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Do you ever buy wood, or do you cut them in season and store all of them?
I do cut from the property the dead wood, but it is not enough, about two cords each season. I get a 10 cord load of firewood delivered on a huge logging truck in lengths that I cut up and split myself every two years. It costs $2,000. Cheap for two years of heating. I would go through $2000 worth of oil in one month in winter despite the fact that this house has above average insulation. The foam board insulation added to the walls, and the new doors over ten years ago has paid off in terms of savings and comfort. It is -24C outside and inside it is 25C as I type which is almost a 50C degree difference between outside and indoor temperatures, I wouldn't want to be heating with oil at this temperature range.
Didn't get as hot today as it did yesterday. More cloud cover. Very mild temps and humid.

I'm down to 30mg Big "P " in this treatment course and last night I woke up at 3 and could NOT go back to sleep. Ended up taking a nap for an hour+ this afternoon. 😳🥱
I do cut from the property the dead wood, but it is not enough, about two cords each season. I get a 10 cord load of firewood delivered on a huge logging truck in lengths that I cut up and split myself every two years. It costs $2,000. Cheap for two years of heating. I would go through $2000 worth of oil in one month in winter despite the fact that this house has above average insulation. The foam board insulation added to the walls, and the new doors over ten years ago has paid off in terms of savings and comfort. It is -24C outside and inside it is 25C as I type which is almost a 50C degree difference between outside and indoor temperatures, I wouldn't want to be heating with oil at this temperature range.
I think that’s great, I would do the same. How do you store all that wood? I agree, insulation is very important: less effort, less stress, less resources, more comfort; hence better health.
Unfortunately, the new forum owner disallowed post deletion. “Delete” button doesn’t exist anymore for regular users. I guess @Cross-stitch gal may be able to delete your posts as she is a moderator.
Thank you ma'am. Well, we can at least zap the duplicate text, rewrite and move on! However, that strategy uses up "space" that would have otherwise been freed up by writer deletion. Too obvious? 🙈
I have Satellite TV, it used to be good watching, but in the past two years they have lost the good channels forcing me to use the cumbersome streaming services. They are hard to navigate, there is the good TV deep into the piles of garbage TV and reruns. Scrolling through it all is a toil of labor compared to the user friendly Sat TV. At some point I'll cut the cord on Sat TV and grow callouses on my fingers from scrolling on the steaming TV remote.
I agree Buff. We have Virgin which is similar to Sky but every week there are new streaming channels showing up,with maybe only one or two progs.worth watching....I pay £92 a month for Virgin TV and broadband and can just about get enough to watch that really interests us and bedtime for us is 9pm these days...thank goodness for books.I remember,as will Tony,when we only had three channels and we never complained about what was fact I was 9yrs old before we got a TV hahaha,showing my age again.
8c and another bright sparkly day with wall to wall sunshine ans blue sky...It's not like winter except for the chill,even the birds are confused.
Patsy,do you have any wild life visiting your land? I love nature and animals and trees etc.I'm not even averse to snakes and insects but of course I would treat them with respect
Its a blustery morning with blowing snow and dropping temps. Its one of those days where I am constipated and that is aggravating the hernia. I've been looking at streaming services, I noticed the You Tube premium might be the one because it has a PVR feature and a lot of the programing from the networks. Cron2357 I simply put a tarp over the pile outside the house, only steps away from the door.
I agree Buff. We have Virgin which is similar to Sky but every week there are new streaming channels showing up,with maybe only one or two progs.worth watching....I pay £92 a month for Virgin TV and broadband and can just about get enough to watch that really interests us and bedtime for us is 9pm these days...thank goodness for books.I remember,as will Tony,when we only had three channels and we never complained about what was fact I was 9yrs old before we got a TV hahaha,showing my age again.
Carol, I was 12 when we got our first TV and we lived 98 miles from the metro area where the towers & stations were ... we were using an antenna... needless to say we watched a "snowy" screen more than we could see Roy Roger's or Gene Autry on that tiny screen. Goodness, haven't thought about those days in a long while!
We're overcast with sun peeking out now and then. I've just come inside after working out in my garden area the past 1.5 hours. The temp is low 70's F.

Yes Carol, there are a variety of critters, bugs, snakes and many birds around the property. Deer come up and eat my flowers year around so I've created a small rustic garden area with cattle paneling as fencing around it to keep those pesky beauties at bay! There is a red fox family who have a home somewhere in the woods. At night, raccoons and opossums will come up on the porch to see I have left my cat's food bowl out overnight. (I've learned not to do that!)!
I agree Buff. We have Virgin which is similar to Sky but every week there are new streaming channels showing up,with maybe only one or two progs.worth watching....I pay £92 a month for Virgin TV and broadband and can just about get enough to watch that really interests us and bedtime for us is 9pm these days...thank goodness for books.I remember,as will Tony,when we only had three channels and we never complained about what was fact I was 9yrs old before we got a TV hahaha,showing my age again.
Showing off again Carol with your 3 channells , we only had 1 channell growing up and it didn't start until 5 O clock,
That very expensive for your broadband and tv , have you ever tried cancelling and renegotiating, Virgin nearly always knock down the price if you threaten to cancel .
Showing off again Carol with your 3 channells , we only had 1 channell growing up and it didn't start until 5 O clock,
That very expensive for your broadband and tv , have you ever tried cancelling and renegotiating, Virgin nearly always knock down the price if you threaten to cancel .
I have tried Tony but I nearly lost the will to live trying to speak to somebody...I have to admit though that I'm terrible at stuff like that.We've had the same Gas/Elect.supplier for 55yrs, and I've had the same hairdresser since 1985,same dentist for 33 yrs...same family doctors all my life....I'm nothing if not loyal silly I know,I just can't be doing with the faff
We're overcast with sun peeking out now and then. I've just come inside after working out in my garden area the past 1.5 hours. The temp is low 70's F.

