Pain and no end in site

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Dec 20, 2011
pain and no end in site

okay so heres my story. ima 23 yr old mother of one ive been having horrible pain for 6 yrs if not longer. everyone thought i was full of ****. till about a month ago they found a mass on my overy well had it removed and it really pissed my insides off so ive now learned i can not have red meat to much dairy so no more olive garden for me bummer. no sodas :( milk or anything really if i so happen to slip up im doubled over in pain and blowin chunks. my insides r constantly on fire why is that? i dread goin potty it hurts horribly bad and on top of that blood wow i went from bein okay for cpl yrs to cant even function. i had a dr tell me i have crohns. i go to my gi on the 28 super excited to find out all details and how far gone it really is. ive been on nuthing but pain pills for over 2 months i mean they dont even help any more and if i was addicted to them i would be on cloud 9 but im not so its real deppressing to know that i prob have alot more to take. it got so bad that i was to weak to even play with my 2 yr old thats sad. im dreading the news but im really lookin forward to whats goin to happen to me. ima full time college student and over the last 2 months have had surgery and been in tha hospitial at least once a week and sometimes more. this blows i just wanna get better and stop hurting. well thanx for listening to my rant:ybiggrin:
Hi Welcome to the forum. I am so sorry you are going through all this. You will find a lot of support and friends here. Keep us updated and let us know how you are doing and how the GI appt goes!
Hi Jamiesonsmommy and welcome! I am sorry about your recent diagnosis. It can be a scary time. However, hopefully you can start appropriate treatment and start to feel better.

I suggest doing some homework around the forum before meeting with your GI. Most likely, you'll discuss the many treatment options, so familiarize yourself with them over in the Treatment forum. Also, I suggest writing down your symptoms and questions, so you don’t forget anything during your appointment. Finally, bring someone with you; an extra set of ears can be really helpful!
So sorry to hear that you're going through all of this but I think this is definitely the best place to get some information and connect with others going through something similar. It's usually just reassuring knowing that you're not the only person in the world going through with it. Hoping the best for you! :)