I'm almost 14 and my life sucks!

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Dec 20, 2011
I'm 13, but in 1 month I'm making 14, I'm a boy from Bulgaria (not an english-speaker, but I have a gift since I was a wee boy) and I'm starting to hate my life.
First, my story in short:
When I was 7 (first grade) I used to have very bad constipation. There was a time I actually held my poop so I don't have to go to the toilet. It hurt THAT bad. We went to a surgeon with my mum (divorced) and he found a fissure... nothing more.
I used to be very dirty. I didn't know stuff like this could happen to me, so I rarely washed my butt. Probably 1-2 times in a week.
For years I had some leakage (like poo) from my butt and it was embarassing. Everyone thought that I was holding my poop, but I wasn't.
I still just thought that It's sweat.... just thought.
June, 14, 2010 I went to a trip with my class...all good and fun... until the other day. I felt a lump on my butt (I thought it was nothing to worry, because my butt was red all the time after going to the toilet) and I left it like that for 15 days. I had a ball of puss on my damn ass and it was growing.
We didn't know what to do, so I typed in google "puss from anus" and that little sentence saved my life. I found a picture, and some info about PERIANAL ABSCESSESS.
I found out that I would require incision, and I said: "Hey, it's just gonna hurt a little, but no worries". WRONG
A few days later I got "inspected" by a surgeon and he said I would require an operation... I WAS DEAD SCARED of operations... and he said that I needed GENERAL! I started crying infront of everybody. I felt like my life would end, because since I was a little boy I have lots of allergies. Pollen, milk etc.

We wanted another opinion, so we searched around for other surgeons. We found one in a city close to us. He first cut me with some electric knife (didn't hurt AT ALL, I didn't even feel it, but I was only on LOCAL) and he said "That was it, tomorrow you could go to the beach and do whatever you want".
But he was surprised, when he cut my ass I didn't have any puss... he said it was probably too deep.
So while I was on vacation and I got so much puss coming from my butt.
After going to my aunt (she lives in the city where I was at vacation) I got a fever. 38,5 C (don't know about F) and I died a little inside, because I was feeling another lump ON MY RIGHT side.
I told the doctors and they laughed it off.
Sure, laugh it off, but after a week or so, I got my first surgery with general done to both sides. My butt looked like a war veteran.
I was so proud of myself, but me and my mum cried so much.
A year passed, I was happy, I have a sense of humour, and at October I got another absscess. NOW I WAS SO DAMN ANGRY.
How can my friends be happy and not me? They are little babys compared to what I had.
I had another sugery, on my left side (right is good). Wasn't that bad.
A month later (November 2011) they wanted to do a colonoscopy.
I kind of resisted, because everyone thought I had Crohn's last year, but biopsy proved false.
So we finally went for a colonoscopy, in Sofia (best doctors in my country) and to my surprise... they found I have Crohn's disease. Holy ****
And they say that I might have had it for 7 years....but I suspect 2-3 years (had episodes of vomiting, panic attacks and diarrhea).
So that's pretty much it, but I'm fighting the damned abscesses everyday!
And I feel another one coming! GOD DAMN!
I'm currently on Salofalk and Flagyl. Tomorrow I'll go get my treatment.
I hope they say Humira or something of the like...wish me luck.

I want to say to everyone HELLO!
And if you treat you abscess without srugery tell me how please.
Also tell me about the treatments... will it stun my growth or anything.
I heard about Remicade... does it prevent and/or heal abscesses. HELP!

A small update: I tried the "hot towel" method and it DID pop my little abscess, but I don't know of it will help heal. I think that the puss is coming from my Crohn's, but I'm not sure. I'm scared because I think I have got puss deeper under my abscesses. I had pelvic MRI's, but they screwed it up (those who did it) and instead of my pelvice (that's how you spell it?) they scanned my abdomen :ybatty::mad2::kello:
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Hi Simon and welcome! I am sorry you have been battling so many issues at such a young age. Those abscesses sound so painful! I know being diagnosed with Crohn's is scary, but at least you and your doctors know what is going on with your body and get you on the right treatment. I really hope starting Humira will be a miracle for you.

I suggest checking out the Fistulas, Fissures, and Abscesses sub-forum. Hopefully, a few members can give you some pointers.
Welcome Simon! So sorry to hear about all of those issues and being so young, but along the lines of Jill, it's definitely better knowing what's wrong then not. Just try to keep your head held high, my friend! :)
Hey dude! Welcome to the site. I grew up with crohns so I can relate to what you're going through. I know what you had to deal with getting that abscess cut without being put out and IT HURTS! They did that for me a few years ago, and it just caused it to come back worse. I'm glad you got yours taken care of relatively fast though. I had mine for like 3 years and I just had a big hospital visit this month where I spent 10 days in the hospital and had two emergency surgeries for my abscess. I now have a huge cut down there to allow for drainage.

You seem like a pretty strong kid so props to you. I hope you get the relief you need soon, and don't ever hesitate to ask anyone of us questions. We're here to help
Ah yes, perianal abscesses, they are so freaking annoying. You say you keep getting re-current abscesses, yes? Maybe you have a fistula? If that's the case a draining seton would help that right away. It would basically stop your abscess from closing over and causing another and another and so on.

Hopefully you start feeling better, little dude.
You poor thing!! I am lucky that I have never had to deal with an abscess so can not imagine how uncomfortable you have been. Let us know how you get on tomorrow and I will keep my fingers crossed that you will feel better soon. By the way :welcome: to the forum.