Yes Carol, there are a variety of critters, bugs, snakes and many birds around the property. Deer come up and eat my flowers year around so I've created a small rustic garden area with cattle paneling as fencing around it to keep those pesky beauties at bay! There is a red fox family who have a home somewhere in the woods. At night, raccoons and opossums will come up on the porch to see I have left my cat's food bowl out overnight. (I've learned not to do that!)!
Oh,I would love to live like that Patsy !!!
It is -24C outside and inside it is 25C as I type which is almost a 50C degree difference between outside and indoor temperatures,
I’d be pissed off if I was living in an area where the outside temp is -24C; such a big and unnecessary stressor, especially combined with Crohn’s. I guess you are used to it. Compared to yours, Patsy’s area looks like heaven: the garden, wild animals, nice climate, warm and traditional-minded people etc. Much more relaxing. I don’t mind the cold, I actually like the toughness it necessitates, but that much seems too much to me; if I didn’t have Crohn’s I wouldn’t mind living in there though. I wish you everlasting health.
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I’d be pissed off if I was living in an area where the outside temp is -24C; such a big and unnecessary stressor, especially combined with Crohn’s. I guess you are used to it. Compared to yours, Patsy’s area looks like heaven: the garden, wild animals, nice weather, warm and traditional-minded people etc. Much more relaxing. I don’t mind the cold, I actually like the toughness it necessitates, but that much seems too much to me; if I didn’t have Crohn’s I wouldn’t mind living in there though. I wish you everlasting health.
I've concluded Buff is a tough cookie and thrives on the challenge! But hey guys, everyone else seems to be moving to Texas, you might as well come too. Just remember though, we can and do have some brutally HOT, dry summers! 🔥 🏖⛱
I have tried Tony but I nearly lost the will to live trying to speak to somebody...I have to admit though that I'm terrible at stuff like that.We've had the same Gas/Elect.supplier for 55yrs, and I've had the same hairdresser since 1985,same dentist for 33 yrs...same family doctors all my life....I'm nothing if not loyal silly I know,I just can't be doing with the faff
Carol... that's definite stability, and, longevity in services and suppliers... no one retires or moves??? Wow!
I thrived on the arctic air when I was younger, and to a point I still like it except when I have to venture away from the house. Nothing worse than the time the truck wouldn't start after my last stop and waiting for the tow truck, it needed a new starter. Parking lots are like the tundra in a windstorm.
But at home I like to put on the skis when it is really cold, play a CD on the portable player with the headphones keep the ears warm. I cannot ski this season as the hernia is very tender and huge like a football, so I am being careful and its boring, like a pilot without a plane on a nice day I stand at the window wanting to ski.
-17C mix of sun and cloud.
I have tried Tony but I nearly lost the will to live trying to speak to somebody...I have to admit though that I'm terrible at stuff like that.We've had the same Gas/Elect.supplier for 55yrs, and I've had the same hairdresser since 1985,same dentist for 33 yrs...same family doctors all my life....I'm nothing if not loyal silly I know,I just can't be doing with

