Any advice would be awesome!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 13, 2011
Hello, my name is Jennifer.
I have not been diagnosed with anything as of yet. I cannot even afford to go see a doctor anymore, can't even get medicaid. I have been experiencing slowly worsening symptoms of something for years. I did have my gall bladder out about three years ago and felt better for a while except the constant diarrhea. I didn't really think too much of it since I have always (most of my life that I can remember anyway) had to keep close to a bathroom or at least carry paper with me everywhere, I was extremely active in my younger years and was rarely indoors. now nineteen years and three kids later, not so much, gained a ton of weight. I managed to lose about 80 lbs seven-eight years ago, but when I moved to Texas is when everything started to decline health-wise. I stopped exercising because I did not want to further damage any joints and even my bones that began to hurt with exercise. I am now back to being quite large and slowly growing more so all the time. I have cut down on how much I eat, but my appetite has not really suffered at all. And my appetite is only second in my life to running to the bathroom. I have tried to see if I eat less I might run to the bathroom less, but alas, only difference is it burns even more. In the last few years my digestive system has been systematically getting worse. About four or five months ago I quit my job because my I was either nauseous or having stomach pains so often I could barely function without Vicodin. In the last several months my tummy has been swelling and cramping, I guess, very severely. I did go to a doctor that ran some blood tests and did an ultrasound and such but they said there was nothing wrong with me! Story of my life!!
For the last two years I have been taking Zantac 150 and four Imodium daily just to diminish the diarrhea and help with the hiney on fire issue. For the last two and a half weeks I have been downing the Vicodin like crazy curled up on the couch bawling like a baby, labor pains were not that bad! I received a free sample of Prilosec in the mail about 3 days ago and decided to replace the Zantac with that just to see what would happen. All the pain and swelling in my abdomen went away magically!!!!
Anyways I have been trying to research what could be wrong with me for quite some time now. Every doctor in town thinks I am just after pain meds. I also have a huge kidney stone about one and a quarter inches long by three quarters of an inch wide, or at least it is on my life-size x-ray, not really sure how big it is now, x-ray was a year ago, that can only be removed by surgery (which I can't afford and my left kidney aches all the time, no matter what, day or night always aches) and have sciatica and neck problems as well. So needless to say all these docs around here in broke-ville Texas will do for me is anti-depressants. I believe that Crohn's is the closest to my symptoms. I was also reading in one article that it may be the underlying cause of the gall and kidney stones and possibly the joint pain I have been suffering from for many many years.
I do know that potatoes are my best friend, tomato sauce is NOT, probably why I crave potatoes all the time, and I have found some herbal teas that help. I have also been diagnosed with diabetes. Seems the healthier I eat the worse my tummy gets. I am enjoying the respite that the Prilosec is giving me right now, but the directions say you can only take it for two weeks, then what?
IF anyone has any information that would help I would be forever grateful!!!!
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:welcome: to the forum. You do have alot of symptoms of Crohns and kidney stones are one of them. I also had my gallbladder out. It really hard to give you advice when you have no medical insurance and you have to get the kidney stones out. You could end up with Renal failure. Diabetes is not common but most get it after being on Prednisone. High fat diet causes stones, and dont forget that potatoes are a starch and sugar which in time will cause your diabetes to get worse.

All I can say to help the control of pain with kidney stones is you haveto drink alot of water. I am on nexium which does help my hiatus hernia and heartburn but I only take it up to 6 weeks at a time. It is a calcium eater. You really need to see a Gi you cant live on pain pills, that is not treatment. Sorry you have no insurance by having 3 kids isnt free.

People in the states do have a rough time with hospital visits. WE dont but if you dont have drug plans they are in the same boat. Sorry not much help. We are not doctors and not eveyone is the same. Keep us posted.
Hi there. Something stuck out to me, you said when you switch from zantac to prilosac things went away. This sticks out as gastritis. It doesn;t mean you don;t have crohns but without a doctor and colonoscopy theres no way to know for sure. Really though gastritis can make you feel really crummy as well and can often mimic crohns like symptoms.
Hi and welcome! Crohn's does sound like it could explain your issues. As you said, kidney stones and issues with the gall bladder are associated with Crohn's. Also, joint pain is, too. However, you'll never know for sure until you get the appropriate testing done.

You really need to see a GI and have a colonoscopy and/or endoscopy done. If you do in fact have Crohn's, you need appropriate treatment.

