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  1. Kittee

    How do you get Insurance to Pay!?

    I have BCBS and I had to FIGHT to get them to cover me. I had to prove that I did not have this as a pre-existing. They had me fax stuff that was from employers 3 years back. It was NUTS. It held up my Remicade treatments by 3 months or so.
  2. Kittee

    So frustrated.

    Ugh heart palps. Pred...I hate thee.
  3. Kittee

    Pred ? about sleep

    Well I made it to 5am last night!
  4. Kittee

    Pred ? about sleep

    You and I are having the exact same problem. I goto bed at 11-12 and fall asleep but dang I wake up at ...3am...4am..5am...and then at 6am I just give up and get up. I'm so frustrated. Speaking of. I'm going to bed. LOL need to get my 3-4 hours solid sleep....dangit. This work week is kicking...
  5. Kittee


    Well you could always just do it for awhile? Don't feel down about it, think about it as a chance to recooporate and refresh yourself.
  6. Kittee

    Remicade and now Humira commercials on TV

    The only Crohns commercial I ever see is that one with the big black guy that is some football player. Can we say totally out of the demographic of the usual Crohns patient? I think something like 70% of us are female and of Caucasian origins. Hello where is the female representation?
  7. Kittee

    Remicade and now Humira commercials on TV

    :ylol: :ylol: Seems like they are playing a lot more of these lately. I just saw my first Humira commercial! Funny they never mention that either is for Crohns treatment. Always RA. Does that bug anyone else besides me? It's like HELLO! Mention my problem sometime so more people would be...
  8. Kittee

    Miralax? Is it safe?

    I just drank my first cup of hot tea laced with Miralax lol. *cheers* Thanks for the help guys.
  9. Kittee

    So frustrated.

    Every 8 weeks. I've asked the DR about it and she seems to think the intervals are good, but she is going to increase the dosage next time. (End of this month.)
  10. Kittee

    So frustrated.

    Ok go ahead and laugh at me for this one. Last night I fried some fish and chips and said to my husband and myself that it was my "last" meal before going soup and liquids today... I went totally naughty eating fried, which is something I haven't done in MONTHS. Today I feel better than I...
  11. Kittee

    Miralax? Is it safe?

    Thanks guys, I'm surely going to pick some of this up tomorrow. You just never know..ya know =)
  12. Kittee

    Miralax? Is it safe?

    Thanks Jeff. You know how it is...First you running to the bathroom and can't stop it...then the next week you can't get yourself cleaned out. GGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
  13. Kittee

    Pred ? about sleep

    I've been on a 40mg taper now for over a month. I'm stuck at 30mg and I can't go down right now because my flare is not behaving. So YEAH I cannot sleep either. I dont' remember it being this bad last time I was on pred but let me tell you..about 3-4 hours is all I can get lately. I goto bed...
  14. Kittee

    Miralax? Is it safe?

    I need for lack of a better term, to clean out, let my insides rest and go on liquid a few days. I feel in my heart this may help. Is Miralax safe? I've read some mixed reviews. What is your guys take on it? :ybatty:
  15. Kittee

    So frustrated.

    Thanks guys. MBH- I'm on Remicade too. I have another infusion coming up very soon.
  16. Kittee

    So frustrated.

    I cannot get this flare under control. I am so frustrated. After my ER visit last month, it's now been a good 4 weeks since I've been on Pred and I'm just not having any results. What should I do? My D isn't too bad but I keep getting horrible stomach cramping and pain. You guys know what I...
  17. Kittee

    I am not taking the Prednisone!

    I just tapered down to 30...for the 2nd time lol. Lets see if I can stick with it this week.
  18. Kittee

    Spiritual Roots of Diseases

    I also have to say I don't believe a disease is a "punishment." If anything it is a test that we must pass. ;) Allah bless you.
  19. Kittee

    Capsule Endoscopy

    Pill cam also gave me my diagnosis. Its fun actually and seeing the film is even better. My insides were green and slimy lol. So inflamed it was sad. My only problem was that my camera got STUCK. I almost had to have surgery to get it out but in a fit of rage, pain and panic I drank a dang...
  20. Kittee

    I am not taking the Prednisone!

    Please do not suddenly stop taking Pred. You must taper. I know its hard, I have not slept the past 2 nights and I feel like I'm a zombie. I'm currently on 35mg. I get heart palpitations, sweats, night sweats... You will get through this. Just try to take some deep breaths. Call your doctor...