I thrived on the arctic air when I was younger, and to a point I still like it except when I have to venture away from the house. Nothing worse than the time the truck wouldn't start after my last stop and waiting for the tow truck, it needed a new starter. Parking lots are like the tundra in a windstorm.
But at home I like to put on the skis when it is really cold, play a CD on the portable player with the headphones keep the ears warm. I cannot ski this season as the hernia is very tender and huge like a football, so I am being careful and its boring, like a pilot without a plane on a nice day I stand at the window wanting to ski.
-17C mix of sun and cloud.
Awww, you sound so sad..... and rather poetic too! Glad you're being carefull though. The size of a "football" sounds really big and risky. Do you have a surgical date yet? Take care! Sending you a🌻 for sunshine, a 🌴 for a warm beach, and a choco🥤 smoothie for your gut!
It was a high of 80°F and overcast all day! I worked so hard reworking a veggie bed in the garden this afternoon that I had to take a nap.... slept an hour and woke up totally refreshed! Tomorrow is another step-down on Prednisone.... to 25mg.
Carol... that's definite stability, and, longevity in services and suppliers... no one retires or moves??? Wow!
There's been a change in family doctors (GPs) due to retirement etc. but it's still the same hair dresser,Brian is a few years younger than I am but worryingly he's at retirement age.Power people,well I don't know them personally, but it's the same company, and dentist's have changed but it's still the same surgery.I had two extractions only yesterday
Ouch! Ouch!
I'm really trying to keep my teeth as long as possible! 🙊 Nothing makes my normally low BP rise faster than a dental appt ... and that happens every 3 months!
One snapped to the gum back in August and another has been a wobbler for years but the surgery cancelled two of my apts for one reason or another.I'm very lucky with my team,many,many people are queueing around the block trying to get work done....
There's been a change in family doctors (GPs) due to retirement etc. but it's still the same hair dresser,Brian is a few years younger than I am but worryingly he's at retirement age.Power people,well I don't know them personally, but it's the same company, and dentist's have changed but it's still the same surgery.I had two extractions only yesterday
My fear is, they take one tooth.... then they say, you know???...we better take this one too! Before you know it, they are want them all!!! 😲😂 Sounds like that snapped off tooth was indeed a surgery. Hope all is mending well today.
I try to avoid the dentist, whenever I go they want to tear up the street so to speak, but I get them to do the minimum of work as I want to keep my original teeth as long as possible. Seems the deeper they go in, the more the teeth hurt and crumble later, the less see the dentist the better they last. They say I have some dead molars, and they wanted to pull them over 20 years ago, but I still chew well with them, so I'll leave them alone. Keeping them clean is key, mouthwash after each meal and brush before bed.

I aggravated the hernia yesterday doing some slow light snow shovelling. I massaged the area and it seemed to settle down in the evening, and surprisingly its good this morning. I should be getting an update later in the month from my doctor appt, and news about the ultrasound results on my urinary tract. The hospital is presently full, and they are stating that the ER room is gridlocked. Nothing new about that. The public health message states; Just don't get sick.
Today has started off with temps in the mid 70s F, with a brisk breeze. Sun is out. High for today is forecast to be near 86°!
Made a mistake... went out just to feed my red wiggler worms and ended up staying outside about an hour! Now I'm splattered with mud, hair blown every which, I'm hungry! 🙉 ...My ToDo list clearly said.... work at computer posting and download receipts!!! 😉😉 I'll do that next week when our weather is to be cold and rainy again!!
I try to avoid the dentist, whenever I go they want to tear up the street so to speak, but I get them to do the minimum of work as I want to keep my original teeth as long as possible. Seems the deeper they go in, the more the teeth hurt and crumble later, the less see the dentist the better they last. They say I have some dead molars, and they wanted to pull them over 20 years ago, but I still chew well with them, so I'll leave them alone. Keeping them clean is key, mouthwash after each meal and brush before bed.

