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Jan 18, 2012
Melbourne, Australia

I was diagnosed with Crohn's and Diverticular late last year. I have just come off my second round Prednisolone, which helped a little while I was taking them, but now the symptoms are worse than ever, with regular visit's to the toilet and plenty of blood.

I am trying to find what my possible trigger foods could be. I know it varies from person to person. Is there a diet which can help or is it simply back to rice and water and then build your diet up from that to see what triggers it.

I stumbled onto this forum when I was looking into Probiotics. I have started taking some Yakult and having yogurt. Are these beneficial?

Also my doctor put me on Sulfasalazine, which I began to feel really sick on, they smelt like Nail Polish Remover. The pharmacist said that the basis of the tablet was acetone. Is this the same for all the daily tablets?

Sorry for so many questions, just trying to get a better understanding of it all. Would greatly appreciate some advice
Hello and :welcome: Andrew!

Unfortunately, there are quite a few people like you who get bad again when they are coming off of the prednisone. Does your doctor know about it?

It's a rough road trying to figure out which foods you can and cannot eat. I felt like a new baby learning to eat solids, one food introduced at a time. It's a good idea to keep a journal so you'll be able to evaluate how you are feeling after certain meals.

Everyone is different, but some of the common food triggers are lactose, gluten, raw fruits and veggies, and sugar. Some people follow the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), some follow the GAPS Diet, and some find that the Paleo Diet works for them. You can choose to try one of these or try to figure out your specific needs on your own like most of us do.

I think yogurt is beneficial for me at least, because it helps me feel better when my stomach starts to hurt. It's not the best and only remedy, but it helps me a bit.

Once again, welcome to the forum. I hope to see you around! :hug:
Hello Andrew and welcome to the forum :bigwave: One thing you can try is ask your doc for a referral to a dietician so you can then have a thorough look at your diet, one thing I think is worth tryng is going on a exclusion diet. You start off with going on special milkshakes, NO food I am afraid, this gives you tummy a chance to fully settle down. Once you have been on the shakes a while you then start to very slowly introducing foods that are deemed crohns 'safe' and see how you go by keeping a food diary. Then you start on the list of not so 'safe' foods like caffeine, dairy, bread etc and again you note how you react to this. Some things that affect others you may be fine with and vise versa (sp?). Firstly though you need to speak to the doc about the recurrance of you symptoms, if you have inflammation gong on the diet may help with symptoms but it will not completely get rid of the inflammation so this needs ideally needs to be gone for the diet to really do some good. I hope this helps and let us know how you get on.
Hi Andrew and welcome! I am sorry about your recent diagnosis. Being that you still feel so poorly and are passing a lot of blood, it's clear the pred and Sulfasalazine aren't cutting it. You should reach out to your GI to notify him that you have only gotten worse. I know we sometimes wait things out to hopefully see an improvement, but with this disease, time is crucial. You never want to ignore a problem.

To figure out your trigger foods, I suggest keeping a food diary. I write down everything I eat, BM's, and symptoms. It's helpful to pin point what's making me feel worse.

I sure hope you start to feel better soon!
Sorry for the delayed thank you. Been caught with work.

I have read some of the past threads on the Paleo and SCD diets and it looks like a good option to try.

Thank you for your advice.