I really hope you can get some answers soon!
Contrary to what you think, you still have to evaluate what you are eating. You have gained too much weight to be eating truly healthy. What you put in is what dictates your state of health, for the most part. I am sure the diabetes will go away if you lose that weight as well. Something you are eating can be triggering that diarrhea. In order to stop it, I would suggest that you go on a week or two fast of only pure liquids (chicken broth, vegetable broth) and drink only herbal teas or water. That will not only clean out your system, but calm your stomach as well. Then, as you begin to eat, cut out the carbs (I know you like potatoes, but eliminate that as well for a month), eliminate breads/wheats/gluten, dairy, and see how your body responds. It may seem difficult to do so, but resting your body and then slowly seeing how it responds to foods w/o preservatives, etc. can help. Remember, some of the meds you are taking can also cause side effects as well. Drop weight, get back to exercising (even if it is only walking for 30 minutes) and you will get the blood circulating; which will help heal the body. I know from experience, as I went through that as well in my late teens/early 20's. Within minutes of eating I was running to the restroom. One thing to note is that you are not absorbing the nutrients from the food you are eating, so any vitamins you can take will help. Keep plugging away at it and you can do it. Figure out what is also stressing out your mind and address that steadily. The mind has much to do with belly trouble too, by adding stress to it.
Thanks for your responses

Thank you all for responding. Sorry I have taken so long to reply by my internet has been sketchy for the last few days.

PEN- I do try to drink lots of water, mostly these days in the form of some herbal tea or other. Mostly it's a dill and fennel mix hot tea, works fairly decent, at least it makes me burp ALOT and some of the pressure is relieved and I have less gas and bloating. I have heard of a program in the county that I live in that is privately funded and helps low income people. It takes a very long time to get approved though. I am going to try for that.

lookame- Thanks for your response. I have looked into the Gastritis, some things fit, but others don't. I guess I left out some details in my post. My stomach pain did cease and desist, but I still have pain in my lower abdomen. I was just so happy for my stomach to feel so much better! The pain and swelling are slowly coming back a little more each day :-(

xJillx- Thank you for you're support. I am working on applying for a program that is privately funded to help low income people. One of coworkers told me about it and that she used for her gall bladder surgery.

Mickey- Thank-you for the reminder about my diet. I have issues with cutting carbs, like I need to see a shrink type of issues, I love eating and baking.... Before all this started when I lost all that weight i did it by cutting carbs and walking up and down hills for hours pushing my 18 month old in her stroller. It was like I was young again I had so much energy I was almost vibrating all the time, could not hold still, was even doing other people laundry just to stay busy kind of thing. But, I was so stressed out over my marriage that I really couldn't eat even if I wanted to, I was nauseous for eight months straight.
I have made some changes to my diet for the diabetes, would love to exercise, but I just can't seem to, I am too afraid of the pain and would have to stop every five minutes to go to the potty anyway.

There is a couple of other unique things about me that I feel I should mention. My family has a history of very high tolerance to medicine, drugs or chemicals of any kind. ( such as the Prilosec is not working as well already). Vicodin is like a regular Tylenol for me. I can drink a fifth of whiskey and most people wouldn't be able to tell except that my face turns red ( I am Irish, Scottish, English and German) most of my family history that I know about consists of heavy drinkers, and I don't get hangovers. I am also prone to be allergic to just about anything that comes down the pike, like everything, cats, dogs, trees plants, whatever. The other thing is that I used to work out very heavily for years and years, for example, I can take a four hour walk, when I am OK enough and I won't even feel a thing the next day. I mean I used to take like a twelve mile jog after volley ball or softball practice and then riding my bike or my horse or even just be gone walking all day. was extremely active and as a result extremely hungry all the time. Had a large appetite then and never have been able to really lose it. I have tried, I do eat about 2/3ds less now that I ever have before. But, food is my happy place. Its what I do, and I can't seem to stop, not even for the pain it causes me. I realize this is a huge issue.
You acknowledged that when you were working out you felt great and now you are making excuses of why you can not work out? Be good to yourself and begin slowly, but every day. You will find many of your health issues going away as you address diet and exercise. You acknowledge that food is your happy place, but perhaps that is more your refuge, rather than addressing other issues? Please find a support group for yourself (Overeaters Anonymous, Weight Watchers, etc.) where you will find friends to help you through this. However, you do need to address the issues that are bothering you, or you will only keep this vicious circle. If not for yourself, please do so for your children. You are too young to give up on life and it is only passing on bad habits to the children. Be patient with yourself and consider each day a baby step. If YOU do not make a change, do not expect a change to happen.