I aggravated the hernia yesterday doing some slow light snow shovelling. I massaged the area and it seemed to settle down in the evening, and surprisingly its good this morning. I should be getting an update later in the month from my doctor appt, and news about the ultrasound results on my urinary tract. The hospital is presently full, and they are stating that the ER room is gridlocked. Nothing new about that. The public health message states; Just don't get sick.
Re: Teeth... good plan!
Re: hospital that because you live in a more remote area and resources aren't as plentiful? That doesn't sound too good.
86F that is 30C which is a nice hot summer day here. Your winters compare to our summers, one or two warm days followed by a cold front with lingering showers. While our hospital serves a large region the problems in the health system are the same across the country; a lack of funding by government since the government has a monopoly over healthcare and very long waiting times. Personally I do not believe government should be running healthcare as it has always been lacking money which turns good doctors away to other countries, and it is very expensive when considering all the taxes we pay many of which are hidden. Some procedures are not available here and people pay out of pocket for these surgeries south of the border.
A quiet winter day, sunny -19C
86F that is 30C which is a nice hot summer day here. Your winters compare to our summers, one or two warm days followed by a cold front with lingering showers. While our hospital serves a large region the problems in the health system are the same across the country; a lack of funding by government since the government has a monopoly over healthcare and very long waiting times. Personally I do not believe government should be running healthcare as it has always been lacking money which turns good doctors away to other countries, and it is very expensive when considering all the taxes we pay many of which are hidden. Some procedures are not available here and people pay out of pocket for these surgeries south of the border.
A quiet winter day, sunny -19C
Pretty bleak situation. Every time the government gets involved, costs increase, rules become burdensome, and doctors are locked in the box of time constraints, controlled by huge corporate practice, bottom-line demands. I've noticed doctors often spend more time looking at and typing into that computer they carry around than they do actually taking vitals, quizzing or examining us. They say take this new drug and call us if your aren't better soon. I wonder if the truth is, a doctor isn't compensated for much more than minimal intervention. Who can blame them for retiring or changing becoming a politician! 😲 ugh!
The bottom line of it all is that the patients suffer needlessly. We had a great doctor in our ER, he quit and became a politician and his expertise is missed. Doctors make for lousy politicians. If I had my way, I'd get rid of all the politicians, all they do is blow hard and spend too much. The kids in kindergarten would do a better job running the country.
Rant off, it was a beautiful winter day, so I got on the snowmobile and went for a short ride, and managed to keep the hernia from falling out. Today is another nice day, I will go for a walk later for a breath of clean winter air.
-21C under cobalt blue skies with brilliant sunshine.
Cool temps today, sometimes slighty misty, overcast all day. It's been a very busy day here, I began early.... today was volunteer day and after that I cleaned and organized up in the loft. It is 51°F now, nearly 8pm. Rain on radar tonight & is continuing into tomorrow .... says our weatherman!
It's a bit grim up North
Love that expression , describes the weather perfectly , grim here as well but like you the bluebells and daffs are poking their heads up , spring is springing and summer is on the way , have to be optimistic and if the summer is like last year its off to Portugal for some sunshine and vitamin D , 5C and GRIM
Love that expression , describes the weather perfectly , grim here as well but like you the bluebells and daffs are poking their heads up , spring is springing and summer is on the way , have to be optimistic and if the summer is like last year its off to Portugal for some sunshine and vitamin D , 5C and GRIM
Does that mean you and Carol think the sun is gonna be scarce in y'alls part of the world this year? How about I send you some of my sun come July or so.... if you send me your rain! Deal? 🤔
I have kept a spreadsheet of rainfall every year since 2001 out here on the 6. I have the years arranged in 5 year groups .... the last 5 years (2019-2024) were next to the worst rain fall totals of my 4 sets! Depressing! 🫨's drizzling here and a nice 51°F.
Its been a dandy winter weather wise, enough snow and steady winter temperatures without the mid winter thaws that create problems, although the city people like the mess for the sake of mild weather. If it were not for the hernia, I would be out on the trails much more. I'll gladly send you all the rain you need for some of that sunshine and heat come springtime and early summer around here, but it might be more than you wish for. Do you have a boat just in case?
-27C Brilliant sunshine, teasing for a ski later. No deet required.
Its been a dandy winter weather wise, enough snow and steady winter temperatures without the mid winter thaws that create problems, although the city people like the mess for the sake of mild weather. If it were not for the hernia, I would be out on the trails much more. I'll gladly send you all the rain you need for some of that sunshine and heat come springtime and early summer around here, but it might be more than you wish for. Do you have a boat just in case?
-27C Brilliant sunshine, teasing for a ski later. No deet required.
Do you usually have heavy spring rains? I'm situated where flooding isn't normally an issue and sandy soil is much easier to walk in when wet than dry .... I'll take your surplus! You're so generous 😁 No boat either, lol! 😂 How shall I package the sunshine and will you be satisfied with the 100-05 heat? I really need to keep the 93-95°F temps for me .... you know... for my healthy melatonin! 🤭🤭
-24C calm a mix of sun and cloud. Yesterday was one of those days warm sunshine dry cold air and no wind, a great day to be outside and alive. In my younger days I would pack a lunch and go skiing many kms over the frozen bogs, beaver dams and forested trails to remote areas inaccessible in the summer months unless one had a plane. Make a fire and cook up a trail side lunch. This is the very finest part of winter, and it is short and sweet. I would not be happy with winter conditions Carol and Tony have to endure, I would become depressed. Patsy, by the time the heatwaves rise up to our area in the summer, they have lost that summer warmth which is why our air conditioner's lifetime outlast us.
Pretty cold today and supposedly a snow scare starting tomorrow. Apparently it's to be about 42 degrees today.

Yes, Skyrizi has done well on me and according to my scale here at home I'm now a normal weight!!! In all my life I've always been underweight, so this is pretty cool for me! Once in awhile I get some rotten egg gas and sometimes feel a bit weird. But, majority of the time I have no complaints at all!! Needless to say, it's possible that all I needed was a little increassed dose.
Pretty cold today and supposedly a snow scare starting tomorrow. Apparently it's to be about 42 degrees today.

Yes, Skyrizi has done well on me and according to my scale here at home I'm now a normal weight!!! In all my life I've always been underweight, so this is pretty cool for me! Once in awhile I get some rotten egg gas and sometimes feel a bit weird. But, majority of the time I have no complaints at all!! Needless to say, it's possible that all I needed was a little increassed dose.
I can surely relate to the underweight condition...I have that problem. I might gain a few pounds during a good stretch and then drop it so fast in a minor flare! I'm 5'6" and currently weigh 112. Is Skyrizi an infusion?
Pretty cold today and supposedly a snow scare starting tomorrow. Apparently it's to be about 42 degrees today.

Yes, Skyrizi has done well on me and according to my scale here at home I'm now a normal weight!!! In all my life I've always been underweight, so this is pretty cool for me! Once in awhile I get some rotten egg gas and sometimes feel a bit weird. But, majority of the time I have no complaints at all!! Needless to say, it's possible that all I needed was a little increassed dose.

