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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. mikeyarmo

    What's a low residue diet exactly?

    Hi Stephy Chelle, Here are the results of a forum search for low residue diet. You can read there about other people's experience with the diet and foods they found they could tolerate (and those that they did not). When I was on a low residue diet, I ate most of my vegetables mashed. I...
  2. mikeyarmo

    Paternity while in Remission & on Medication - Need Advice !!

    Hi ram.Chrons, Most of the things I have seen written about Crohn's and pregnancy deal with the woman having IBD. Therefore, pregnancy complications due to IBD are likely less when the father is one with the disease. Here is a brief fact sheet about Pregnancy and IBD from the Crohn's and...
  3. mikeyarmo

    Drugs or Surgery

    Welcome to the forum Road runner! I am sorry you feel so rushed into making a decision. I think no matter what pressure you feel though, at the end of the day the decision of what treatment to take or not to take is in your hands. I really recommend you research the two possible drugs you can...
  4. mikeyarmo

    Massage can reduce inflammation?

    Discover Magazine has an article about a recent study on the impact of a massage on the body. The study looked at the effect of a post-exercise massage on the body and found that it lead to reduced inflammation and increased energy for cell growth. While this study was looking at post exercise...
  5. mikeyarmo

    Does reducing stress through herbal or homeopathic treatments help Crohn's?

    Before even looking at any evidence that exists on the subject, I would have to agree with Ducey. If the stress reduction remedy does not cause pain and does not cause financial or any other difficulty, why not continue to do it? Even if there was no known benefit for IBD symptoms, I would think...
  6. mikeyarmo

    Newly diagnosed

    Welcome Kim! I am sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. I am sure it was a lot to take, but based on the other testing they did it seems that you are very aware that things could have been worse. I am glad you are seeing a gastroenterologist soon as hopefully they will be able to help...
  7. mikeyarmo

    Crohns Wife

    Welcome coastalcarrot, I think it is great that you are trying to look out for your husband by coming here. I am sorry to hear he (and by extension your family) is suffering in between treatments so much. Perhaps reducing the time in between will be able to fend off the symptoms though as it...
  8. mikeyarmo


    Hi Tishbite, It can take more than 6 weeks to fully recover after surgery. Is the pain you are feeling totally different than what you felt like before surgery or is it similar? It can also take some time for your bowel movements to return to a more normal consistency as your body adjusts to...
  9. mikeyarmo

    Here to help...

    Welcome Aviatrix79, Thank you for taking time to offer your knowledge to us. We have a forum dedicated for the discussion of Diet, Fitness and Supplements where I am sure your knowledge can be of assistance to many members. Looking forward to learning more from you!
  10. mikeyarmo

    Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio and it's impact on health

    There are many things we need to eat to maintain optimal health. We have heard for years the importance of ingesting optimal levels of vitamin and minerals for health, but researchers have started to realize that there are other levels and measures that are just as important for us to monitor in...
  11. mikeyarmo

    Sardines for Crohn's Disease and other IBD

    Thanks for sharing David! Good timing... I also decided this month/year to really work on improving my omega 3 -6 ratio. Most of what I eat for meals is fine, but I was snacking exclusivley on nuts, which is very high in omega-6 overall. People often say Wal nuts are a good source of omega 3...
  12. mikeyarmo

    I have constipated crohns and thought maybe I should post this

    The link does not seem to be working anymore unfortunately :(. Regardless, I also suffered from constipation when my Crohn's was active and truthfully did not find a lot that made it helpful. I think the worst advice dealt with eating more fibre (like bran flakes) as even at that time I think...
  13. mikeyarmo

    Sudden onset blockage pain with out stricture?

    Hi vanilla_chai, I am not certain, but perhaps what the doctors found was that instead of a stricture existing that had to be removed in order to allow food to pass through it at all, they instead found only some inflammation. This might make it more difficult or painful for food to pass...
  14. mikeyarmo

    Letter of complaint to the hospital

    That sucks Holly :(. One would hope that common courtesy would have them alert you in advance of such a change. Good for you for raising this as an issue. It is not right for you or anyone to ever have to go through that trouble and stress, so hopefully it leads to an improved process going...
  15. mikeyarmo

    Hello everyone

    Thanks Cali and yes you can call me Mike :). I am sorry to hear how your long-term stuggle with Crohn's has impacted your body. I do not know if it will help your bones at all, but some light exercise (weights or even just walking) might help maintain your bones. Of course that is not possible...
  16. mikeyarmo

    Low-Fodmaps diet (similar to Specific Carbohydrate diet)

    Thanks for sharing this. I never heard of this diet before. I find it a bit odd that they would consider an apple or pear or mushrooms foods to avoid while sugar is considered a suitable food though. Avoiding corn syrup makes sense for everyone though so I guess as long as you are really...
  17. mikeyarmo

    Hello everyone

    Welcome Cali! Glad you found us (and our smilies) again :D. Sorry to hear about your long-term struggle with Crohn's. Hopefully you will be able to find some information on the forum that can help with the management of your pain. Regardless, you are sure to make some new friends! :). By D...
  18. mikeyarmo

    I'm jealous of healthy people

    Hi f_else, You are not alone in your thoughts and feelings. The worst of my symptoms occurred when I was 19 and in my first year of university. While many people were enjoying life partying and making new friends, I was at home in pain losing more weight every day. When I could go to school I...
  19. mikeyarmo

    New Member

    Welcome rob bcfc, I am sorry to read that Crohn's has been impacting you so much for the past few years. I am glad you are finally getting some relief on Infliximab/Remicade. Hopefully the second round of infusions can leave you feeling better for a bit longer period of time. There is a lot...
  20. mikeyarmo

    Feeling better

    Hi Spiderman8, Good luck with your current regiment. Is your vitamin D D3? That is supposed to be the best form to take and other forms do not provide the same benefits typically in tests when compared against D3.