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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. xJillx

    Should I Avoid Sushi?

    Thanks, guys! I will avoid the sauces and anything spicy, so hopefully I'll be okay. Thanks for giving me some piece of mind!
  2. xJillx

    NEW here

    Hi and welcome to the forum! I am sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. However, at least you got answers quickly as to what is going on with your health. Have you seen an improvement since starting treatment? I agree with Pen, it does sound like you could have had a partial blockage...
  3. xJillx

    Should I Avoid Sushi?

    Does anyone have an issue with eating sushi? I love sushi, but I haven't had too much of it since getting sick. However, I got a gift card to a really fancy Japanese/Korean/Thai restaurant that makes the BEST sushi (so I am told). I made a reservation for New Years Eve for the hubby and I...
  4. xJillx

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    @Sunshine - I am glad you are phoning your GI. Let us know his response. @Carrie - My dog would have gone nuts in a hotel room. She barks at everything. I guess your doctor wants to have the stomach emptying scan as just one last test for confirmation. I hope it isn't too awful of a...
  5. xJillx

    Child with UC

    Hi Alice and welcome! Eye issues can happen with IBD, but I am not sure about his other symptoms. Having shortness of breath is not something to treat lightly, so I would certainly phone the doctor about this. It's better safe than sorry! I have taken many types of suppositories and enemas...
  6. xJillx

    7 Years Down...the rest of my Life to go...

    Hi Manders and welcome! Boy, good thing you suggested that CT scan! Who knows how long it would have taken you to get a diagnosis. I want to start a family next year, as well, and I have done a lot of homework on the subject. This article on the CCFA is very informative. As you will see...
  7. xJillx

    Newbie mum - tough decisions ahead.

    Hi Donnanne! I think the obvious choice here is pursuing a stem cell transplant. As you have said, his Crohn's is in numerous locations, and having a stoma over the summer didn't help. We've had a few members have great success with their stem cell transplants. I hope your son will have the...
  8. xJillx

    My Stem Cell Transplant Blog

    I am sorry you aren't well, but I am glad you are confident it's not Crohn's related. I sure hope you can shake this infection soon! It's been too long.
  9. xJillx

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    @Sunshine – If I were you, I’d contact my GI and ask if I could just stop the pred. Obviously, it’s not doing anything at this point, so why drag this out any longer. @Carrie – I agree, you most likely have an auto-immune issue going on here. Are all of your doctors working together to try to...
  10. xJillx

    Forgotten Birth Control

    Thanks for the responses, ladies. @Jeanette - I had a pelvic MRI in June for my Crohn's, so my gyno didn't think it was anything more serious than messing up my pack. And I had a very normal and regular 4 years, as I never forgot a dose. However, skipping those two doses in October has seemed...
  11. xJillx

    New Here - Husband has Crohn's

    Hi Erin and welcome! I am so sorry to hear your husband has been struggling so much with his Crohn's. Unfortunately, many doctors are apprehensive to give out pred due to its nasty side effects. Though it could help him now, taking pred so much could really hurt him in the long run. Being...
  12. xJillx

    New to forum

    Hi and welcome to the forum! I am sorry you have had such a tough year. I really hope Humira will be the one to work for you. And being that your scan looked good, it sounds like there is a chance that it is. The symptoms you are experiencing could be caused from IBS. My GI has gone back...
  13. xJillx

    Remicade,,,getting off

    Hi Franko and welcome! If Remicade is working, I would do all that I could to stick with it. Please try to reach out to J & J, to see if they'll assist you until you pick up insurance with a new employer. The fear is, if you stop using Remicade and get sick again, there is a good chance it...
  14. xJillx

    It's been a while...

    Oh, I do hope Ella's flare can get under control soon. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas, and I am praying 2012 will be a wonderful, healthy year for you all.
  15. xJillx

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    @Sunshine - It seems like your docs are like mine. They want a biopsy to diagnose. This is so frustrating. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck - it's a duck! I don't understand why a biopsy is so important. And speaking of which, why should you even bother with the pill cam if the...
  16. xJillx


    Best of luck to you! I hope you'll have a speedy recovery!
  17. xJillx

    So far...

    Hi Marx and welcome to the forum! I am sorry to hear that Aza doesn't seem to be doing the trick. How long have you been taking it? I can take 3 full months before it fully kicks in. If it has been over 3 months, I would certainly inform your GI that you haven't seen an improvement. You may...
  18. xJillx

    Need Help URGENT!

    Hi and welcome. I am so sorry you are going through this. I agree with David, get yourself a lawyer if your former employer violated your rights. Also, I am a bit shocked you were denied unemployment. If you were fired, you should receive unemployment, right? Please excuse my ignorance on...
  19. xJillx

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Oh, Allie, I am so sorry you are suffering so. I really wish your in-laws were more understanding, too! I sure hope that the pred will kick in for you, so you can enjoy the holidays a little bit. And try not to worry so much about the shopping. If you have to, let Stuart go on his own. Just...
  20. xJillx

    New to group

    Hi and welcome to the forum. As Dusty said, yes, these tests are going to help his GI determine the next course of action. I doubt surgery will be on the table at this point, unless your son's Crohn's is very severe. However, I would expect a stepped up treatment plan. Asacol is meant for...