That’s wonderful. I’m happy for you. You tried Stelara but it didn’t have an effect right?
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Still grim here,4c,drizzy and grey.....but we did a good shop at the supermarket so that's a good job done....Patsy who do you volunteer with,just interested you understand and not being a nosey parker...
I volunteer at my church. The church has a contracted cleaning service but 6 years ago I noticed that our pretty bright red upholstered pews were not being detailed too thoroughly. I can be rather obsessive compulsive about cleaning so I asked the secretary what the deal was and during that conversation realized I could do that task. So every week (I now do this with two other ladies) we wipe the wood areas where hands rest on the pews and we use lint rollers and even a vacuum at times on the upholstery as needed. There are 30 pews. It can be fairly physical so I figure it will help me stay mobile longer. It's also a commitment away from home that gets me out and about. Also, it would not occur to me to consider your question nosey, it's more like showing an interest ... thank you.
-24C calm a mix of sun and cloud. Yesterday was one of those days warm sunshine dry cold air and no wind, a great day to be outside and alive. In my younger days I would pack a lunch and go skiing many kms over the frozen bogs, beaver dams and forested trails to remote areas inaccessible in the summer months unless one had a plane. Make a fire and cook up a trail side lunch. This is the very finest part of winter, and it is short and sweet. I would not be happy with winter conditions Carol and Tony have to endure, I would become depressed. Patsy, by the time the heatwaves rise up to our area in the summer, they have lost that summer warmth which is why our air conditioner's lifetime outlast us.
The day you're describing in today's post sounds really quite nice.
-24C calm a mix of sun and cloud. Yesterday was one of those days warm sunshine dry cold air and no wind, a great day to be outside and alive. In my younger days I would pack a lunch and go skiing many kms over the frozen bogs, beaver dams and forested trails to remote areas inaccessible in the summer months unless one had a plane. Make a fire and cook up a trail side lunch. This is the very finest part of winter, and it is short and sweet. I would not be happy with winter conditions Carol and Tony have to endure, I would become depressed. Patsy, by the time the heatwaves rise up to our area in the summer, they have lost that summer warmth which is why our air conditioner's lifetime outlast us.
I really envy your younger days Buff....I can remember more than fifty years ago Les and I were sitting on rocks at the coast and we discussed living in Canada beside a lake in the wilds,despite his sister living in NZ. ,,,,,of course life got in the way,as it does.But that day is as clear now as if it were yesterday
I volunteer at my church. The church has a contracted cleaning service but 6 years ago I noticed that our pretty bright red upholstered pews were not being detailed too thoroughly. I can be rather obsessive compulsive about cleaning so I asked the secretary what the deal was and during that conversation realized I could do that task. So every week (I now do this with two other ladies) we wipe the wood areas where hands rest on the pews and we use lint rollers and even a vacuum at times on the upholstery as needed. There are 30 pews. It can be fairly physical so I figure it will help me stay mobile longer. It's also a commitment away from home that gets me out and about. Also, it would not occur to me to consider your question nosey, it's more like showing an interest ... thank you.
I used to volunteer at a dog rescue centre,cleaning excercising etc,but to be honest I couldn't cope with the sadness (and cruelty)...I did rescue an inmate though to join my pack.
Today is an unusually cold day in north TX. -3C and mostly overcast. I like a good cold day, it reminds me of where I grew up on the mid-Atlantic coast of the US. We'll see if the sun manages to fight its way out today.

I'm hoping we will get some snow flurries this week for the kids.
I volunteer at my church. The church has a contracted cleaning service but 6 years ago I noticed that our pretty bright red upholstered pews were not being detailed too thoroughly. I can be rather obsessive compulsive about cleaning so I asked the secretary what the deal was and during that conversation realized I could do that task. So every week (I now do this with two other ladies) we wipe the wood areas where hands rest on the pews and we use lint rollers and even a vacuum at times on the upholstery as needed. There are 30 pews. It can be fairly physical so I figure it will help me stay mobile longer. It's also a commitment away from home that gets me out and about. Also, it would not occur to me to consider your question nosey, it's more like showing an interest ... thank you.

I love your volunteer job! It's something that some of us church-goers notice and appreciate when we have a good, clean pew. :) And my kids are NOT messy pew-users. We don't let them bring food into church, and we teach them not to lick the pews as well. That part takes time, though. ;)
I really envy your younger days Buff....I can remember more than fifty years ago Les and I were sitting on rocks at the coast and we discussed living in Canada beside a lake in the wilds,despite his sister living in NZ. ,,,,,of course life got in the way,as it does.But that day is as clear now as if it were yesterday
My short term memory is poor, I can put something down and forget about it, but my long term memory is clear. I can recall things from my childhood like it was last week. Its a bright beautiful morning I woke up to, but I remember those winter mornings driving to work in the dark, which makes me grateful for the life now in the slow lane of retirement, and still be up close and personal with nature and the changing of the seasons.
Nippy -25C, but the sun is warm on my back, it works better than coffee when I stepped out to the outhouse moments ago.
@jadegreen I just saw your thread. Six kids must be tough enough, but you also have your spouse and yourself. I hope you get better soon.

Now, just as a disclaimer, I am not a medical professional in any way, I am a CD patient like yourself.

First, you can refuse gadolinium, especially with breastfeeding. An experienced, qualified radiologist should be able to “read” the images gathered without the contrast agent.

Second, regarding stress, with that much responsibility and a serious illness, I think you may want to make some adjustments and decisions about your life in order to prevent stress and have some stability in your mind and life. Stress will worsen CD. If your illness progresses, it will affect your life (especially your family) in a way that may further contribute to the stress. Researching stress management techniques may help significantly.

