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Dec 20, 2011
Hi, my name is Cheryl. I am 51 yrs. old, diagnosed at 38, quickly because my mother had this back in the 60's and actually passed at 29 yrs. old I was diagnosed in 98 and put on Asacol, useless for me, then pentasa. 4 pills 4 times a day plus 40 mg. steroids, Vicodin and others(can't remember all) total of 32 pills a day for 6 yrs. with some relief, thank goodness. Ended up in 04 with a bowel resection due to a blockage--not fun, trust me--, 11 in. plus the colon itself. got me off steroids! Yay! ended up on remicade, worked well and have been in remission for 6 yrs. YAHOO! I do have a question tho, w/o medical insurance, life is tricky at best. I stopped my remicade in Sept. of 09 due to this and moving to AZ. Stopped all meds at that time cuz I didn't even qualify for state help, even tho us trying to live on $1400 mo, hubby disabled, I did not qualify--made 48$ too much a mo. I did see one Gastro at this time and he put me on imuran, which absolutely did not like how it made me feel. He was insistent that I stay on something, but have not! Am doing great, but are there repercussions for taking no meds for my Crohns? Put myself on steroids for the 7 day blast, and fixed me. I am doing well, even the diarrhea is at a minimum thanks for any input!
I think that every person is different. I was on no meds for several years, the problem I had was that when I started having symptoms again, I kept putting it off and then on the meds pushed my body more then I should have. I would say that it is more important to listen to your body...every person manages it different. If you are not having active crohn's I would still make sure you are getting plenty of vitamins since we don't tend to absorb them as well.
Hi Cheryl and welcome! I really agree with akpatti. We are all different, and we know what is best for our bodies.

If you want to remain off medication, what I would suggest is to get regular check ups/tests to be sure you are as well on the inside as you feel. If all turns out well, then stick with what you are doing. But if active disease is found, then I think you'll need to reevaluate your treatment plan.

I hope you continue to feel well and no meds are needed!
Welcome to the family, Cheryl. I agree with the others. If you go without meds, be sure to follow a strict diet and stay away from your trigger foods. Some people are able to control it well most of the time, but as Jill said, be sure to get help during a flare. :hug:
Welcome. I am managing my crohns without meds, and just going by diet. Food doesnt seem to effect my crohns but I always eat really healthy and try to stay away from the food that effects most. I have no doubt one day I'll probably have to go back on meds, but for now I'm enjoying life without them. Like Jessi said though, definately listen to your body. I feel great without meds, but if I was having severe cramping and always feeling sick I wouldn't hesitate to stick with meds.