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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. xJillx

    Feeling better

    Thanks for the update, Spiderman8. I am glad it's a good one, too! I hope your health continues to improve.
  2. xJillx

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Hi everyone! As I mentioned, life has been very hectic lately with work & hubby's doctoral studies. I feel really guilty for being MIA on the forum, especially in the My Story forum. Luckily, I have been feeling pretty well lately (knock wood). To be honest, I am a little scared to even say...
  3. xJillx

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    @Allie – I am so sorry to hear your appointment went so badly. How could they be so irresponsible?! If I were writing prescriptions, I think I’d be a bit more careful. I don’t even like having a spelling error in an email at work – and no one’s life depends upon it! @Space – Oh, I hope...
  4. xJillx

    New here!

    Hi Jeremy and welcome! I am just like you - one day I feel pretty good, the next I am unwell. It just plain stinks having health that is so unpredictable, doesn't it? Hopefully, you'll pick up some tricks on the forum to help get things more under control. Some things you might want to look...
  5. xJillx

    Chloe's current LDN success story

    I hope Chloe continues to do well!
  6. xJillx

    New to site

    Hi Patrick & welcome! Unfortunately, Crohn's is never cured. However, some people experience very, very long remissions or dormant states as you said. So, the goal is to keep your Crohn's in remission as long as possible. To do that, you need to take care of yourself by eating well...
  7. xJillx

    What to Do

    Hi and welcome! I am sorry about your wife's GI issues. She did have all the appropriate tests done to diagnose IBD. I assume they were all normal? You comment about her illness years ago and "killing off good bacteria" got me thinking. Has you wife tried probiotics? People with IBS &...
  8. xJillx

    New to Site

    Hi Andrew and welcome! I am sorry about your recent diagnosis. Being that you still feel so poorly and are passing a lot of blood, it's clear the pred and Sulfasalazine aren't cutting it. You should reach out to your GI to notify him that you have only gotten worse. I know we sometimes wait...
  9. xJillx

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    @Cat - I am not sure if there are many doctoral programs online. My hubby works fro higher education, so he knew of the program. It's with a pretty well regarded school in New England. And it is pretty inexpensive for doctoral programs; under $500 per credit. Online classes are great if you...
  10. xJillx

    Does anyone on here have constipated Croh

    Hi kathyrussell and welcome! You are certainly not the only member who suffers from constipation. A few members struggle with this symptom. Some members even rotate - a few days of D, followed by a few days of not going at all. Either one is pretty awful. Is constipation your main symptom...
  11. xJillx

    Canadian HealthCanada MedPot Authorized User

    Hi Paladin and welcome! I am glad you found that marijuana works for you and has helped you get your life back. I see you also take sulfasazaline, but are you currently taking LDN, as well? I find this alternate treatment option very interesting, and wouldn't hesitate to try it if needed one...
  12. xJillx

    So tired all the time

    Hi sarahk1000 and welcome! I am sorry to hear your blood work doesn't look good. Have you had any recent tests besides blood tests? If not, I think you should pursue a scope and/or pill cam to see if a cause of the blood loss can be located. Once the severity of your disease can be...
  13. xJillx

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    @Cat - He's doing most of his degree online. So, no, he doesn't have anyone to study with. And, though I much rather go home an relax, I want to be able to help him. His degree will be furthering both of our futures, so I want to do what I can. And I know he's stressed, so I am trying to...
  14. xJillx

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Hi everyone! I've been a bit MIA on the forum lately, but I just wanted to pop in quickly. Life is very hectic at the moment. Work is very busy. Also, my hubby is starting his doctoral degree, and I am reading along with him to help him have someone to discuss things with and help keep him...
  15. xJillx

    Glamour guts?!

    Amazing! So well done!!! Thanks for sharing.
  16. xJillx

    Hard to see the forest through the trees

    Welcome to the forum! I am sorry to hear your Crohn's is acting up again after several good years. I don't have any personal experience with fistulas and abscesses, but I suggest you check out this subforum; it is devoted to fistulas, fissures, and abscesses. I sure hope the seton helps, and...
  17. xJillx

    A Short Story

    Hi and welcome! You aren't the first member who noticed a decline after stopping smoking. However, smoking to help IBD is usually associated with UC, not Crohn's: But it is obvious it has some affect on your health...
  18. xJillx

    You cant win a charity race

    Wow, what a story and great thing you and Tyler did! Thanks for sharing. How's your Crohn's doing these days? I hope you are feeling better.
  19. xJillx

    Alcohol and LDN

    I think alcohol is okay. Found this on Can LDN be taken with other medications such as tranquilizers or chemotherapy? How about interactions with alcohol or tobacco? LDN can be taken along with any other medication or substance, so long as it is not...
  20. xJillx

    Hi all

    Hi Shelli and welcome! You are right, when you are first diagnosed, you aren't told about all the other things that comes with a Crohn's diagnosis. Luckily, we have places like our wonderful forum where we can educate one another. I am glad you decided to join the forum. It seems like you...