Third, regarding treatment, as an experienced patient, I say fear not the medicine, but the crohns itself. Remission should be your one and only goal, nothing less. The disease should be kept in control, it’s much easier to do that in its early stages. If you wait and get worse, you may not get the benefit from the drugs that you had feared, that would have helped otherwise. That scenario is a sad one, believe me you don’t want to be there. When it comes to treatment, I believe top-down is the best approach.

Fourth, do your research; you owe that to yourself and to your kids. You need to be knowledgeable. Crohn’s can and does become fatal in different scenarios, there are also other risks associated with CD like cancer, short bowel syndrome etc.

Medications do carry risks and side effects, but it all comes down to risk analysis. Keeping the basic fact that uncontrolled and uncontrollable Crohn’s can be extremely destructive in mind can be helpful when doing that analysis. Additionally, when reading the increased cancer risk with the medicine, for example, you should not lose perspective on statistics. Say, hypothetically, the possibility of something happening is 1/40000. When reading something about the risks the text may say if we add this factor into the equation, it “doubles” the possibility (risk) of that thing happening. But if you read the data and think about it, it’s now 2/40000. Additionally, this is not some mathematical universe, we are talking about ourselves, think about the complexities of material life, the body, pathogenesis etc. Of course something bad may happen, if that happens the numbers won’t mean anything. Even then you can completely heal. Having a positive outlook on life, being courageous while also doing your research and knowing what you are in for, and being relaxed in general should be the way to go, especially when dealing with crohn’s.

Having chronic inflammation in your intestines will significantly affect your overall health long term, that should also be kept in mind when doing the risk analysis.

Best wishes.
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Our snow scare actually brought us snow today!!!!!! It is snowing right now at our place and 29 degrees!! The dart board says that it's supposed to stop snowing about 3pm today. Thank goodness today is our Sunday, we'll see tomorrow though. But, even though it's freezing out there snow sure is pretty!!!

Yes, Patsy I've always gone back and forth gaining and losing weight all my life too. However, I've never gained this much weight though which is a change. Skyrizi started out as infusions for my first 3 to get me going. I do an injection every 8 weeks now with Skyrizi. No, this is the first time I've ever been on biologics. Beforehand I always took pills for Ulcerative Colitis/Proctitis until they decided recently that it was Crohn's instead.
I love your volunteer job! It's something that some of us church-goers notice and appreciate when we have a good, clean pew. :) And my kids are NOT messy pew-users. We don't let them bring food into church, and we teach them not to lick the pews as well. That part takes time, though. ;)
Thank you! I can tell you know exactly how it is! Cheerios and little fishes crumble everywhere but mostly into that deep crease between back and seat! 😇 But PTL, parents have those babies in church every Sunday!
Our snow scare actually brought us snow today!!!!!! It is snowing right now at our place and 29 degrees!! The dart board says that it's supposed to stop snowing about 3pm today. Thank goodness today is our Sunday, we'll see tomorrow though. But, even though it's freezing out there snow sure is pretty!!!

Yes, Patsy I've always gone back and forth gaining and losing weight all my life too. However, I've never gained this much weight though which is a change. Skyrizi started out as infusions for my first 3 to get me going. I do an injection every 8 weeks now with Skyrizi. No, this is the first time I've ever been on biologics. Beforehand I always took pills for Ulcerative Colitis/Proctitis until they decided recently that it was Crohn's instead.
Wow! I'm glad you have a more accurate diagnosis now and that you are having some success with biologics. I've not been so fortunate, to the point I want nothing to do with them!
How many are in your "pack" Carol? Seeing the animals held in those small places must be rough.
Non, now alas Patsy. We had dogs,usually three or four at a time,for 50+ yrs but when Alfie (avatar) crossed Rainbow Bridge we had to let our heads rule our hearts.Good thing really considering health probs. that have crept up on us in the past years.Life changed so much,and not for the better,but we all have decisions to make in our lives that we would rather not.Life was good then and now it's different, I must say though that ageing has been a surprise,and not a good one. But we battle on eh ?
My short term memory is poor, I can put something down and forget about it, but my long term memory is clear. I can recall things from my childhood like it was last week. Its a bright beautiful morning I woke up to, but I remember those winter mornings driving to work in the dark, which makes me grateful for the life now in the slow lane of retirement, and still be up close and personal with nature and the changing of the seasons.
Nippy -25C, but the sun is warm on my back, it works better than coffee when I stepped out to the outhouse moments ago.
Buff, you still write and articulate your thoughts very clearly from what I can tell, so, might I suggest that you cheat the short-term memory lapses using lists and practice, learn, practice... by memorizing something you like, playing brain games, any activity that challenges the short-term memory. delay what may just be normal aging memory sluggishness. You tell us you are out and about in all that ice and snow often... that should cover the desired physical action nicely.

