Looking for some opinions

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Aug 13, 2011
Hey guys, I'm looking to see if anyone has any ideas of what could be going on. I know were not doctors but maybe somebody has had a similar feeling. My fiancee's step dad has crohns just like myself. He has been doing really well for the last 5 or so years now with no mediciation at all. He eats healthy, and always stays active so I think he gets by pretty well with his diet. He seems to get a flare about once or twice a year, but at most it lasts the weekend so it's just like a flu for him and he takes some time to himself and it just gets better.

Anyways, he woke up today in A LOT of pain. He says it feels like something is protruding (sp?) into his rectal cavity. My first thoughts would be an internal abscess or some sort of ulcer. I'm sorry I don't really have any more info or ways to describe it but he is in a lot of pain and is now waiting in the ER waiting to get it checked out.

Thanks in advance
I agree with it could being an abcess. Or how about an internal hemorrhoid?
Yes. My friend has a reoccuring issue with them. Internal hemmies can be very painful (espcially when sitting) and feel as though something is protruding. My friend has needed several surgeries to get rid of them.
I am not sure but I am glad he is getting it checked out right away. I hope whatever it is goes away PRONTO! DO you HEAR me WHATEVER THE PROTRUDING INVADER IS? GET!!! NOW? Good Luck I am sending a virtual hug.
Okay so I just heard from them and the doctor did see it on the outside and it looks like an abscess. I guess they are being set up with a specialist to speak to tonight about what to do. Ill let you guys know more once I hear more.
Hey, they found a peri-anal abscess so they cut it in the ER and sent him home with Flagyl. I don't think it could of been that bad if that's all they did. He has a follow up appointment in a week to see how its doing. Thanks for the help guys