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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. xJillx

    Bowel Prep Club

    I can't stand prep! I literally can't keep it down. However, the Miralax/Gatorade prep has been an absolute blessing! You can't taste a thing. It sure does work, though. I suggest anyone who hates prep to ask if the Miralax/Gatorade prep is an option. You won't be sorry! @diesanduhr &...
  2. xJillx

    It's official!!! I'm a CHRONIE!!

    I am glad you finally got some answers. I really hope your new treatment plan gets you into remission. Keep us posted & good luck!!
  3. xJillx

    Hey, I'm new here!

    Hi and welcome to the forum! I am glad you decided to join the forum. It really does help to talk to others who know exactly what you are going through. Also, this place is great for any IBD questions (so many knowledgeable members!) or if you just want to vent; there's always someone...
  4. xJillx

    Crohn's mom

    Welcome to the forum, haifamom! I am sorry to hear both of your children suffer from Crohn's. I am glad you son is doing pretty well on 6MP, but I feel for your daughter who hasn't achieved remission in over 4 years. What is her current treatment plan? What has she taken in the past? I...
  5. xJillx

    Dont know where to begin...

    Hi prosperies and welcome. I am sorry to hear about your son's condition. Hopefully, Remicade will do wonders for him. As lookame listed, I would have your son apply for Remistart. I believe a few of our other members have taken advantage of the program. I wish him luck!
  6. xJillx

    Hi Everyone

    Hi Spanish lady and welcome! Your attitude is amazing! And I can't believe how active you are, especially horseback riding, disspite what you are going through. You really are an inspiration to us all. I hope that you will be accepted into a stem cell trial and will finally get the relief...
  7. xJillx

    It's been a while...

    I am so very, very sorry to hear about the loss of your son. This truly breaks my heart. I wouldn't waste anytime with a toilet full of blood, especially if it is uncommon for your daughter. Take Ella to the hospital. Even if it isn't serious (which I certainly hope it's not) - it's better...
  8. xJillx

    Hard descision to make..made part already...

    I am a little late on this one, but it sounds like this situation is headed in the right direction. I think it was a big step for your husband to be thankful you called his doctor. Being that the case, he obviously knows something isn't right. I hope he'll get the help he needs, and it will...
  9. xJillx

    Any advice would be awesome!

    Hi and welcome! Crohn's does sound like it could explain your issues. As you said, kidney stones and issues with the gall bladder are associated with Crohn's. Also, joint pain is, too. However, you'll never know for sure until you get the appropriate testing done. You really need to see a...
  10. xJillx

    Questionable treatment

    Thanks for the update, Gary! I am glad you are recovering well. I hope you have many, many healthy years coming!
  11. xJillx

    Too young to feel this old.

    Hi Stephanie and welcome! I am glad you finally got a diagnosis and are getting treatment. Have you noticed any improvement with Remicade, yet? I really hope it will kick in for you soon. I don't have any kids, yet, but I have done a lot of homework on the subject. It seems like many women...
  12. xJillx

    Hi, new and unsure!

    Has he been tested for celiac??
  13. xJillx

    New to this forum, Hello

    Welcome to the forum, Jon! Yes, our forum is VERY active. I have tried one other recently expecting it to be like ours, and I was quite dissappointed. No other is like ours! I think you'll really find it helpful. Make yourself at home, Jon! How is your Crohn's at the moment? What is your...
  14. xJillx

    New to forum - treating my crohn's holistically

    I often stick to grilled chicken breast when eating out, as well. It's always a safe choice! I really wish I could summon the strength to do the SCD diet. From what I read, it does seem to work well for many. How long have you been taking VSL#3? My GI suggested the same probiotic, but she...
  15. xJillx

    UC Newbie! Lots of Questions!

    Hi there and welcome! Oh my, have you been through so much! You are an inspiration! I certainly hope things are going to improve for you, and your troubles will be a thing of the past. As for a few of your questions: 1. The hair loss could also be due to the trama you suffered. I have read...
  16. xJillx

    Hi, new and unsure!

    Hi Kia and welcome! I am so sorry that Bailey is feeling so unwell. Constipation, urgency, and runny stools are symptoms of Crohn's, but there could be another cause as well. Regardless, you are doing the right thing in investigating his symptoms further. To really rule out or confirm...
  17. xJillx


    Hi curlywatts and welcome! I am sorry about all you have been through, but at least now you got some answers as to what was the cause. It sounds like your current treatment plan is a keeper, being that bleeding and D has basically stopped. You may want to check out the Imuran/Aza/6-MP...
  18. xJillx

    New to forum - treating my crohn's holistically

    Hi Heather and welcome! I am glad to hear you are feeling an improvement by following the SCD. I have done some light research on it, and boy, it must be so challenging to follow! Are you comfortable eating out? What's your go to meal if you're eating outside your home? I wish I could have...
  19. xJillx

    New to Forum, First Symptoms 20 Years Ago

    Hi Sheila and welcome! I am glad to hear the increased dose of Remicade seems to be working fairly well. I hope it continues to do so. I can understand your nervousness to have another child being that you flared so badly after having your daughter. Did you stop your treatment during...
  20. xJillx


    Hi Niki and welcome! I am so sorry you are feeling so unwell. Besides the biopsy results, did you GI give you any update on the status of your colon? What is your current treatment plan for your UC? I certainly hope you'll get your biopsy results sooner than later, and you and your GI can...