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Dec 20, 2011
Hello my name is David and I was just recently diagnosed with Chrons in October of 2011. In a way I'm glad that I have an answer to what I have been dealing with for at least 3 years. It all started when i was constantly feeling weak the summer of 2008 and I finally went to the doctor and he said that I was anemic, and sent me to the hospital to get blood transfusion. My HG was a 7.5. At this time I didn't really know what that meant. After 3 units of blood I now know. After blood transfusion and numbers of test nobody found where the blood had gone. No answers. Over the next 2 years things were good then I started having stomach pains that came and went, so I didn't think much of it, but then it started getting worse. Well I started to get weak again and went to the hematologist and my HG was a 7.0 again, so my gastro doctor wanted to do some more test to see if he could find some answers. So after another blood transfusion and only 2 units this time and also an iron infusion a week prior which I have had a couple of these in the past 3 years. Thought it was just an iron and blood issue. Well my gastro wanted to do the pill endoscopy so I said let go for it. This was after a EGD and colonoscopy. Well the test worked well and he found several ulcers that were bleeding. We did a CT Scan to confirm this and now I have been told that I have Chrons.
I just took my second dose of Humira today, so things are just getting started for me.
One quick question though, When I was doing the Humira pens today, I'm not so sure that I got them as good as I should have. It sounded like the medicine was bubbling while it was going in. I don't think I was pushing down hard enough. Have any of you have this happen before and do you think I will still get the benefit out of it? The medicine wasn't running down my stomach or anything like that. It also didn't hurt as bad as the first 4 shots.
Anyways, thanks for taking the time to read my story. I haven't spent much time on the site yet, but I'm looking forward to it.

Hi David and :welcome: Not great you have crohns but as you say at least you know now what you are dealing with. Is the anaemia your 'only' symptom of crohns or do you get any others? I am not on Humira but I should be starting this the beginning of next year so can't give any advice on this. You can however go to the treatment forum and there will be lots of info about it there: Let me know of this link works - it's the first one I have out in a post so not sure if I have done it right :) If you are stll feeling a little weary it is worth getting your vitamin B12 and D checked as people with crohns can be deficiant in these and this can cause tiredness.
David, when I didn't push down firmly I could hear it as well, but I would usually have a little bit dribble from the Humira pen. You are braver then I am...I had to do it my leg, I couldn't bring myself to stab my stomach. They have a 800 number with 24 emergency staffing as well as a daily call center, I had to use it after I did my first set and messed up with one of the pens. They were friendly and understanding, and when in doubt it is better to ask. I hope the Humira works for you:)
Hi David and welcome! I am glad you finally got some answers and started Humira. I don't have any advice on administering it, as I have never taken it. However, I wanted to wish you the best of luck and I hope it starts working for you quickly. Good luck!
Welcome to the family, David. I'm happy for you that you got an answer. It really is a bummer of an answer, though, isn't it?! I hope you feel at home here and find comfort in knowing that you're not alone in this. :hug:
Angrybird yes I have other symptoms. My stomach hurts a lot when my blood levels are low, but not as much when they are at normal levels. I also take B12 and D3 vitamins.