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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. xJillx

    My Story

    Hi David and welcome! I am glad you finally got some answers and started Humira. I don't have any advice on administering it, as I have never taken it. However, I wanted to wish you the best of luck and I hope it starts working for you quickly. Good luck!
  2. xJillx

    Crohns since 98

    Hi Cheryl and welcome! I really agree with akpatti. We are all different, and we know what is best for our bodies. If you want to remain off medication, what I would suggest is to get regular check ups/tests to be sure you are as well on the inside as you feel. If all turns out well, then...
  3. xJillx

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    @Cat – I am getting a little stressed out this year. I did really well with doing most of my shopping early, but there are a few little things I need to get. Also, I am hosting Christmas Eve dinner with my husband’s family. They are easy to please, but I still stress out wanting everything to...
  4. xJillx

    Looking for some opinions

    Yes. My friend has a reoccuring issue with them. Internal hemmies can be very painful (espcially when sitting) and feel as though something is protruding. My friend has needed several surgeries to get rid of them.
  5. xJillx

    It's working :)

    Hooray! I hope you continue to be symptom free & for a long, long time!
  6. xJillx

    Getting my ducks in a row....

    Unfortunately, it seems many doctors are hesitant to make a diagnosis. I even had one and got it taken away! So, if you think your GI is being dismissive & dragging his feet with your case, move on! Get a new GI who is going to take your seriously. Your health is not something to play around...
  7. xJillx

    Looking for some opinions

    I agree with it could being an abcess. Or how about an internal hemorrhoid?
  8. xJillx

    My story ... so far

    Hi dhay and welcome! I am sorry it took you so long to get diagnosed, and you didn't get much relief from surgery. I haven't been on Aza myself, but if I was having bad side effects, I would be questioning whether upping the dose is the right move, too. Does your doctor think the pains will...
  9. xJillx

    Helping a friend

    Hi erinever and welcome! What a great friend you are! I bet your friend is very appreciative to have such a caring friend. What's going on with your friend at this time? What symptoms does he/she have? What testing has been done? I sure hope he/she can get some answers soon. I think...
  10. xJillx

    One Month W/O Meds

    It now has been a full 2 months off meds. I had been doing relatively well, but I have seen a bit of a decline recently. I am still only going to the bathroom once daily, and it is more formed than when I took Liada. However, the mucus has increased, and I see traces of blood in the mucus...
  11. xJillx

    Forgotten Birth Control

    Am I still suffering from my forgotten pills in October?! My period arrived this morning, one week early. I have never deviated from my schedule until I forgot those 2 silly pills in October. I had a two week long period in October, an early period with lots of spotting before & after in...
  12. xJillx

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    @Star – I hope your doctor will get the MRA approved for you. Hopefully, this test will help get some answers. And I am so sorry to hear about your friend’s baby. I really hope she will be alright. Keep us posted. @Sunshine – What an amazing way to celebrate your anniversary! That boy...
  13. xJillx

    Had my colonoscopy and diagnosis

    I am glad to hear you got a diagnosis and an answer to what's been going on with your health! What is your doctors going to do to treat your diverticulosis?
  14. xJillx

    Pain and no end in site

    Hi Jamiesonsmommy and welcome! I am sorry about your recent diagnosis. It can be a scary time. However, hopefully you can start appropriate treatment and start to feel better. I suggest doing some homework around the forum before meeting with your GI. Most likely, you'll discuss the many...
  15. xJillx

    I'm almost 14 and my life sucks!

    Hi Simon and welcome! I am sorry you have been battling so many issues at such a young age. Those abscesses sound so painful! I know being diagnosed with Crohn's is scary, but at least you and your doctors know what is going on with your body and get you on the right treatment. I really hope...
  16. xJillx

    Diverticulitis or Crohns?

    A flare up is different for each one of us. For me, a flare includes lots of trips to the bathroom with mucus and blood. I rarely have D and, luckily, my pain levels haven't been too bad. However, for others, a flare could be ab and joint pain, constipation, lots of trips to the bathroom or...
  17. xJillx

    My (Son's) Story

    Hi clnrun and welcome! I am sorry to hear of your son's diagnosis. However, I am glad there has been an improvement to his health since getting his diagnosis. What is his current treatment plan? I hope your son continues to feel better and better each day.
  18. xJillx

    New to the Form - Introducing Myself

    Hi and welcome! I am sorry to hear you have gone through most traditional treatments. If I were you, I'd certainly give LDN a shot. I am very interested in this drug, and I hope there will be more studies on it. Check out the LDN subforum in the Treatment section. You'll find threads of...
  19. xJillx

    I am a survivor

    Hi Debbie and welcome! I think having a leak is a concern for anyone with a stoma. I suggest checking out the Stoma subform. As Pen said, we have many members with stomas, and I bet they'll have a lot of good advice for you. Once again, welcome to the forum!
  20. xJillx

    Diverticulitis or Crohns?

    Hi and welcome! I am with you, I wonder if you ever had diverticulitis. It very well could have been a Crohn's flare up. I am glad you are doing well on Entocort. Have you and your GI discussed a maintenance drug? A course of Entocort will take care of the inflammation, but you'll need a...