol was getting worried , "nice to see you , to see you nice"
Being born into this climate, I did not know better for it until I took a vacation in Jamaica. Now I know for sure that the grass is indeed greener on the other side of the fence.......or whiter depending on which side of the fence one is on.
now thats a nice place for a holiday , great for pain relief , or so im told 🥴
Weather was overcast but warm and breezy here today! 🥰 Love it!

Buff, guess you'll have to do what retired US midwesterners/ northerners do. They buy an RV and travel to Southern states during their winter, and return home for their summers. We call them "snow birds". They stay about 6 months or so. I couldn't afford to do that. but obviously many can.
hey Carol was getting worried , "nice to see you , to see you nice"
Oh,Tony,showing your age my friend,,,, but the 70s and 80s TV was enjoyable.There's too much choice now and 90% is rubbish,We only watch a good documentary,travel,wildlife archeaoligy (spl ?) etc or a good crime film with proper actors, NOT muscle bound numpties...11c here today and trying to rain
Weather was overcast but warm and breezy here today! 🥰 Love it!

Buff, guess you'll have to do what retired US midwesterners/ northerners do. They buy an RV and travel to Southern states during their winter, and return home for their summers. We call them "snow birds". They stay about 6 months or so. I couldn't afford to do that. but obviously many can.
Indeed if I did like a snowbird there would be no going back after flying the coop. -24C this morning, the nice thing about wood heat is not just the comfort from it, but no heating bills. Those without wood will be getting mighty heating bills this season. Winter has not dissapointed those who enjoy the season. I had an ultrasound done on my urinary tract, and the guy doing it practically lives in his ice fishing shack. This year he drives out to it on the lake in his truck. The shack is comfortable complete with wood stove and satellite TV.
Indeed if I did like a snowbird there would be no going back after flying the coop. -24C this morning, the nice thing about wood heat is not just the comfort from it, but no heating bills. Those without wood will be getting mighty heating bills this season. Winter has not dissapointed those who enjoy the season. I had an ultrasound done on my urinary tract, and the guy doing it practically lives in his ice fishing shack. This year he drives out to it on the lake in his truck. The shack is comfortable complete with wood stove and satellite TV.
Do you ever buy wood, or do you cut them in season and store all of them?
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Oh,Tony,showing your age my friend,,,, but the 70s and 80s TV was enjoyable.There's too much choice now and 90% is rubbish,We only watch a good documentary,travel,wildlife archeaoligy (spl ?) etc or a good crime film with proper actors, NOT muscle bound numpties...11c here today and trying to rain
being honest most of the tv we watch now is older stuff , we are currently watching Mannix season 5 would you believe
Anymore majority of TV is mainly dark stuff or obnoxious. So, husband and I don't watch it much and usually go for our own stuff. Things have been pretty stressful and busy around here work wise. Thankfully today is my Friday! Snow scare has been happening around here, although we had some wet stuff last night. Phone says 36 degrees right now when I updated the weather.
I rarely watch television. Reading is my entertainment ... audio, hard copy and digital! Even that is sometimes a challenge finding something that interests me. I do occasionally stream a movie on my phone....old movies or Hallmark, a feel good kind.
I have Satellite TV, it used to be good watching, but in the past two years they have lost the good channels forcing me to use the cumbersome streaming services. They are hard to navigate, there is the good TV deep into the piles of garbage TV and reruns. Scrolling through it all is a toil of labor compared to the user friendly Sat TV. At some point I'll cut the cord on Sat TV and grow callouses on my fingers from scrolling on the steaming TV remote.