When my sister began developing Alzheimer's Disease, the first skillset to suffer, that I noticed, was our texting conversations, her reading faded (she was an avid reader) and her not realizing she was hungry. She was never too keen on learning new activities, which she sure enough avoided early in her memory decline. Her long-term memory was last to go away.
Buff, you still write and articulate your thoughts very clearly from what I can tell, so, might I suggest that you cheat the short-term memory lapses using lists and practice, learn, practice... by memorizing something you like, playing brain games, any activity that challenges the short-term memory. delay what may just be normal aging memory sluggishness. You tell us you are out and about in all that ice and snow often... that should cover the desired physical action nicely.

When my sister began developing Alzheimer's Disease, the first skillset to suffer, that I noticed, was our texting conversations, her reading faded (she was an avid reader) and her not realizing she was hungry. She was never too keen on learning new activities, which she sure enough avoided early in her memory decline. Her long-term memory was last to go away.
I figure as long as I am not opening up my fridge to see it filled with firewood I must be doing okay. But some time back a couple years ago I recall losing a bunch of clothes I never did find again, I suspect that I got confused between which one was the washing machine and the wood furnace.
I figure as long as I am not opening up my fridge to see it filled with firewood I must be doing okay. But some time back a couple years ago I recall losing a bunch of clothes I never did find again, I suspect that I got confused between which one was the washing machine and the wood furnace.
Buff! That's gotta be a big ole mountain man story!!! Funny guy! Which is precisely why I enjoy hanging out in this group .... y'all make me laugh!
not a bad day here , some sunshine and a balmy 12C , Bufford I know exactly how you feel memory wise , I head out to another room for something and cant remember when I get there , love the clothes in the furnace story .
not a bad day here , some sunshine and a balmy 12C , Bufford I know exactly how you feel memory wise , I head out to another room for something and cant remember when I get there , love the clothes in the furnace story .
I feel so much better regarding memory loss but Les can beat you both hands down...he's doing ok,bless him but I have an idea he's infectious as I find myself having "blanks" sometimes / often hahaha
Dismal here,and 3c but feels like minus,so the weather report says.We had an hours walk around the park which was nice....I say an hour but it's not that long ago we'd do the same route in ten minutes and it's only over the road, For us aging has come suddenly and a shock to the system,it certainly didn't creep up to allow us to get used to it
It's a blustery morning, but the sun is coming out. The trip to the outhouse was pleasant enough with flurries instead of biting flies. I am not looking forward to them, spring is really not that far off, the morning light is growing fast now, there is daylight before 7 am now.
Aging came on more gradually early on, surgery will do that, and it grew quietly on it own. I recall getting senior discounts without asking on purchases long before I was actually senior by the numbers. I blame it on the Chrons and the lousy treatments with their side effects. I've been off treatments and feel much better for it.
-18C blustery with a passing flurry or two.
Cold and overcast here today. I'm taking some of my kids to the thrift store to buy some much-needed clothing. Hoping for some good finds!
I love a mooch 'round the charity shops myself. I deplore this throw away
society.In fact I've just sorted a few bagsful to donate tomorrow.Last week I bought a lovely coat (I honestly didn't need but couldn't resist for £5) It's by the designer that designed Princess Di's wedding dress..but hasn't any frills thankfully,I'm not a frilly person
Another dismal,cold made myself sort cupboards instead of reading...I'm ashamed at the amount of hair products I've amassed,and of the "out of date" stuff in the back of the kitchen cupboards....I blame Les for keeping me otherwise occupied. kidding,
It's a blustery morning, but the sun is coming out. The trip to the outhouse was pleasant enough with flurries instead of biting flies. I am not looking forward to them, spring is really not that far off, the morning light is growing fast now, there is daylight before 7 am now.
Aging came on more gradually early on, surgery will do that, and it grew quietly on it own. I recall getting senior discounts without asking on purchases long before I was actually senior by the numbers. I blame it on the Chrons and the lousy treatments with their side effects. I've been off treatments and feel much better for it.
-18C blustery with a passing flurry or two.
This has got to be the only place where someones news that their trip to the outhouse was pleasant, makes us smile...well it does me,anyhow
Another dismal,cold made myself sort cupboards instead of reading...I'm ashamed at the amount of hair products I've amassed,and of the "out of date" stuff in the back of the kitchen cupboards....I blame Les for keeping me otherwise occupied. kidding,
It's hard to forgo a good book for cleaning cupboards! Such self- discipline Carol.... I'm impressed! 😂😂
I love a mooch 'round the charity shops myself. I deplore this throw away
society.In fact I've just sorted a few bagsful to donate tomorrow.Last week I bought a lovely coat (I honestly didn't need but couldn't resist for £5) It's by the designer that designed Princess Di's wedding dress..but hasn't any frills thankfully,I'm not a frilly person
I also enjoy thrift stores. I have found some nice pieces of fabric that retiring seamstress' have discarded....great quilting scraps Just browsing around a shop is relaxing too. However, corraling kids for a shopping trip, like Jadegreen, might not be too relaxing!
Weather here is clear but cold and windy. 38°F at 9am.

Spent a couple of hours in ER yesterday morning. Seems my vigorous packing, moving, lifting and shoving of plastic bins, boxes etc., last week to clear out a bedroom/bath apt. caused a hairline fracture in my sternum. Pain on the level of a 10 on my whiny-baby measure! Tylenol and NO strenuous lifting for a while! 😠
Weather here is clear but cold and windy. 38°F at 9am.

Spent a couple of hours in ER yesterday morning. Seems my vigorous packing, moving, lifting and shoving of plastic bins, boxes etc., last week to clear out a bedroom/bath apt. caused a hairline fracture in my sternum. Pain on the level of a 10 on my whiny-baby measure! Tylenol and NO strenuous lifting for a while! 😠
You kept that quiet Patsy,do as you're told and take it easy.....
Hey Patsy how you heal up quickly ,it's hard for us to realise that we can't get away with overdoing stuff anymore ,
I was always handy enough at doing general stuff around the house but if I overdo it now I'm banjaxed the next day ,
Switched a kitchen tap out earlier and my hips on fire now, getting into the small spaces is getting harder ,but I'm darned( for our American friends ) if I'm paying a bloke to do small stuff , it's hard to find a tradesman any way 😀,
Anyway rain held off and all in all not too bad a day .
Hey Patsy how you heal up quickly ,it's hard for us to realise that we can't get away with overdoing stuff anymore ,
I was always handy enough at doing general stuff around the house but if I overdo it now I'm banjaxed the next day ,
Switched a kitchen tap out earlier and my hips on fire now, getting into the small spaces is getting harder ,but I'm darned( for our American friends ) if I'm paying a bloke to do small stuff , it's hard to find a tradesman any way 😀,
Anyway rain held off and all in all not too bad a day .
Tony, you are so on point! It is hard to find good repairmen that aren't, in the same visit, trying to sell you some maintenance agreement for future service promoting it as a really good dea. Another pet peeve is AI answering and directing phone calls. Not to mention the costs of service....$$$s. I changed to another company for these reasons recently. I got a recommendation for a new company from some trusted friends.
You sound like my 3 brother's, they do most of their own repairs too. However, at this stage in my game, if a repairman is good at his skill, honest and dependable, I try not to fuss about paying out the dollars and hire him.
I am trying to behave so this pain will go away fast. I'm just not sure my timetable of fast is the same as my body's though! 😖
3c and grey again,,,while walking back from town I could see fine flakes of snow floating by but nothing more has showed up so least my eyesight's not as bad as I thought,,,,hope you're feeling better Patsy...I'll tell you all about my aches and pains when I have a spare hour or two....wink !!
This has got to be the only place where someones news that their trip to the outhouse was pleasant, makes us smile...well it does me,anyhow
One advantage we have as 'baggers' is that we don't sit down or need a toilet seat along with reams of reading material for the waiting for it to happen. We just go in, do what a B52 bomber does and come back out in seconds. No time to get a chill, and grab an arm load of firewood on my return back to the house.
-25C sunny, no Deet required.
One advantage we have as 'baggers' is that we don't sit down or need a toilet seat along with reams of reading material for the waiting for it to happen. We just go in, do what a B52 bomber does and come back out in seconds. No time to get a chill, and grab an arm load of firewood on my return back to the house.
-25C sunny, no Deet required.
Hahaha !!! yes Buff,we get the idea
dampish day today , got our and about for a while when it was dry , 10C , would have been a good day for a pub with a roaring fire , but I'll settle for a nice cup of tea and a toasted cheese and onion sandwich , its funny how simple foods taste so much better when you're not supposed to eat them .
3c and grey again,,,while walking back from town I could see fine flakes of snow floating by but nothing more has showed up so least my eyesight's not as bad as I thought,,,,hope you're feeling better Patsy...I'll tell you all about my aches and pains when I have a spare hour or two....wink !!
Carol, I'm feeling better, I discovered I needed a bit more Tylenol than the amount I was taking. But I'm still at half what the doctor recommended. I was actually able to get out for a short walk this afternoon. By all means... let me hear all your aging war stories! 😂 Are your stories funny as Buffs?🤣🤣
One advantage we have as 'baggers' is that we don't sit down or need a toilet seat along with reams of reading material for the waiting for it to happen. We just go in, do what a B52 bomber does and come back out in seconds. No time to get a chill, and grab an arm load of firewood on my return back to the house.
-25C sunny, no Deet required.
Like I said Carol, Buff will beat any aging health story we could tell... Buff... please ...stop! Laughing hurts!!!
dampish day today , got our and about for a while when it was dry , 10C , would have been a good day for a pub with a roaring fire , but I'll settle for a nice cup of tea and a toasted cheese and onion sandwich , its funny how simple foods taste so much better when you're not supposed to eat them .
Yeah... and Mr Crohn's sure is ruthless in reminding us of our folly! I was good today. Ate steamed-to-mush carrots and potatoes served with chicken tenders... airfried with mild seasoning of salt, pepper and Mrs Dash! Gut is happy with me!
Carol, I'm feeling better, I discovered I needed a bit more Tylenol than the amount I was taking. But I'm still at half what the doctor recommended. I was actually able to get out for a short walk this afternoon. By all means... let me hear all your aging war stories! 😂 Are your stories funny as Buffs?🤣🤣
No,he wins hands down, I think his location has a lot to do with it
and I don't have to go outdoors to the outhouse in all weathers (I did during my early childhood though)