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Dec 5, 2011
I have suffered from rectal bleeding when going to the toilet on and off for some years and still do and told by doctor it was probably a Fissure.

I started to suffer heartburn when I was about 45 years old (2000) and treated it with over the counter ant-acids. In April 2010 I started taking PPI’s which stopped the heartburn completely but soon afterwards I started to suffer from diarrhoea and still do. I have come off the PPI’s and tried Zantac but the diarrhoea continues and the heartburn comes back.
I was admitted to hospital in May 2011 after being sick continually for a day and very painful stomach cramps in the centre top and bottom of my abdomen. I was dripping with sweat, had a tempreture of 40c, low blood pressure and dehydration. Also at this time I suddenly became very cold and started shaking uncontrollably. I was put on a drip and was soon feeling much better, I received 8 bags in total.
Whilst in hospital I had x-rays blood tests and ultrasound. The ultrasound showed that I had a sluggish bowel and sludge in my gallbladder. Also I was told that although my blood test was ok when I was admitted it now showed a high liver function count and I had to stay in hospital a total of 10 days till it went back down. I was never given a reason for the sickness and stomach cramps.
In July 2011 I had a endoscopy and colonoscopy, the endoscopy showed slight acid damage and the colonoscopy did not show anything significant.
Later that month I saw my consultant and was told of the above findings and also there was a question about one of the biopsies suggesting that I may have microscopic colitis, although he needed to discuss it with his colleagues and he would see me again on October 7th.
Again on September 14th I was admitted to LGI with the same symptoms, this time I was in 2 days but again no reason could be found for my pain although I was told I had a raised inflammation count on my blood test and was asked to take another blood test at my own doctors which I did on the 19th September.
I kept my appointment with my consultant on the 7th October and when he heard I had been in Hospital again he was then convinced that my gallbladder is the problem and needs to come out as it could be life threatening. Obviously I was concerned about this as when I was in Hospital I was told that it was not my gallbladder as the pain would be on the right side.
He said the diarrhoea and acid are separate issues although he had still not had a word with his colleagues about whether the biopsies I had in July had shown microscopic colitis.

I then had to have a MRI scan on my bile duct which showed a shadow.

Then on Sunday 13th of November I had another bout of being sick and stomach cramps.
I went straight to Hospital and after being admitted I had a CT scan on Tuesday morning
Which showed inflammation of the small bowel and I was told the next day I had Crohns Disease (99%). I was put on a seven week course of steroids (Prenisolone).
The next Tuesday 22nd I had another Colonoscopy (Biopsies small bowel), and although they could see the inflammation they could not reach it to take a biopsies.
I left hospital on Wednesday 23rd November and had to go back the next day for another endoscopy (Bile Duct).
Friday 9th of December I went as an outpatient to see another consultant, and was told that I didn’t need anything doing to my gall bladder at this time and it must have been a shadow on the MRI scan.
I was put on some new tablets (azathioprine) which I slowly build up the dosage while I withdraw from the steroids. I will have to have regular blood tests while on the drug as they can affect white blood cells and Liver function.
From a week after I came out of hospital I didn’t feel too bad but since then although the bleeding and diarrhoea have mostly stopped I am extremely tired all the time and can fall asleep at the drop of a hat.

That's where I am at the moment.:frown:
welcome to the forum!! Don't worry everything will get better! I have had a similar couple of months. This forum has been the BEST resource I have found, everyone here is super friendly, funny and full of really good information.

Now that they know what you have it makes it a lot easier to treat. Good luck and I hope you start to feel better!!
Hi curlywatts and welcome! I am sorry about all you have been through, but at least now you got some answers as to what was the cause. It sounds like your current treatment plan is a keeper, being that bleeding and D has basically stopped.

You may want to check out the Imuran/Aza/6-MP subforum to talk with others taking the same treatment.

I hope you continue to improve - Good Luck!
Hey Curlywatts you made it! Glad you got here ok. You have been through alot and we are all different in meds and pain and symptoms. Most times is a trial and error. Sometimes diets help but I did the holistic route religiously and did not find any change. I hope you are getting well and keep us updated! :welcome: