New to this forum, Hello

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Dec 8, 2011

I am new to this forum, but I'm thinking you caught that in my title and yet I repeated it anyway and chose not to edit it out, yeah, I'm a dork.

I am currently 44, Dx Crohns 2006 (Symptoms began requiring surgery in 2000), Fybromyalgia 2008, Tardive Dyskenisia 2009

I have been on another forum and recently someone mentioned this one and when I saw the traffic numbers here I was a amazed, what a wealth of help to be had.

I look forward to posting in the future where I can, but every time I look at one of your threads, 15 other people already answered the same way I would have, glad to throw in my two cents where needed.

Gotta look into adding a sig so you can see my meds and stuff, if I can, I admit I havent studied this forums a capabilities yet, but I love the GUI buttons for "mood" types.

Anway Cya all Soon
Welcome! You're right, you never have to worry about asking a question because somebody will always be able to help you out. I'm glad you found this site and I hope to see you around!
Hi Jon and welcome to the forum. There is a lot of info and support to be had here and I think everyone is so welcoming. How are you doing now? Hopefully things are going well?
Welcome to the forum, Jon! Yes, our forum is VERY active. I have tried one other recently expecting it to be like ours, and I was quite dissappointed. No other is like ours! I think you'll really find it helpful. Make yourself at home, Jon!

How is your Crohn's at the moment? What is your current treatment plan?